Men in War (~ Savasan Kahramanlar) ' Filminin Konusu : Men in War is a movie starring Robert Ryan, Aldo Ray, and Robert Keith. During the Korean War, a battle-worn lieutenant and his platoon are behind enemy lines, and have orders to march to Hill 465 for possible relief.
Panny z Wilka(1979)(7,6-993)
Les disparus de St. Agil(1938)(7,5-702)
Les orgueilleux(1953)(7,4-698)
Sea Sorrow(2017)(7,0-231)
Ceux qui font les révolutions à moitié n'ont fait que se creuser un tombeau(2017)(6,9-308)
Poulet au vinaigre(1985)(6,7-1302)
The Naked and the Dead(1958)(6,4-1047)
Les beaux jours(2013)(6,3-1426)