• "hbo'da 19 şubat'ta başlayacak."
  • "(bkz: modern sabahlar)"
  • "ricky gervais'in rahatsız edici kahkahalarının olduğunu göstermiş show'dur"
  • "linkini buldurun lan allahsızlar dedirten dizi. çizgidizi. artık herneyse."
  • "(bkz: #21868904)"
  • "adı karl pilkington show olması gereken yapıt. ricky gervaisin kahkahaları haricinde inanılmaz güzel."
  • "ingiliz mutfağından sonra ada'dan çıkmış en korkunç şey."
  • "3. sezonu 20 nisan 2012'de hbo'da baslayacak olan dizi"
  • "alt yazilarini bulursam damardan alacagim dizi."
  • "aslinda adi "the karl pilkington show" olucakmis ama yanlislik olmus sanirim. (bkz: swh)"

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    muhabbet ricky gervais, stephen merchant ve karl pilkington arasında xfm'deki 23 kasım 2002 tarihli the ricky gervais show'da geçmektedir. karl'ın educating ricky adında küçük bir bölümü vardır. enteresan ve saçma olaylar anlatır. konu başlığı olarak "is the tip included?" cümlesini seçen bald headed miserable twat *, büyük ihtimalle yazın türkiyede gittiği otelin salonundaki sünnet düğünlerinden gelen gürültüleri duymuş ve olayı yanlış anlamıştır;

    karl:in turkey...

    steve: nice.

    k: it's not actually. that's where i went, and there was little fellas after suzanne * in the kitchen.

    ricky: what? what do you mean?

    k: we stayed in there. we went to turkey

    ricky güler.

    s: you went to turkey and there were some little fellas.

    k: well... they had quite a few midgets working in the kitchen

    r: why? is it a theme holiday?

    k: i don't know. they might be cheaper or something

    s: they're getting cheaper?

    k: they were working in the kitchen and one of them fancied suzanne. kept sort of eyeing her up. and she was winding me up saying...

    s: what was she doing in the kitchen?

    k: no it's like a pick what you want to eat type buffet. but you have people clearing the tables and that, ready for you to come along.

    r: where they low tables? (dalga geçer)

    k: and you know he was just keeping an eye on her

    r: what did he say though?

    k: he was turkish. so i don't know what he was saying.

    r: what do you mean little fella?

    k: sort of dwarf like.

    r: what do you mean dwarf like. he had magic powers? or he was four foot? what do you mean karl?

    k: a little bloke. just like a normal bloke but small. if he stood in the desert you wouldnt know!

    ricky ve steve gülmekten altlarına zıçmaya başlarlar.

    r: you can't just say there was a little midget fella who was eyeing up my girlfriend and leave it. what do you mean(masaya vurur)? what was happening. this is a story to us. this is much more interesting,, to us than she was deaf right and she hit her head. that's much more interesting

    s: i don't understand how he manifested himself. did he come over and say something?

    k: no. do you know... you know when it's like girls know don't they? when someone fancies them.

    r: what do you mean there was lot's of them.

    s: do they? that's worth knowing.

    r: you went into this holiday yeah. and you went into the dining room or something?

    k: yeah. downstairs

    r: and you looked over...

    s: he thought this is oh! there is no one serving. wait a minute? (karl'la taşak geçer)

    r: hold on! you looked down. there was a little waiter.

    k: there was loads of them running around busy.

    r: why? (çıldırır)

    k: it is summer.

    r: what do you mean?

    s: they come out in summer.

    r: what do you mean they had more...

    k: because it's busy isn't it.

    s: they hide in winter.

    r: why were they all midgets?

    k: i don't know. maybe the heat stops you grow or something (oha!)

    r: nooo!

    k: well they just happen... maybe it was a thing that they did for tourists or something. i don't know. i just got on with me my meal. it was a holiday. do you know what i mean.

    ricky kahkaha atar

    r: go on.

    s: so midgets serving. i'm not gonna ask any question.

    r: right. okay. yeah.

    k: so they're all little fellas running around and this one always was like you know "do you want a new serviette (garson'u taklit eder)". do you know what i mean. going out of his way.

    r: ooooohhh charming.

    k:yeah he was going out of his way, the others weren't

    s: right. i think what was happening is he been working with santa, all the winter.

    r: or this one was your waiter and he was being polite to you.

    k: maybe. maybe. maybe...

    r: but what did suzanne say then.

    k: well she just kept me winding up

    r: what was she sayin'.

    k: it's like "look"...

    r: he may be small but he is built like a...

    s: yeah he is all man.

    k: so....

    s: were jealous of a midget then

    k: he is a bit annoying ain't it?

    r: why?

    k: it wouldn't bother me much now cause i've been with her for ages. but at that time we had been having one of our first holidays. like what's going on i pay for this holiday.

    r: and then you get of with the midget.

    k: so anyway.

    s: but it doesn't matter cause you've been trained by a bearded lady

    ricky güler

    k: i tell you what... no that's got nothing to do with that.

    rick ve steve kopar.

    r: what were you gonna say.

    şarkıya girip ara verirler. ikinci perde;

    r: so turkey yeah. so what's this again?

    k: apparently a fella was on holiday in turkey (artık taşağı bırakmaları için hikayede şekil değişikliğine gider). just having a normal holiday. weather's good, you know he is having a good time.

    r: waiters are all in normal height.

    k: yeah yeah. um... he is having his meal. he hears loads of screaming going on in the kitchen

    r: hmmm

    s: is his girlfriend i wonder in there

    k: and they circumsize people in the kitchen and apparently.... (karl'ın düşünce sistemi burada ortaya çıkmaktadır)

    r: what are you talking about? (rickyde olayın saçmalığını anlamıştır)

    s: wow wow wow slow down

    r: sorry what are you talking about. i'm excited about two things in once here. one, they circumsize people in the kitchen. two i was guessing someone was losing the end of their knob. i started thinking like karl pilkington

    s: extraordinary.

    r: that's amazing.

    k: apparently it was going on. it wasn't just a one of either. well when i say one of i mean they did all in once right... he was there for a week and apparently the first night it was quiet, and then the rest of the week everyday it'd be like having his breakfast, even his lunch or even his tea. they'd be doing it all day. you'd be hearing screaming.

    s: circumsizion in tea time

    r: yeah don't do that

    k: apparently it is a tradition over there. you can't even make a complaint about it. it' like "well... you should have find out before you come over here"

    r: see i can't believe this is true

    s: sorry i'm a little bit lost. in a restaurant in a hotel. and there were people having circumsizions in the kitchen

    k: yeah.

    s: is that right?

    r: i, i, i'm even worried that we are bordering on the racist (ciddi anlamda hiç bir kuralı takmayan ricky özürlülerle, çirkinlerle ve hemen her şeyle dalga geçen ricky ırkçılık yaptıklarından tırsmıştır) here suggesting that is tradition that turkish people cut the end of their cocks off in the kitchen. at meal times. i think you're wrong karl.

    s: this sounds ludicrous karl.

    k: no. i don't think it happens everywhere. i think...

    s: right

    r: only in this hotel

    k: certain places.

    s: (güler) certain hotels.

    k: certain hotels yes.

    s: what like three star.

    r: "why did he go to the foreskin?" it was his own fault wasn't it.

    k: so that's...

    r: sorry that's it isn't it. that's the story. you educated me. right. once a fella saw some turkish people, cutting the tip of their knob off in the kitchen. thanks very much karl. got anymore...

    k: the things you can learn from it either don't go to turkey

    r: no!

    k: don't have calamari when you're over there...

    ricky ve steve haklı olarak koparlar

    r: karl you've done it again.

    turbo 911'in katkılarıyla, muhabbetin geçtiği kısım

    (soujiro - 21 Ocak 2010 17:31)

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    güzel olmuş gibi görünüyor şimdilik. animasyon çoğunlukla sadece elemanların görüntülerinden oluşuyor ama konuyla beraber konsepte uygun animasyonlara geçmeleri fena değil, eğlendiriyor. muhabbet zaten güzel, hepsi de pek bir komik zaten amcaların. zamanında ricky gervais'in podcastlerini indirip indirip başlamaya üşenmiştim, bahaneyle onlara da girişmiş oldum (sayılır), iyi de oldu hani.

    (everlong - 22 Şubat 2010 01:12)

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    ricky gervais, stephen merchant ve karl pilkington kişilerinin dünyada dinlenme rekoru kırıp guiness rekorlar kitabına girdikleri podcastlerinin animasyonlar ile televizyona uyarlanmış hali. bir süredir ricky gervais'i takip etmeye başladıktan sonra dedim buna da bulaşayım ve ilk üç bölüm itibarıyla bulaştığıma çok memnunum. program tabii ki karl pilkington'ın çeşitli konular hakkında yaptığı akıl almaz abukluktaki, insanın gülmekten karnına sancılar saplayan yorumlarına ve gervais-merchant ikilisinin pilkington ile taşak geçmesi üzerine dayalı ve diyaloglar inanılmaz eğlenceli hallere girebiliyor.

    üç tane ingiliz aksanıyla konuşan adamın, anıra anıra gülerek cehaleti itin götüne soktukları bir program amerikan seyircisi tarafından tutulur mu bilemiyorum ancak, devam ettiği sürece takip edilmesinde "mizahi fayda" (artık bundan ne anlarsanız) var diye düşünüyorum.

    (911 turbo - 12 Mart 2010 01:19)

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    gün geçtikçe karl'ın paralel evrenlerin birinden olduğuna daha çok inanmaya başladım. bi insan aynı anda bu kadar normal ve bu kadar kopuk olamaz. aptal falan değil bu adam, bariz şekilde paralel evrenden geliyor arada.
    programda ricky ve stephen'ın en çok söylediği iki cümle:
    1. i don't know what you mean.
    2. what are you talking about?

    biz de onlara aynen katılıyoruz, ne demek istiyosun sen karl insanı?

    severek seyrediyoruz...

    (dedektifcheyrek - 3 Nisan 2011 06:52)

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    karl pilkington için izlenecek şov. karl pilkington'un doğaçlama saçmaladığına eminim, fakat ricky gervais de gerçekten doğaçlama mı takılıyor, yoksa senaryo üzerine mi o kadar yarılarak gülüyor çok merak etmekteyim.

    (bilens - 2 Temmuz 2012 10:35)

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    karl'in mutamadiyen yardirdigi program. bukalemunlara ugur dundar tarzi "ormandan bi yere ayrilmayin, guvende kalin" tarzi tavsiyesinden, ricky gervais'in "biz insanlar %98,6 oraninda sempanze ile genetik benzerlik tasiyoruz, sadece %1,4'luk bir fark var" bilgisine "o fark kesin gotten kaynaklaniyordur" cevabina kadar basli basina programi bu zamana kadar izlenen en komik programlar arasina sokmaya yeter.

    bukalemun muhabbeti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reht_stcpew
    sempanze muhabbeti: http://youtu.be/ne3qxy4jyzm?t=8m40s

    (what the hell - 25 Aralık 2012 01:01)

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    keyifsiz zamanlarda, ne filmlerle ne müzikle ne de sosyalleşmeyle işin olmadığı zamanlarda saatlerce o radyo programları teker teker dinlenirdi. şaşırtıcı şekilde yatıştırıcıydı. efexor feat. pilkington

    (ravisler - 17 Kasım 2014 13:09)

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