Izpiti po nikoe vreme (~ Ah! Aftes oi exetaseis!) ' Filminin Konusu : Izpiti po nikoe vreme is a movie starring Dimitar Ganev, Wojciech Todorow, and Ani Bakalova. Two stories, different characters, common problems, when the wills and desires of two generations cannot meet.
Vasko da Gama ot selo Rupcha(1986)(9,0-285)
Taralezhite se razhdat bez bodli(1971)(8,6-333)
Bash maistorat(0)(8,4-191)
Kuche v chekmedzhe(1982)(8,1-371)
Ritzar bez bronya(1966)(7,9-272)
Gore na chereshata(1984)(7,7-85)