Süre                : 1 Saat 32 dakika
Çıkış Tarihi     : 23 Mart 2016 Çarşamba, Yapım Yılı : 2016
Türü                : Komedi,Cinayet,Heyecanlı
Ülke                : ABD
Yapımcı          :  Helios Productions (II) , Mythmaker Productions , Sawhorse Productions
Yönetmen       : Conor Allyn (IMDB)(ekşi)
Senarist          : James Jurdi (IMDB)
Oyuncular      : James Jurdi (IMDB), Jessica Clark (IMDB), Rob Lowe (IMDB), Burt Reynolds (IMDB)(ekşi), Christos Vasilopoulos (IMDB), Logan Fahey (IMDB), Ken Davitian (IMDB)(ekşi), Caitlin Gerard (IMDB)(ekşi), Kwesi Boakye (IMDB), Noel Gugliemi (IMDB), Frederick Cipoletti (IMDB), Alejandro Salomon (IMDB), Monique Kairouz (IMDB), Adam Wylie (IMDB), Jim Lau (IMDB), Keye Chen (IMDB), Troy Vincent (IMDB), Fernando Aldaz (IMDB), Jessica Morris (IMDB), Sean Mann (IMDB), Christiana Leucas (IMDB), Mark Archuleta (IMDB), Greg Duncan (IMDB), Darius Devontaye Green (IMDB), Gian Franco Tordi (IMDB), Casey O'Keefe (IMDB), Jake Allyn (IMDB), Sean Michael Arthur (IMDB), Claudia Fijal (IMDB), Jenna Haze (IMDB), Trent Garrett (IMDB), Julien Skye (IMDB), Mariko Van Kampen (IMDB), Sara Hedgren (IMDB), Sheila Jenkins (IMDB), Emily Lopato (IMDB), Lisa Marie (IMDB), Maggie Parto (IMDB), Vince Romo (IMDB), David Ulmer (IMDB)

Pocket Listing (~ For $ale: Haus mit Pool und Leiche) ' Filminin Konusu :
Pocket Listing is a movie starring James Jurdi, Jessica Clark, and Rob Lowe. Double crosses, adultery, murder, mistaken identity, and revenge ensue when a mysterious power player and his sultry wife hire a disgraced Los Angeles...

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    albümlerine ismini veren deus parçası. sözlerini de yazayım tam olsun.

    there's no rules here
    i been making stuff up from the beginning
    how i feel today
    for all my sinning

    i'm just a lonely boy
    would you be my enemy
    i'm finding little joy in repetition
    this routine they call destiny

    when you put me down
    revenge is the first thing on my mind
    but that's just stupid, man
    i need a better plan
    delicate and refined
    between the thunder and lightning
    there is a gap

    i should have listened to the warning
    i would have seen the trap

    can you feel it
    when all is struck, right
    in front of you
    can you heal it
    it's gonna take a revolution now
    to get through to you

    you don't know what you're destroying

    i got all qualities of a stalker
    i'm right behind you
    don't dare me now
    i'm a faster walker
    i'm right on top of you
    i'm just a lonely boy
    would you keep me company
    you keep me on my toes
    you get me going
    when i'm weak

    can you feel it
    when all is struck
    in front of you
    can you heal it
    it's gonna take a revolution now
    to get through to you
    can you see it
    the sky has lit up
    exposing you
    can you heal it
    are you gonna be found out
    or is it something you

    you don't know what you're destroying

    watch me wallowing in sweet denial
    teach me to win and lose
    i been waiting it's a slow arrival
    wash it over me
    and clean my soul
    i give control...

    (isobel - 9 Şubat 2011 14:03)

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    *12 eylul 2005'te yayinlanacagi duyurulan, fakat soulseek'te dolasima girmis bulunan, yeni deus uzuncalari. deniz dibindeki* heyecandan uzakmis, gurultuler o kadar guzel degilmis, miriltilar eksikmis... derken, sarkilar oyle bir suya akiyor ki bu sefer, sonu* yine sersemlik.
    "guvertede oturuyorum. hava karardi, yine de sicak. orkestra caliyor. limonata ismarladim."**
    (bkz: nothing really ends)
    (bkz: deus)

    (zebercet - 15 Temmuz 2005 22:07)

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    12 eylul 2005 i inatla beklememe ragmen , benden once binlerce insanin dinleme olanagi buldugunu dusunup dayanamadim ve ben de sevgili deus a ihanet ederek emule dan indirdim. harry potter and the half blooded prince in emule da dolanan sahte versiyonlari gibi , sahte bir albumle karsilasacagimdan korkmadim degil. ama iste burada kendisi, yillardir beklenen deus un yeni albumu su an bilgisayarimda ve kulaklarimda.
    track listing su sekilde:
    bad timing
    7 days 7 weeks
    start stop nature
    if you dont get what you want
    what we talk about
    include me out
    pocket revolution
    night shopping
    cold sun of circumstance
    the real sugar
    sun ra
    nothing really ends

    albumun acilis parcasi bana biraz put the freaks up fromt u animsatti. parcanin kendisi olarak degil ama albumun acilis parcasi basarisi olarak ve ardindan bakin daha neler geliyor , bir bilseniz havasi verdigi icin.
    if you dont get what you want ise albumun ilk single i ve grup 2004 yazinda verdigi konserlerde zaten bu parcayi seyirciyle tanistirmisti. severek dinliyoruz kendisini.
    nothing really ends bildigimiz nothing really ends , ve bu albumun sonuna koymus olmalari acaba biz daha bitmiyoruz merak etmeyin mi demek istiyor dinleyenine..yoksa yoksa yakinlarda baska bir album daha mi gelecek acaba diye ben sahsen umutlandim(?)
    evet yeni album soulseek te dolanmaya basladi , evet biz de indirdik, fakat buna yem olmamak ve album piyasaya cikinca gidip satin almak ve albumu listelerde yukseltmek boynumuzun borcudur.

    (sirius black - 20 Temmuz 2005 14:00)

Yorum Kaynak Link : pocket revolution