Soför Nebahat (~ Nebahat, the Driver) ' Filminin Konusu : Soför Nebahat is a movie starring Sezer Sezin, Kenan Pars, and Diclehan Baban. Following the death of her taxi driver father, Nebahat has to choose between poverty and being a driver herself. Despite the troubles caused by her...
Sevmek Zamani(1965)(8,3-3216)
Susuz Yaz(1963)(8,1-2984)
Yilanlarin Öcü(1962)(7,8-837)
Karanlik dünya(1952)(7,2-55)
Aci hayat(1962)(7,2-322)
Intikam Melegi/Kadin Hamlet(1976)(7,0-164)
Keloglan ile Cankiz(1972)(6,0-1059)
Soför Nebahat(1970)(5,3-161)