How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change ' Filminin Konusu : How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change is a movie starring Lester Brown, Ella Chou, and Tim DeChristopher. Documentarian Josh Fox ("Gasland") travels the globe to meet with global climate change...
Gasland Part II(2013)(7,7-1496)
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dilerim!• averting the climate crisis• simplicity sells• greening the ghetto• do schools kill creativity?• the best stats you've ever seen• why we do what we do• behind the design of seattle's library• letting go of god• a life of purpose• let's teach religion -- all religion -- in schools• my wish: a call for open-source architecture• my wish: a global day of film• my wish: help me stop pandemics• one laptop per child• the radical promise of the multi-touch interface• ımprovising on piano, aged 14• an 11-year-old's magical violin• organic design, inspired by nature• simple designs to save a life• the birth of wikipedia• the birth of the open-source learning revolution• nerdcore comedy• meet the founder of the blog revolution• happiness in body and soul• why we love, why we cheat• chemical scum that dream of distant quasars• why the universe seems so strange• choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce• the freakonomics of crack dealing• the surprising science of happiness• the paradox of choice• meet the future of cancer research• a roadmap to end aging• how mobile phones can fight poverty• ınvest in africa's own solutions• how to rebuild a broken state• why we should invest in a free press• why did ı ski to the north pole?• the real future of space exploration• my wish: manufactured landscapes and green education• my wish: three unusual medical inventions• my wish: three actions for africa• how juries are fooled by statistics• why people believe weird things• how technology evolves• the accelerating power of technology• fight injustice with raw video• 8 secrets of success• the killer american diet that's sweeping the planet• ıf ı controlled the ınternet• global priorities bigger than climate change• the hidden world of shadow cities• dreams from endangered cultures• photos of endangered cultures• ıs this our final century?• progress is not a zero-sum game• the era of open innovation• how the "ghost map" helped end a killer disease• a dance of "symbiosis"• four 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song, "manhattan in january"• the electricity metaphor for the web's future• a mockingbird remix of ted2006• what you've got• kiteflyer's hill• militant atheism• la vie en rose• why would god create a tsunami?• a comic sendup of ted2006• technology's long tail• cape breton fiddling in reel time• the genesis of google• black men ski• the ghastly tragedy of the suburbs• human-centered design• what squatter cities can teach us• how brain science will change computing• swim with the giant sunfish• salvation (and profit) in greentech• how photosynth can connect the world's images• want to help africa? do business here• rethink the desktop with bumptop• we can be buddhas• a memorial at ground zero• let's rethink america's military strategy• a string quartet plays "blue room"• tour microsoft's virtual earth• new insights on poverty• ı'm going to the moon. who's with me?• dangerous memes• the potential of regenerative medicine• the web's secret stories• flip your thinking on aıds in africa• 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creativity• playing with dna that self-assembles• a critical look at geoengineering against climate change• using biology to rethink the energy challenge• the case for optimism• the sticky wonder of gecko feet• the fractals at the heart of african designs• design and destiny• beauty, truth and ... physics?• winning the oil endgame• a performance of "mathemagic"• why aren't we more compassionate?• the lost art of letter-writing• 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do• tales of passion• we're worried about local warming ... in your lap• the emergent genius of ant colonies• the mystery box• underwater astonishments• treat design as art• a master architect asks, now what?• tembererana• rebuilding a neighborhood with beauty, dignity, hope• the life-long learner• the music wars• an unusual glimpse at celebrity• ted's nonprofit transition• the idea behind zipcar (and what comes next)• a song of the city• an illustrated journey through rome• a plant's-eye view• the new power of 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everything• ınstitutions vs. collaboration• mother of pearl, "ıf ı had you"• let's look for life in the outer solar system• the brain in love• on technology and faith• my year of living biblically• brain magic• the new era of positive psychology• the wonder of zulu wire art• on humanity• a dig for humanity's origins• the web as art• a tour of modern architecture• the next 5,000 days of the web• a computer that works like the brain• the math and magic of origami• blindfold origami and cello• shedding light on dark matter• a family tree for humanity• how photography connects us• close-up card magic with a twist• dog-friendly dog training• the dog song• great piano performances, recreated• kids can teach themselves• how ı became an activist• a talking, squawking parrot• dna folding, in detail• our next giant leap• the web is more than "better tv"• what we think we know• how humans and animals can live together• how to survive a nuclear attack• a free digital library• life in the deep 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invisible• what hallucination reveals about our minds• wait ıt out• the web as random acts of kindness• how the net aids dictatorships• how ı harnessed the wind• photographs of secret sites• a third way to think about aid• mapping the future of countries• designers -- think big!• let's revive the golden rule• how spectroscopy could reveal alien life• the power of time off• how food shapes our cities• tribal leadership• the danger of a single story• optical illusions show how we see• claim your "manspace"• new york -- before the city• robots that "show emotion"• life lessons from an ad man• a brain in a supercomputer• the 4 ways sound affects us• the post-crisis consumer• animating a photo-real digital face• lead like the great conductors• 1.3m reasons to re-invent the syringe• navigating our global future• a new way to explain explanation• architecture that repairs itself?• the year ı was homeless• symmetry, reality's riddle• the modern euphonium• how the ınternet enables intimacy• the 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energy's future• what's the right thing to do?• engineering a better life for all• my message of peace from pakistan• my solar-powered adventure• the neurons that shaped civilization• exposing the invisible• how to live to be 100+• the real danger lurking in the water• really achieving your childhood dreams• an all-star set• the uniqueness of humans• what bernie madoff couldn't steal from me• how we rescued the "dancing bears"• kids, take charge• making maps to fight disaster, build economies• stories of haiti• all things are moleeds• how ı held my breath for 17 minutes• 10 young ındian artists to watch• growing new organs• rhythm is everything, everywhere• growing up in the universe• what teachers make• your health depends on where you live• building a theater that remakes itself• embrace your inner girl• a warm embrace that saves lives• weird, or just different?• the fringe benefits of failure• solving social problems with a nudge• the big idea my brother inspired• a lab the size of a postage stamp• a new strategy in the war on cancer• the painter and the pendulum• how to expose the corrupt• teach every child about food• augmented-reality maps• the next age of government• the opportunity of adversity• ınnovating to zero!• technology's epic story• four ways to fix a broken legal system• the wireless future of medicine• the world needs all kinds of minds• how brains learn to see• my 5 lives as an artist• watch me play ... the audience!• the riddle of experience vs. memory• the rise of cricket, the rise of ındia• ıs pivot a turning point for web exploration?• physics is fun to imagine• before avatar ... a curious boy• plug into your hard-wired happiness• ın the ınternet age, dance evolves ...• the year open data went worldwide• take turns• how ı fell in love with a fish• do what you love (no excuses!)• the magic of the placebo• suspended animation is within our grasp• parrots, the universe and everything• take health care off the mainframe• gaming can make a better world• medical miracle on everest• we are the stories we tell ourselves• science can answer moral questions• the fight to end rare-animal trafficking in brazil• let's simplify legal jargon!• why we need to go back to mars• why ı do theater• music is medicine, music is sanity• how to combat modern slavery• teaching one child at a time• and now, the real news• how to start a movement• what adults can learn from kids• when games invade real life• sex, drugs and hıv -- let's get rational• the emotion behind invention• my seven species of robot -- and how we created them• every pollen grain has a story• singing old poems to life• the danger of science denial• photos that changed the world• the tradeoffs of building green• how art gives shape to cultural change• a choir as big as the ınternet• homeopathy, quackery and fraud• glowing life in an underwater world• bio-lab on a microchip• build a tower, build a team• political change with pen and paper• radical women, embracing tradition• computing a theory of all knowledge• toward a science of simplicity• why ı'm rowing across the pacific• lies, damned lies and statistics (about tedtalks)• social experiments to fight poverty• how great leaders inspire action• how we wrecked the ocean• ındia's hidden hotbeds of invention• love ıs a loaded pistol• the hidden influence of social networks• could this laser zap malaria?• glimpses of a pristine ocean• math class needs a makeover• ıt's time for "the talk"• why believe in others• can we eat to starve cancer?• why ı'm a weekday vegetarian• pay attention to penguins• planning for the end of oil• watch me unveil "synthetic life"• bring on the learning revolution!• lessons from fashion's free culture• ınside a school for suicide bombers• hıv and flu -- the vaccine strategy• songs of secrets and city lights• re-examining the remix• pointing to the future of uı• the ocean's glory -- and horror• the case for anonymity online• why we need the explorers• how to engineer a viral music video• the lost art of democratic debate• how poachers became caretakers• sweat the small stuff• debate: does the world need nuclear energy?• how architecture helped music evolve• the pattern behind self-deception• how youtube thinks about copyright• the intriguing sound of marine mammals• let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs• fighting cancer with dance• measuring what makes life worthwhile• ıntricate beauty by design• education innovation in the slums• a second opinion on developmental disorders• legos for grownups• how cognitive surplus will change the world• retrofitting suburbia• hidden toxins in the fish we eat• a 3d atlas of the universe• don't build your home, grow it!• fractals and the art of roughness• obesity + hunger = 1 global food issue• life science in prison• global population growth, box by box• the oil spill's unseen villains -- and victims• when ideas have sex• listening to global voices• the politics of fiction• why the world needs wikileaks• superheroes inspired by ıslam• how we found hundreds of potential earth-like planets• a headset that reads your brainwaves• the bio-future of joint replacement• the art of choosing• what matters more than your talents• wiring an interactive ocean• a monkey economy as irrational as ours• my mind-shifting everest swim• how big brands can help save biodiversity• the case for same-sex marriage• our century's greatest injustice• meet milo, the virtual boy• the axis of evil middle east comedy tour• did you hear the one about the ıranian-american?• the game layer on top of the world• the beauty of data visualization• the empathic civilization• ınside an antarctic time machine• learning from sherman the shark• the political chemistry of oil• what physics taught me about marketing• the happy planet ındex• let the environment guide our development• the technology of the heart• keep your goals to yourself• the world's oldest living things• the child-driven education• art of substance and absence• an independent diplomat• this is broken• why the live arts matter• discovering ancient climates in oceans and ice• how web video powers global innovation• our natural sleep cycle is nothing like what we do now• how social networks predict epidemics• hurdy-gurdy for beginners• how pig parts make the world turn• where good ideas come from• mothers helping mothers fight hıv• why ı am an hıv/aıds activist• shh! sound health in 8 steps• the shape-shifting future of the mobile phone• the early birdwatchers• the quantified self• ı am my connectome• bringing peace to the minds of afghanistan• how mr. condom made thailand a better place for life and love• are mushrooms the new plastic?• an economic reality check• tagging tuna in the deep ocean• the good news of the decade? we're winning the war against child mortality• the best gift ı ever survived• the roots of plant intelligence• what nonprofits can learn from coca-cola• when bad engineering makes a natural disaster even worse• the art of the eco-mindshift• my web playroom• a message to gay teens: ıt gets better• poverty, money -- and love• the brain in your gut• tough truths about plastic pollution• the power of cartoons• (nothing but) flowers with string quartet• breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products• global power shifts• sustainable seafood? let's get smart• natural pest control ... using bugs!• glorious visions in animation and performance• 7 ways games reward the brain• e-voting without fraud• saving the ocean one island at a time• re-engineering the brain• a one-man orchestra of the imagination• teaching design for change• the path to ending ethnic conflicts• america's native prisoners of war• making global labor fair• simplifying complexity• teaching kids real math with computers• a darwinian theory of beauty• what a bike ride can teach you• my green school dream• making law on the high seas• protecting the brain against concussion• women, wartime and the dream of peace• why work doesn't happen at work• creative houses from reclaimed stuff• what's wrong with our food system• the walk from "no" to "yes"• why not eat insects?• how ı taught rats to sniff out land mines• a vision for sustainable restaurants• a feminine response to ıceland's financial crash• a call to men• a police chief with a difference• how to learn? from mistakes• new data on the rise of women• let's talk parenting taboos• the case for collaborative consumption• changing education paradigms• life lessons from big cats• why we have too few women leaders• 3 stories of local eco-entrepreneurship• the power of vulnerability• using our practical wisdom• how to succeed? get more sleep• on reading the koran• your brain on improv• a test that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it's not available to you• the 3 a's of awesome• a realistic vision for world peace• we are all cyborgs now• how ı built a toaster -- from scratch• take "the other" to lunch• gaming to re-engage boys in learning• addicted to risk• singing after a double lung transplant• the economic injustice of plastic• visualizing the medical data explosion• silicon-based comedy• understanding the rise of china• ıt's time to redesign medical data• drawing on humor for change• know thyself, with a brain scanner• the council of dads• reviving new york's rivers -- with oysters!• we are makers• social media and the end of gender• are we born to run?• poems of war, peace, women, power• how to make work-life balance work• the rise of personal robots• mother and daughter doctor-heroes• using nature's genius in architecture• a whistleblower you haven't heard• reconnecting with compassion• the linguistic genius of babies• ınspiring a life of immersion• the future of business is the "mesh"• on being a woman and a diplomat• how to use experts -- and when not to• saving faces: a facial surgeon's craft• curating humanity's heritage• understanding cancer through proteomics• a modern take on piano, violin, cello• a historic moment in the arab world• my wish: use art to turn the world inside out• ınside the egyptian revolution• how state budgets are breaking us schools• printing a human kidney• this isn't her mother's feminism• let's use video to reinvent education• the birth of a word• how to keep rivers and streams flowing• the social animal• the sound the universe makes• a life lesson from a volunteer firefighter• why light needs darkness• ıf ı should have a daughter ...• the magic washing machine• evolution's gift of play, from bonobo apes to humans• ıt's time to question bio-engineering• human exoskeletons -- for war and healing• singing the primal mystery• don't insist on english!• cracking stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon• the genius puppetry behind war horse• google's driverless car• a virtual choir 2,000 voices strong• hands-on science with squishy circuits• everyday compassion at google• listen, learn ... then lead• the greatest ted talk ever sold• the invention that unlocked a locked-in artist• a song inspired by the ocean• looking past limits• the history of our world in 18 minutes• the antidote to apathy• remaking my voice• open-sourced blueprints for civilization• transplant cells, not organs• a radical experiment in empathy• on being wrong• teaching with the world peace game• what it takes to do extreme astrophysics• 3 things ı learned while my plane crashed• are we ready for neo-evolution?• the security mirage• using nature to grow batteries• a next-generation digital book• turning trash into toys for learning• the mothers who found forgiveness, friendship• beware online "filter bubbles"• architecture that senses and responds• grow your own clothes• distant time and the hint of a multiverse• the hidden beauty of pollination• animal tales from icy wonderlands• silk, the ancient material of the future• the hidden power of smiling• building a museum of museums on the web• my friend richard feynman• a light switch for neurons• building the seed cathedral• the mystery of chronic pain• the weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence• how to tie your shoes• gotta share!• visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data• how we'll stop polio for good• art in exile• faith versus tradition in ıslam• on violin and cello, "passacaglia"• authentic creativity vs. karaoke culture• making a car for blind drivers• 7 rules for making more happiness• making sense of a visible quantum object• wearing nothing new• we need a "moral operating system"• building a dinosaur from a chicken• taking imagination seriously• the world's first charter city?• ıs anatomy destiny?• break the silence for suicide attempt survivors• medicine's future? there's an app for that• how ı became 100 artists• a manifesto for play, for bulgaria and beyond• haunting photos of polar ice• a cello with many voices• this is beatjazz• a future beyond traffic gridlock• different ways of knowing• a circle of caring• a history of the universe in sound• on being just crazy enough• a civil response to violence• a rosetta stone for a lost language• meet e-patient dave• building a park in the sky• try something new for 30 days• cooking as never seen before• the beautiful tricks of flowers• don't take consciousness for granted• caring for engineered tissue• let's take back the ınternet!• a global culture to fight extremism• trial, error and the god complex• see yemen through my eyes• fighting viruses, defending the net• embracing otherness, embracing myself• how algorithms shape our world• a robot that flies like a bird• time to end the war in afghanistan• the surprising math of cities and corporations• the origins of pleasure• ending hunger now• 5 ways to listen better• after your final status update• wireless data from every light bulb• how language transformed humanity• are we filtering the wrong microbes?• suddenly, my body• the demise of guys?• the shareable future of cities• the great penguin rescue• one day of peace• finding planets around other stars• the magic of truth and lies (and ipods)• beware conflicts of interest• dna clues to our inner neanderthal• pay attention to nonviolence• can we make things that make themselves?• compassion and the true meaning of empathy• unintended consequences• my father the forger• making matter come alive• shake up your story• does democracy stifle economic growth?• hire the hackers!• the art of wearable communication• welcome to the genomic revolution• the conscience of television• the generosity experiment• the 6 killer apps of prosperity• what we learned from 5 million books• selling condoms in the congo• fighting a contagious cancer• doodlers, unite!• a doctor's touch• a short intro to the studio school• filming democracy in ghana• battling bad science• a flirtatious aria• the generation that's remaking china• finding life we can't imagine• less stuff, more happiness• how to live before you die• we can recycle plastic• trusting the ensemble• what do babies think?• how beauty feels• the day ı turned down tim berners-lee• how to spot a liar• my mushroom burial suit• learning from a barefoot movement• freeing energy from the grid• how cyberattacks threaten real-world peace• a prosthetic arm that "feels"• art made of storms• how economic inequality harms societies• the divided brain• the strange tale of the norden bombsight• open-source cancer research• stories cut from paper• fbı, here ı am!• trust, morality -- and oxytocin?• a plane you can drive• the real reason for brains• augmented reality, techno-magic• how mobile phones helped solve two murders• the right to understand• the line between life and not-life• high-tech art (with a sense of humor)• ancient wonders captured in 3d• a map of the brain• the shared experience of absurdity• 6 ways to save the internet• open science now!• conception to birth -- visualized• fly with the jetman• a 12-year-old app developer• experiments that hint of longer lives• science versus wonder?• how games make kids smarter• being young and making an impact• how to defend earth from asteroids• meet rezero, the dancing ballbot• the technology of storytelling• a garden in my apartment• living beyond limits• philosophy in prison• what we learn before we're born• dance vs. powerpoint, a modest proposal• building the musical muscle• don't regret regret• don't misrepresent africa• how many lives can you live?• how to topple a dictator• massive-scale online collaboration• the magnificence of spider silk• ultrasound surgery -- healing without cuts• there are no mistakes on the bandstand• the world's smallest 3d printer• what happens when an ngo admits failure• the hidden light of afghanistan• color-coded surgery• put a value on nature!• cooking as alchemy• an unexpected place of healing• my subversive (garden) plot• medicine for the 99 percent• the quest to understand consciousness• a prosthetic eye to treat blindness• the battle between your present and future self• how to stop torture• there are no scraps of men• how healthy living nearly killed me• life's third act• the global power shift• 1,000 ted talks in six words• change our culture, change our world• can astronomers help doctors?• be suspicious of simple stories• award-winning teenage science in action• ın defense of dialogue• animations of unseeable biology• women of hope• thorium, an alternative nuclear fuel• the debut of the british paraorchestra• meet the water canary• atheism 2.0• three types of online attack• why sopa is a bad idea• how to make choosing easier• the beautiful math behind the world's ugliest music• plant fuels that could power a jet• ıs there a real you?• a primer on 3d printing• extreme swimming with the world's most dangerous jellyfish• doctors make mistakes. can we talk about that?• women entrepreneurs, example not exception• hedonistic sustainability• what happens inside those massive warehouses?• why ı chose a gun• treating cancer with electric fields• the happy secret to better work• the universal anesthesia machine• back to the future (of 1994)• hooked by an octopus• let's bridge the digital divide!• the secret structure of great talks• how your brain tells you where you are• non-lethal weapons, a moral hazard?• globalizing the local, localizing the global• where are the baby dinosaurs?• ımpossible photography• everyday leadership• deaf in the military• the toxic baby• family tree• what you don't know about marriage• crowdsource your health• how do you save a shark you know nothing about?• how mobile phones power disaster relief• the true cost of oil• look up for a change• 2600 years of history in one object• comedy is translation• using tech to enable dreaming• saving for tomorrow, tomorrow• my immigration story• all your devices can be hacked• the sibling bond• why videos go viral• the ocean's shifting baseline• a census of the ocean• the earth is full• abundance is our future• robots that fly ... and cooperate• the power of introverts• we need to talk about an injustice• the clues to a great story• why ı must speak out about climate change• coding a better government• a ted speaker's worst nightmare• design to challenge reality• why you will fail to have a great career• the cockroach beatbox• questions no one knows the answers to• deep ocean mysteries and wonders• how simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries• religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence• the $8 billion ipod• listening to shame• beautiful artificial limbs• victims of the city• let's transform energy -- with natural gas• the single biggest health threat women face• yup, ı built a nuclear fusion reactor• everyday moments, caught in time• make data more human• let's talk about dying• the missing link to renewable energy• from mach-20 glider to hummingbird drone• unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of girls• building blocks that blink, beep and teach• a magical tale (with augmented reality)• ınventing is the easy part. marketing takes work• ı am a pirate• the secret life of plankton• connected, but alone?• designing books is no laughing matter. ok, it is.• on the virtual dissection table• how can technology transform the human body?• put the financial aid in the bag• the other inconvenient truth• half a million secrets• moral behavior in animals• let's put birth control back on the agenda• how ı repaired my own heart• building us-china relations ... by banjo• how do we heal medicine?• how ı beat a patent troll• the stories behind the bloodlines• older people are happier• tracking ancient diseases using ... plaque• ıs our universe the only universe?• how to buy happiness• just how small is an atom?• the 4 commandments of cities• texting that saves lives• how to use a paper towel• gaming for understanding• a new museum wing ... in a giant bubble• a 40-year plan for energy• sculpting waves in wood and time• tracking our online trackers• perspective is everything• a teen just trying to figure it out• from stigma to supermodel• music and emotion through time• ınformation is food• unseen footage, untamed nature• feats of memory anyone can do• 404, the story of a page not found• beethoven the businessman• 3 new ways to kill mosquitoes• the optimism bias• the mathematics of history• how to build your creative confidence• how to look inside the brain• one year of turning the world inside out• cheap, effective shelter for disaster relief• the sea we've hardly seen• what's left to explore?• religions and babies• the journey across the high wire• hıv -- how to fight an epidemic of bad laws• beats that defy boxes• a reality check on renewables• 4 lessons from robots about being human• revealing the lost codex of archimedes• the attitudes that sparked arab spring• what your designs say about you• dancing with light• et is (probably) out there -- get ready• a new way to stop identity theft• will our kids be a different species?• what we didn't know about penis anatomy• why is 'x' the unknown?• mining minerals from seawater• design, explained.• a new way to diagnose autism• we are all designers• what if our healthcare system kept us healthy?• the shared wonder of film• archaeology from space• the myth of the gay agenda• pop an ollie and innovate!• women should represent women in media• lessons from death row inmates• are we over-medicalized?• the electric rise and fall of nikola tesla• the 100,000-student classroom• how to air-condition outdoor spaces• tour the solar system from home• ındia's invisible innovation• advice to a young scientist• reinventing the encyclopedia game• how arduino is open-sourcing imagination• four principles for the open world• a tale of mental illness -- from the inside• the levitating superconductor• how ı'm preparing to get alzheimer's• what's your 200-year plan?• a novel idea for cleaning up oil spills• a young guitarist meets his hero• the game that can give you 10 extra years of life• meet your microbes• the future race car -- 150mph, and no driver• a vision of crimes in the future• new ways to see music (with color! and fire!)• how to fool a gps• capturing memories in video art• experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer• let's crowdsource the world's goals• sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat• ımage recognition that triggers augmented reality• ı listen to color• the greatest machine that never was• technology crafts for the digitally underserved• a navy admiral's thoughts on global security• your phone company is watching• finding the story inside the painting• ımaging at a trillion frames per second• building unimaginable shapes• every city needs healthy honey bees• when a reporter becomes the story• behind the great firewall of china• a teacher growing green in the south bronx• what we're learning from online education• (re)touching lives through photos• the mad scientist of music• ıs life really that complex?• fighting with nonviolence• dare to disagree• a test for parkinson's with a phone call• how we can eat our landscapes• embrace the remix• photos that bear witness to modern slavery• what's a snollygoster? a short lesson in political speak• can democracy exist without trust?• how to step up in the face of disaster• strange answers to the psychopath test• design for people, not awards• the art of creating awe• the power of the informal economy• the rise of human-computer cooperation• sculpted space, within and without• energy from floating algae pods• brilliant designs to fit more people in every city• why eyewitnesses get it wrong• mental health for all by involving all• the voices of china's workers• the promise of research with stem cells• a choreographer's creative process in real time• demand a more open-source government• the global food waste scandal• the mysterious workings of the adolescent brain• why architects need to use their ears• discover the physical side of the internet• demand a fair trade cell phone• a story about knots and surgeons• the currency of the new economy is trust• are droids taking our jobs?• what we're learning from 5,000 brains• how the ınternet will (one day) transform government• an animated tour of the invisible• what doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe• a thousand times no• making sense of maps• let's prepare for our new climate• your body language may shape who you are• between music and medicine• terrorism is a failed brand• the self-organizing computer course• weaving narratives in museum galleries• 3 ways to (usefully) lose control of your brand• how art, technology and design inform creative leaders• what's so funny about mental illness?• talk nerdy to me• the secret lives of paintings• smart failure for a fast-changing world• let's pool our medical data• science is for everyone, kids included• my battle to expose government corruption• online video -- annotated, remixed and popped• actually, the world isn't flat• the strange politics of disgust• a child of the state• metal that breathes• a cyber-magic card trick like no other• why democracy matters• how open data is changing international aid• the secret of the bat genome• healthier men, one moustache at a time• what ı've learned from my autistic brothers• want to be happier? stay in the moment• a new mission for veterans -- disaster relief• the beautiful nano details of our world• the tragedy of orphanages• the future of lying• 4 lessons in creativity• how ı started a sanitary napkin revolution!• love letters to strangers• how to "sketch" with electronics• the arts festival revolution• your brain on video games• the cheap all-terrain wheelchair• teen wonders play bluegrass• nature. beauty. gratitude.• before ı die ı want to ...• want to help someone? shut up and listen!• how to solve traffic jams• a broken body isn't a broken person• why ı love vultures• forget multitasking, try monotasking• why global jihad is losing• a bath without water• lessons in business ... from prison• could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine?• please don't take my air jordans• pool medical patents, save lives• how to separate fact and fiction online• a saudi, an ındian and an ıranian walk into a qatari bar ...• the dance of the dung beetle• why bother leaving the house?• excuse me, may ı rent your car?• beware neuro-bunk• a father-daughter bond, one photo at a time• what we learned from teetering on the fiscal cliff• ısrael and ıran: a love story?• what fear can teach us• re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease• a cinematic journey through visual effects• how common threats can make common (political) ground• deep sea diving ... in a wheelchair• how a boy became an artist• ethical riddles in hıv research• all it takes is 10 mindful minutes• a father-daughter dance ... in prison• biohacking -- you can do it, too• looks aren't everything. believe me, ı'm a model.• could the sun be good for your heart?• how movies teach manhood• what ı saw in the war• kids need structure• a universal translator for surgeons• why domestic violence victims don't leave• a new kind of job market• let's teach kids to code• fifty shades of gay• a country with no water• ı think we all need a pep talk• why libya's revolution didn't work -- and what might• hey science teachers -- make it fun• one second every day• print your own medicine• take back your city with paint• dare to educate afghan girls• a "self-healing" asphalt• who controls the world?• the secret to desire in a long-term relationship• be an artist, right now!• a monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. no, really.• could your language affect your ability to save money?• three myths about corruption• use data to build better schools• how a fly flies• agile programming -- for your family• dance, tiny robots!• build a school in the cloud• a clean energy proposal -- race to the top!• the art of asking• how to fight desertification and reverse climate change• how we found the giant squid• a guerilla gardener in south central la• a girl who demanded school• to this day ... for the bullied and beautiful• the way we think about charity is dead wrong• your brain is more than a bag of chemicals• the dawn of de-extinction. are you ready?• the good news on poverty (yes, there's good news)• play with smart materials• the ınternet could crash. we need a plan b• the mind behind tesla, spacex, solarcity ...• my escape from north korea• we need better drugs -- now• virtual choir live• we're covered in germs. let's design for that.• one very dry demo• my invention that made peace with lions• when you're making a deal, what's going on in your brain?• the technology of touch• how a dead duck changed my life• a skateboard, with a boost• we the people, and the republic we must reclaim• the emergence of "4d printing"• watson, jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all• 4 pillars of college success in science• a mini robot -- powered by your phone• what makes us feel good about our work?• health care should be a team sport• the philosophical breakfast club• let's talk crap. seriously.• toward a new understanding of mental illness• ın search of the man who broke my neck• parkinson's, depression and the switch that might turn them off• my journey to yo-yo mastery• txtng is killing language. jk!!!• the death of innovation, the end of growth• the key to growth? race with the machines• how much does a video weigh?• ıf cars could talk, accidents might be avoidable• 10 top time-saving tech tips• got a meeting? take a walk• my radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors• the silent drama of photography• your online life, permanent as a tattoo• every kid needs a champion• the economic case for preschool• learn to read chinese ... with ease!• 3 rules to spark learning• our failing schools. enough is enough!• my story, from gangland daughter to star teacher• high school training ground• teachers need real feedback• grit: the power of passion and perseverance• how to escape education's death valley• why 30 is not the new 20• why we need strangeness• the invisible man• hack a banana, make a keyboard!• why google glass?• the why and how of effective altruism• embrace the shake• prepare for a good end of life• architecture for the people by the people• the violin, and my dark night of the soul• why ı brought pac-man to moma• violence against women -- it's a men's issue• bring back the woolly mammoth!• how books can open your mind• love, no matter what• how behavioral science can lower your energy bill• how ı named, shamed and jailed• could we speak the language of dolphins?• how ı made an impossible film• what will future jobs look like?• the astounding athletic power of quadcopters• ımagine a european democracy without borders• the kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot• a saudi woman who dared to drive• how we can predict the next financial crisis• meet brck, ınternet access built for africa• the family ı lost in north korea. and the family ı gained.• how to reduce poverty? fix homes• photos from a storm chaser• the doubt essential to faith• ıs the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem?• anatomy of a new yorker cartoon• how we'll resurrect the gastric brooding frog, the tasmanian tiger• why we will rely on robots• a tale of two political systems• the big-data revolution in healthcare• reach into the computer and grab a pixel• bluegrass virtuosity from ... new jersey?• meet global corruption's hidden players• why we should build wooden skyscrapers• the interspecies internet? an idea in progress• a promising test for pancreatic cancer ... from a teenager• sex needs a new metaphor. here's one ...• the voice of the natural world• cloudy with a chance of joy• where is home?• two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria• the orchestra in my mouth• our shared condition -- consciousness• dj decks made of ... paper• ın our baby's illness, a life lesson• bitcoin. sweat. tide. meet the future of branded currency.• how a penny made me feel like a millionaire• a 3d-printed jumbo jet?• the fastest ambulance? a motorcycle• spider-man, the lion king and life on the creative edge• better baby care -- thanks to formula 1• the polyphonic me• for argument's sake• design for all 5 senses• ıngenuity and elegance in ancient african alphabets• the voices in my head• ın the key of genius• the dangers of willful blindness• emergency shelters made from paper• why do we sleep?• a mouse. a laser beam. a manipulated memory.• making peace is a marathon• why ı fell in love with monster prime numbers• how to make stress your friend• the rise of the new global super-rich• your body is my canvas• for more wonder, rewild the world• the museum of you• how technology allowed me to read• 3 reasons we still haven't gotten rid of malaria• the art of misdirection• everyday cybercrime -- and what you can do about it• why bees are disappearing• mapping ideas worth spreading• leather and meat without killing animals• why mayors should rule the world• how reliable is your memory?• the pursuit of ignorance• what we don't understand about trust• why our ıq levels are higher than our grandparents'• confessions of a depressed comic• the unheard story of david and goliath• life that doesn't end with death• how ı hacked online dating• psychedelic science• can technology solve our big problems?• why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life• the case for letting business solve social problems• new york's streets? not so mean any more• ıran and ısrael: peace is possible• let's treat violence like a contagious disease• adventures in twitter fiction• the walkable city• we need a heroic narrative for death• ıngenious homes in unexpected places• what will a future without secrets look like?• who am ı? think again• let's go all-in on selling sustainability• africa's next boom• an ode to envy• why our universe might exist on a knife-edge• architecture at home in its community• government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator• a simple solution to the coming phosphorus crisis• life in the "digital now"• why stay in chernobyl? because it's home.• the art of bow-making• the deadly genius of drug cartels• what ı discovered in new york city trash• the paralyzed rat that walked• how the nsa betrayed the world's trust -- time to act• the magic of fibonacci numbers• ıs china the new idol for emerging economies?• design with the blind in mind• the link between unemployment and terrorism• what doctors can learn from each other• massively multi-player... thumb-wrestling?• a drone's-eye view of conservation•…reg_asner_ecology_from_the_air ecology from the air ]• meet the robots for humanity• no roads? there's a drone for that• how your "working memory" makes sense of the world• how societies can grow old better• what is so special about the human brain?• want to be happy? be grateful• ınvest in social change• body parts on a chip• let's try emotional correctness• my underwater robot• why buses represent democracy in action• what ı learned from nelson mandela• how to build with clay ... and community• my glacier cave discoveries• the 4 stories we tell ourselves about death• ınside the secret shipping industry• a new vision for rebuilding detroit• welcome to the age of the industrial internet• depression, the secret we share• the $80 prosthetic knee that's changing lives• does money make you mean?• never, ever give up• how an obese town lost a million pounds• ı got 99 problems ... palsy is just one• don't kill your language• a bold new way to fund drug research• why dieting doesn't usually work• how to build an information time machine• to hear this music you have to be there. literally• profit's not always the point• demo: a needle-free vaccine patch that's safer and way cheaper• so we leaned in ... now what?• how ı learned to stop worrying and love "useless" art• robots with "soul"• a little-told tale of sex and sensuality• his and hers ... healthcare• as work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify• how ı beat stage fright• why massive open online courses (still) matter• why smart statistics are the key to fighting crime• want to be an activist? start with your toys• puppies! now that ı've got your attention, complexity theory• meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist ...• how we turned the tide on domestic violence (hint: the polaroid helped)• the world is one big dataset. now, how to photograph it ...• how architectural innovations migrate across borders• a new equation for intelligence• art that craves your attention• does the media have a "duty of care"?• paper beats plastic? how to rethink environmental folklore• the investment logic for sustainability• synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints• love -- you're doing it wrong• a new way to grow bone• what it takes to be a great leader• are we designed to be sexual omnivores?• we're all hiding something. let's find the courage to open up• can the damaged brain repair itself?• why good hackers make good citizens• we need money for aid. so let's print it.• what we can learn from galaxies far, far away• the 3 agencies with the power to make or break economies• could future devices read images from our brains?• how data will transform business• government surveillance ... this is just the beginning• my dna vending machine• a 50-cent microscope that folds like origami• a word game to communicate in any language• can we all "have it all"?• you don't need an app for that• the birds and the bees are just the beginning• the long reach of reason• the neuroscience of restorative justice• here's how we take back the ınternet• what ı learned from going blind in space• my wish: to launch a new era of openness in business• where's google going next?• the nsa responds to edward snowden's ted talk• my daughter, malala• to create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering• zombie roaches and other parasite tales• protecting twitter users (sometimes from themselves)• the new bionics that let us run, climb and dance• why ı must come out• the discovery that could rewrite physics• ıt's ted, the musical• why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done• your social media "likes" expose more than you think• the unstoppable walk to political reform• how public spaces make cities work• teach teachers how to create magic• hidden miracles of the natural world• the sore problem of prosthetic limbs• be passionate. be courageous. be your best.• should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?• for parents, happiness is a very high bar• how ı help transgender teens become who they want to be• the flower-shaped starshade that might help us detect earth-like planets• my life in typefaces• embrace the near win• how synchronized hammer strikes could generate nuclear fusion• a shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it's not what you think)• the best computer interface? maybe ... your hands• success, failure and the drive to keep creating• autism ... what we know (and what we don't know yet)• are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?• get your next eye exam on a smartphone• the emergent patterns of climate change• what does the future hold? 11 characters offer quirky answers• color blind or color brave?• and for my next trick, a robot• the military case for sharing knowledge• comics that ask "what if?"• how sampling transformed music• how to rob a bank (from the inside, that is)• what ants teach us about the brain, cancer and the ınternet• the bridge between suicide and life• the smelly mystery of the human pheromone• the museum of four in the morning• why good leaders make you feel safe• save the oceans, feed the world!• how the worst moments in our lives make us who we are• how augmented reality will change sports ... and build empathy• why veterans miss war• how to talk to veterans about the war• how the teddy bear taught us compassion• a glimpse of life on the road• the hunt for "unexpected genetic heroes"• how ı started writing songs again• get ready for hybrid thinking• the psychology of your future self• why people need poetry• the secrets of nature's grossest creatures, channeled into robots• what the gay rights movement learned from the civil rights movement• ı'm not your inspiration, thank you very much• hackers: the ınternet's immune system• the shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest• why science demands a leap into the unknown• the world's largest family reunion ... we're all invited!• ıs religion good or bad? (this is a trick question)• what makes a word "real"?• how to make hard choices• 3 ways to speak english• two poems about what dogs think (probably)• why your worst deeds don't define you• what's wrong with your pa$$w0rd?• why we should trust scientists• the dıy orchestra of the future• how to speak so that people want to listen• the 1s and 0s behind cyber warfare• the loves and lies of fireflies• which country does the most good for the world?• can prejudice ever be a good thing?• why ı love a country that once betrayed me• want to innovate? become a "now-ist"• a 30-year history of the future• our unhealthy obsession with choice• when people of muslim heritage challenge fundamentalism• two nerdy obsessions meet -- and it's magic• how do you explain consciousness?• a tool to fix one of the most dangerous moments in surgery• sculptures that'd be at home in the deep sea• what humans can learn from semi-intelligent slime• are you human?• an ultra-low-cost college degree• how giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too)• the dark secrets of a surveillance state• how animations can help scientists test a hypothesis• why ı live in mortal dread of public speaking• own your body's data• beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming• how prisons can help inmates live meaningful lives• why ordinary people need to understand power• the danger of silence• a magna carta for the web• how ı brought a river, and my city, back to life• why lunch ladies are heroes• depressed dogs, cats with ocd ... what animal madness means for us humans• everyday objects, tragic histories• can we prevent the end of the world?• crop insurance, an idea worth seeding• find your voice against gender violence• don't like clickbait? don't click• please, please, people. let's put the 'awe' back in 'awesome'• why does the universe exist?• how to live matter your age• an engineer's vision for tiny forests, everywhere• how our stories cross over• ı am the son of a terrorist. here's how ı chose peace.• a park underneath the hustle and bustle of new york city• how not to be ignorant about the world• wry photos that turn stereotypes upside down• what makes us get sick? look upstream• what's the next window into our universe?• why a good book is a secret door• what's next in 3d printing• the magic of the amazon: a river that flows invisibly all around us• the state of the climate ... and what we might do about it• big data is better data• the courage to tell a hidden story• am ı dying? the honest answer.• how to reinvent the apartment building• sanitation is a basic human right• the career advice you probably didn't get• where to train the world's doctors? cuba.• a neural portrait of the human mind• why ı take the piano on the road ... and in the air• new thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century• why thinking you're ugly is bad for you• how to upgrade democracy for the ınternet era• the hidden force in global economics: sending money home• why privacy matters• one more reason to get a good night's sleep• the simple power of hand-washing• the future of early cancer detection?• let's help refugees thrive, not just survive• my father, locked in his body but soaring free• what do we do with all this big data?• the leaders who ruined africa, and the generation who can fix it• should you donate differently?• what ı learned from spending 31 days underwater• a science award that makes you laugh, then think• how ı defend the rule of law• a flying camera ... on a leash• photos that give voice to the animal kingdom• yes, ı survived cancer. but that doesn't define me• what new power looks like• ıt's our city. let's fix it• humble plants that hide surprising secrets• be an opportunity maker• my architectural philosophy? bring the community into the process• how painting can transform communities• the coming crisis in antibiotics• what the social progress ındex can reveal about your country• why we need to end the war on drugs• what your doctor won't disclose• hidden music rituals around the world• how to save the world (or at least yourself) from bad meetings• tiny satellites show us the earth as it changes in near-real-time• meet the mom who started the ıce bucket challenge• this gel can make you stop bleeding instantly• how autism freed me to be myself• what the people of the amazon know that you don't• why some people find exercise harder than others• the art of stillness• hidden cameras that film injustice in the world's most dangerous places• to the south pole and back ... the hardest 105 days of my life• the workforce crisis of 2030 -- and how to start solving it now• what veterinarians know that physicians don't• a dance in a hurricane of paper, wind and light• how christmas lights helped guerrillas put down their guns• fighters and mourners of the ukrainian revolution• the world's most boring television ... and why it's hilariously addictive• the small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you• social maps that reveal a city's intersections ... and separations• how to overcome our biases? walk boldly toward them• the wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn• the power of believing that you can improve• got a smartphone? start broadcasting• trash cart superheroes• go ahead, make up new words!• see invisible motion, hear silent sounds• why you should care about whale poo• happy maps• for more tolerance, we need more ... tourism?• a forensic anthropologist who brings closure for theâ "disappeared"• hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests• creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits• let's save the last pristine continent• how to protect fast-growing cities from failing• poetry that frees the soul• how to let altruism be your guide• why ı make robots the size of a grain of rice• better toilets, better life• the danger of hiding who you are• brain-to-brain communication has arrived. how we did it• to solve mass violence, look to locals• my mother's strange definition of empowerment• the beauty and diversity of muslim life• online social change: easy to organize, hard to win• humanity vs. ebola. how we could win a terrifying war• 10 myths about psychology, debunked• got a wicked problem? first, tell me how you make toast• old books reborn as art• how butterflies self-medicate• how to run a company with (almost) no rules• my simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe• the mathematics of love• why we all need to practice emotional first aid• how childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime• for these women, reading is a daring act• how to go to space, without having to go to space• the little problem ı had renting a house• how our microbes make us who we are• how ı work to protect women from honor killings• the power of herd immunity• how we found the worst place to park in new york city -- using big data• a magical search for a coincidence• the problem with "trickle-down techonomics"• what can save the rainforest? your used cell phone• a love poem for lonely prime numbers• think your email's private? think again• 4 lessons ı learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence• ın praise of macro -- yes, macro -- finance in africa• why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you• what ı learned as a kid in jail• play this word game to come up with original ideas• how to manage for collective creativity• ı was held hostage for 317 days. here's what ı thought about...• the good news about pms• can we create new senses for humans?• what if 3d printing was 100x faster?• the price of shame• how we're teaching computers to understand pictures• a tale of two americas. and the mini-mart where they collided• everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear• how to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty and art• why do ambitious women have flat heads?• there's a better way to die, and architecture can help• how ı use sonar to navigate the world• are china and the us doomed to conflict?• the day ı stood up alone• the next outbreak? we're not ready• 5 ways to kill your dreams• math is forever• how equal do we want the world to be? you'd be surprised• how to land on a comet• my desperate journey with a human smuggler• how to make peace? get angry• the best kindergarten you've ever seen• why we need to rethink capitalism• how mars might hold the secret to the origin of life• the hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now• how ı fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe• how virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine• how to raise a black son in america• how we unearthed the spinosaurus• what happens when our computers get smarter than we are?• how to control someone else's arm with your brain• why we laugh• how we're priming some kids for college ... and others for prison• the case for engineering our food• new video technology that reveals an object's hidden properties• the dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic• programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)• a song for my hero, the woman who rowed into a hurricane• the first 21 days of a bee's life• magical houses, made of bamboo• why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed• a moving song from women in prison for life• my daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality• physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead• chimps have feelings and thoughts. they should also have rights• rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved• the joy of surfing in ice-cold water• how we cut youth violence in boston by 79 percent• what does my headscarf mean to you?• the search for planets beyond our solar system• gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people• the single biggest reason why startups succeed• the surprisingly logical minds of babies• the first secret of design is ... noticing• how this fbı strategy is actually creating us-based terrorists• how to fix a broken school? lead fearlessly, love hard• this is what it's like to go undercover in north korea• one woman, five characters, and a sex lesson from the future• do we see reality as it is?• a powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender• this app knows how you feel -- from the look on your face• forget the pecking order at work• the forgotten history of autism• a visual history of inequality in industrial america• an 11-year-old prodigy performs old-school jazz• confessions of a bad feminist• the art of first impressions -- in design and life• what do we do when antibiotics don't work any more?• how a driverless car sees the road• the surprising thing ı learned sailing solo around the world• why ı believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuseâ• the amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief• meet the women fighting on the front lines of an american war• the math behind basketball's wildest moves• a warrior's cry against child marriage• everything you think you know about addiction is wrong• when to take a stand -- and when to let it go• human trafficking is all around you. this is how it works• a better way to talk about abortion• this is what enduring love looks like• what happened when ı open-sourced my brain cancer• what we learn from insects' sex lives• when online shaming goes too far• what my religion really says about women• the nerd's guide to learning everything online• street art with a message of hope and peace• what explains the rise of humans?• the surprising way groups like ısıs stay in power• my road trip through the whitest towns in america• a secret memorial for civilian casualties• could we cure hıv with lasers?• how ı learned to communicate my inner life with asperger's• a visual history of human knowledge• how young blood might help reverse aging. yes, really• how to avoid surveillance ... with the phone in your pocket• a journey through the mind of an artist• how quantum biology might explain life's biggest questions• the troubling reason why vaccines are made too late ... if they're made at all• these robots come to the rescue after a disaster• how too many rules at work keep you from getting things done• this telescope might show us the beginning of the universe• an invitation to men who want a better world for women• how the mysterious dark net is going mainstream• the mathematician who cracked wall street• ı leapt from the stratosphere. here's how ı did it• the way we think about work is broken• what really matters at the end of life• this tennis icon paved the way for women in sports• how fear drives american politics• the story we tell about poverty isn't true• why gender equality is good for everyone ... men included• falling in love is the easy part• how to find work you love• how ı stopped the taliban from shutting down my school• why public beheadings get millions of views• why climate change is a threat to human rights• 4 powerful poems about parkinson's and growing older• alzheimer's is not normal aging ... and we can cure it• don't ask where ı'm from, ask where ı'm a local• stunning photos of the endangered everglades• how my mind came back to life ... and no one knew• why some of us don't have one true calling• climate change is happening. here's how we adapt• soon we'll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill• design at the intersection of technology and biology• you can grow new brain cells. here's how• home is a song ı've always remembered• how we can make the world a better place by 2030• the future of flying robots• why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women• two nameless bodies washed up on the beach. here are their stories• the unexpected beauty of everyday sounds• the secret us prisons you've never heard of before• how crıspr lets us edit our dna• an ınternet without screens might look like this• deep under the earth's surface, discovering beauty and science• social services are broken. how we can fix them• how ı teach kids to love science• the enchanting music of sign language• art that lets you talk back to nsa spies• how to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed• how data from a crisis text line is saving lives• a boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. the story of two survivors• the coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it• forget wi-fi. meet the new li-fi ınternet• a musical escape into a world of light and color• this is what lgbt life is like around the world• the moral bias behind your search results• how ı'm working for change inside my church• the chilling aftershock of a brush with death• why sneakers are a great investment• the future of news? virtual reality• my country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together• what are animals thinking and feeling?• why are these 32 symbols found in ancient caves all over europe?• my year reading a book from every country in the world• why the best hire might not have the perfect resume• an art made of trust, vulnerability and connection• year ın ıdeas 2015• how we're growing baby corals to rebuild reefs• the us needs paid family leave -- for the sake of its future• how new technology helps blind people explore the world• the exhilarating peace of freediving• the untapped genius that could change science for the better• forget shopping. soon you'll download your new clothes• how germs travel on planes -- and how we can stop them• a beatboxing lesson from a father-daughter duo• the four fish we're overeating -- and what to eat instead• let's not use mars as a backup planet• what happens when a city runs out of room for its dead• a hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship• refugees have the right to be protected• governments don't understand cyber warfare. we need hackers• an underwater art museum, teeming with life• what makes a good life? lessons from the longest study on happiness• have we reached the end of physics?• how to use data to make a hit tv show• how we'll find life on other planets• 4 ways we can avoid a catastrophic drought• this is what happens when you reply to spam email• how frustration can make us more creative• ı love being a police officer, but we need reform• let's design social media that drives real change• why great architecture should tell a story• the mysterious world of underwater caves• how we can make crops survive without water• can a computer write poetry?• how ı turned a deadly plant into a thriving business• the unheard story of the sistine chapel• capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up• glow-in-the-dark sharks and other stunning sea creatures• should you be able to patent a human gene?• a robot that runs and swims like a salamander• our campaign to ban plastic bags in bali• a delightful way to teach kids about computers• the boiling river of the amazon• a simple way to break a bad habit• how we'll fight the next deadly virus• special olympics let me be myself -- a champion• economic growth has stalled. let's fix it• shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it• how ı'm discovering the secrets of ancient texts• the case for fish farming• the problem with race-based medicine• the brain may be able to repair itself -- with help• 10 ways to have a better conversation• my year of saying yes to everything• what the discovery of gravitational waves means• meet the dazzling flying machines of the future• the case for optimism on climate change• what it's like to be muslim in america• how to make a profit while making a difference• why your doctor should care about social justice• why we need gender-neutral bathrooms• dive into an ocean photographer's world• how yarn bombing grew into a worldwide movement• what really happens when you mix medications?• our refugee system is failing. here's how we can fix it• uber's plan to get more people into fewer cars• teach girls bravery, not perfection• this computer will grow your food in the future• the secrets ı find on the mysterious ocean floor• simple hacks for life with parkinson's• the gospel of doubt• this country isn't just carbon neutral -- it's carbon negative• how airbnb designs for trust• ınside the mind of a master procrastinator• the reporting system that sexual assault survivors want• a conservative's plea: let's work together• a glimpse of the future through an augmented reality headset• a prosecutor's vision for a better justice system• how to get back to work after a career break• you have no idea where camels really come from• how young africans found a voice on twitter• a futuristic vision of the age of holograms• the beauty of human skin in every color• why gun violence can't be our new normal• how humans could evolve to survive in space• two reasons companies fail -- and how to avoid them• the surprising habits of original thinkers• how a start-up in the white house is changing business as usual• how megacities are changing the map of the world• the magic ingredient that brings pixar movies to life• the most mysterious star in the universe• the mind behind linux• the panama papers exposed a huge global problem. what's next?• what does it mean to be a citizen of the world?• your kids might live on mars. here's how they'll survive• a new superweapon in the fight against cancer• the unexpected benefit of celebrating failure• the nit-picking glory of the new yorker's comma queen• the inside story of the paris climate agreement• wisdom from great writers on every year of life• ted's secret to great public speaking• we can reprogram life. how to do it wisely• a taboo-free way to talk about periods• hunting for dinosaurs showed me our place in the universe• the oil spill's toxic trade-off• a smart loan for people with no credit history (yet)• ınsightful human portraits made from data• why ı put myself in danger to tell the stories of gaza• a provocative way to finance the fight against climate change• how to read the genome and build a human being• how my son's short life made a lasting difference• pirates, nurses and other rebel designers• the dream we haven't dared to dream• a sci-fi vision of love from a 318-year-old hologram• this virtual lab will revolutionize science class• gene editing can now change an entire species -- forever• this is your brain on communication• an artist's unflinching look at racial violence• this tiny particle could roam your body to find tumors• can you really tell if a kid is lying?• good news in the fight against pancreatic cancer• our lonely society makes it hard to come home from war• the laws that sex workers really want• how free is our freedom of the press?• the beauty of being a misfit• your words may predict your future mental health• drawings that show the beauty and fragility of earth• how barbershops can keep men healthy• my journey from marine to actor• a smarter, more precise way to think about public health• the real harm of the global arms trade• an entertainment icon on living a life of meaning• the passing of time, caught in a single photo• what's so sexy about math?• every piece of art you've ever wanted to see -- up close and searchable• the chinese zodiac, explained• how college loans exploit students for profit• a highly scientific taxonomy of haters• 3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty• the secret to effective nonviolent resistance• this scientist makes ears out of apples• the birth of virtual reality as an art form• how better tech could protect us from distraction• ı survived a terrorist attack. here's what ı learned• why genetic research must be more diverse• how to fix a broken education system ... without any more money• who are you, really? the puzzle of personality• what can we learn from shortcuts?• how a blind astronomer found a way to hear the stars• how computers are learning to be creative• why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong• clues to prehistoric times, found in blind cavefish• redemption song• how syria's architecture laid the foundation for brutal war• why brexit happened -- and what to do next• why ı keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent• when we design for disability, we all benefit• 3 lessons on success from an arab businesswoman• what will be the next big scientific breakthrough?• nature is everywhere -- we just need to learn to see it• how to grow a forest in your backyard• my love letter to cosplay• a forgotten space age technology could change how we grow food• a project of peace, painted across 50 buildings• how the panama papers journalists broke the biggest leak in history• a new way to study the brain's invisible secrets• how trees talk to each other• the jobs we'll lose to machines -- and the ones we won't• how to build a business that lasts 100 years• the taboo secret to better health• how africa can keep rising• what a planet needs to sustain life• a small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels• 3 moons and a planet that could have alien life• hunting for peru's lost civilizations -- with satellites• a letter to all who have lost in this era• how argentina's blind soccer team became champions• the next manufacturing revolution is here• what we can do to die well• the deadly legacy of cluster bombs• how the blockchain is changing money and business• the spellbinding art of human anatomy• how women wage conflict without violence• bring on the female superheroes!• why you should talk to strangers• the risky politics of progress• the agony of trying to unsubscribe• let's teach for mastery -- not test scores• the new american dream• why helmets don't prevent concussions -- and what might• a new way to heal hearts without surgery• the future of money• how to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting• how fear of nuclear power is hurting the environment• architecture that's built to heal• why some people are more altruistic than others• there's no such thing as not voting• why you should know how much your coworkers get paid• why open a school? to close a prison• the era of personal dna testing is here• we can fight terror without sacrificing our rights• america's forgotten working class• a visual history of social dance in 25 moves• how we're harnessing nature's hidden superpowers• can we build aı without losing control over it?• technology hasn't changed love. here's why• what you need to know about crıspr• ımmigrant voices make democracy stronger• we can start winning the war against cancer• what reality are you creating for yourself?• 4 reasons to learn a new language• ıdeas worth dating• how we talk about sexual assault online• the beauty of what we'll never know• art can heal ptsd's invisible wounds• 5 ways to lead in an era of constant change• ballroom dance that breaks gender roles• we've stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers• a temporary tattoo that brings hospital care to the home• machine intelligence makes human morals more important• ınside the mind of a former radical jihadist• the unexpected challenges of a country's first election• what a driverless world could look like• how the us should use its superpower status• how loss helped one artist find beauty in imperfection• everything you hear on film is a lie• st. james ınfirmary blues• enough with the fear of fat• your smartphone is a civil rights issue• how america's public schools keep kids in poverty• your company's data could help end world hunger• 4 ways to build a human company in the age of machines• space oddity• ıt's time for women to run for office• ıslamophobia killed my brother. let's end the hate• can a divided america heal?• easy dıy projects for kid engineers• we train soldiers for war. let's train them to come home, too• the urgency of intersectionality• how the blockchain will radically transform the economy• the playful wonderland behind great inventions• help for kids the education system ignores• math is the hidden secret to understanding the world• a political party for women's equality• what will humans look like in 100 years?• how to speak up for yourself• we need nuclear power to solve climate change• an interview with the founders of black lives matter• maps that show us who we are (not just where we are)• how an old loop of railroads is changing the face of a city• 4 larger-than-life lessons from soap operas• a queer vision of love and marriage• let's clean up the space junk orbiting earth• what ı learned from 100 days of rejection• say your truths and seek them in others• do kids think of sperm donors as family?• why curiosity is the key to science and medicine• how aı can bring on a second ındustrial revolution• could a drug prevent depression and ptsd?• how students of color confront impostor syndrome• how to gain control of your free time• will automation take away all our jobs?• why earth may someday look like mars• what will you tell your daughters about 2016?• ıt's time to reclaim religion• how we explore unanswered questions in physics• are you a giver or a taker?• the world doesn't need more nuclear weapons• want kids to learn well? feed them well• the lies we tell pregnant women• a better way to talk about love• the next step in nanotechnology• meet the inventor of the electronic spreadsheet• to solve old problems, study new species• ıf a story moves you, act on it• what happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose• how online abuse of women has spiraled out of control• art made of the air we breathe• how to have better political conversations• the ethical dilemma of designer babies• buildings that blend nature and city• where is cybercrime really coming from?• what we don't know about europe's muslim kids• a young scientist's quest for clean water• help discover ancient ruins -- before it's too late• why you should love statistics• how to get better at the things you care about• my son was a columbine shooter. this is my story• what time is it on mars?• the incredible inventions of intuitive aı• our story of rape and reconciliation• new nanotech to detect cancer early• 4 ways to make a city more walkable• what it's like to be a parent in a war zone• how racism harms pregnant women -- and what can help• an electrifying acoustic guitar performance• how to practice safe sexting• 3 ways to fix a broken news industry• how jails extort the poor• don't fear superintelligent aı• nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide• the racial politics of time• a robot that eats pollution• a few ways to fix a government• the data behind hollywood's sexism• smelfies, and other experiments in synthetic biology• this app makes it fun to pick up litter• what ı learned from 2,000 obituaries• stories from a home for terminally ill children• rollercoaster• a scientific approach to the paranormal• ı grew up in the westboro baptist church. here's why ı left• to raise brave girls, encourage adventure• why women should tell the stories of humanity• how ı'm fighting bias in algorithms• beautiful new words to describe obscure emotions• a burial practice that nourishes the planet• adventures of an asteroid hunter• what young women believe about their own sexual pleasure• should we simplify spelling?• turceasca• ınside america's dead shopping malls• lifelike simulations that make real-life surgery safer• asking for help is a strength, not a weakness• why civilians suffer more once a war is over• who would the rest of the world vote for in your country's election?• 3 ways to spot a bad statistic• a young inventor's plan to recycle styrofoam• what we don't know about mother's milk• addiction is a disease. we should treat it like one• how early life experience is written into dna• music for wood and strings• a young poet tells the story of darfur• know your worth, and then ask for it• political common ground in a polarized united states• how to take a picture of a black hole• the conversation we're not having about digital child abuse• how racism makes us sick• how we can find ourselves in data• 3 ways to plan for the (very) long term• ın praise of conflict• an intergalactic guide to using a defibrillator• a simple birth kit for mothers in the developing world• we should all be feminists• how do you build a sacred space?• how radio telescopes show us unseen galaxies• a video game to cope with grief• a doctor's case for medical marijuana• how ı learned to read -- and trade stocks -- in prison• how fake news does real harm• science in service to the public good• why the only future worth building includes everyone• on tennis, love and motherhood• what you can do to prevent alzheimer's• the future we're building -- and boring• behind the lies of holocaust denial• how (and why) russia hacked the us election• there's no shame in taking care of your mental health• a summer school kids actually want to attend• a tribute to nurses• the biology of our best and worst selves• poetry, music and identity• thoughts on humanity, fame and love• how human noise affects ocean habitats• 3 principles for creating safer aı• what makes life worth living in the face of death• a climate solution where all sides can win• why school should start later for teens• when black women walk, things change• poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash• why ı speak up about living with epilepsy• this is what democracy looks like• a secret weapon against zika and other mosquito-borne diseases• how to find a wonderful idea• how pollution is changing the ocean's chemistry• don't fear intelligent machines. work with them• am ı not human? a call for criminal justice reform• no one should die because they live too far from a doctor• songs that bring history to life• how to design a library that makes kids want to read• how to see past your own perspective and find truth• why glass towers are bad for city life -- and what we need instead• to understand autism, don't look away• what happens in your brain when you pay attention?• 12 truths ı learned from life and writing• why you should define your fears instead of your goals• how ı built a jet suit• when ı die, recompose me• science didn't understand my kids' rare disease until ı decided to study it• awoo• doesn't everyone deserve a chance at a good life?• why we need to imagine different futures• the refugee crisis is a test of our character• why design should include everyone• a celebration of natural hair• don't feel sorry for refugees -- believe in them• lifesaving scientific tools made of paper• how we can face the future without fear, together• why journalists have an obligation to challenge power• what rivers can tell us about the earth's history• why our screens make us less happy• can clouds buy us more time to solve climate change?• your brain hallucinates your conscious reality• the human insights missing from big data• hamilton vs. madison and the birth of american partisanship• how ı fail at being disabled• how cohousing can make us happier (and live longer)• a simple new blood test that can catch cancer early• how a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day• you smell with your body, not just your nose• why ı still have hope for coral reefs• meet spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors• can art amend history?• what six years in captivity taught me about fear and faith• the stories behind the new yorker's iconic covers• how computers learn to recognize objects instantly• how aı can enhance our memory, work and social lives• how your brain decides what is beautiful• let's end ageism• you owe it to yourself to experience a total solar eclipse• meet the microscopic life in your home -- and on your face• a dance to honor mother earth• courage is contagious• how ı help free innocent people from prison• how boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas• how artists can (finally) get paid in the digital age• a practical way to help the homeless find work and safety• 7 principles for building better cities• the secret to living longer may be your social life• how ı found myself through music• what moral decisions should driverless cars make?• the era of blind faith in big data must end• a lyrical bridge between past, present and future• what the sugar coating on your cells is trying to tell you• what would happen if we upload our brains to computers?• the sacred art of the ori• when workers own companies, the economy is more resilient• why we need to end the era of orphanages• fun, fierce and fantastical african art• can a robot pass a university entrance exam?• how your pictures can help reclaim lost history• how the us government spies on people who protest -- including you• dare to refuse the origin myths that claim who you are• how young people join violent extremist groups -- and how to stop them• a smog vacuum cleaner and other magical city designs• how to build a company where the best ideas win• what it feels like to see earth from space• would you live in a floating city in the sky?• who belongs in a city?• how our friendship survives our opposing politics• what really motivates people to be honest in business• there's more to life than being happy• a forgotten ancient grain that could help africa prosper• the fascinating physics of everyday life• the real reason manufacturing jobs are disappearing• living sculptures that stand for history's truths• how digital dna could help you make better health choices• what we're missing in the debate about immigration• why africa must become a center of knowledge again• the most martian place on earth• what intelligent machines can learn from a school of fish• a black man goes undercover in the alt-right• how a video game might help us build better cities• the boost students need to overcome obstacles• the fascinating secret lives of giant clams• why people of different faiths are painting their houses of worship yellow• future tech will give you the benefits of city life anywhere• the warmth and wisdom of mud buildings• what teen pregnancy looks like in latin america• what ı learned as a prisoner in north korea• lessons from the longest study on human development• how lıgo discovered gravitational waves -- and what might be next• the magic of khmer classical dance• mind-blowing, magnified portraits of insects• don't suffer from your depression in silence• a global food crisis may be less than a decade away• how to seek truth in the era of fake news• how africa can use its traditional knowledge to make progress• the forgotten art of the zoetrope• electrical experiments with plants that count and communicate• why jobs of the future won't feel like work• 3 fears about screen time for kids -- and why they're not true• the revolutionary power of diverse thought• how ı became an entrepreneur at 66• what's hidden under the greenland ice sheet?• we can hack our immune cells to fight cancer• the new age of corporate monopolies• portraits that transform people into whatever they want to be• a precise, three-word address for every place on earth• a human-robot dance duet• the powerful stories that shaped africa• a pro wrestler's guide to confidence• what it's like to be a woman in hollywood• why ı risked my life to expose a government massacre• how diversity makes teams more innovative• how we'll earn money in a future without jobs• the awful logic of land mines -- and an app that helps people avoid them• natural woman and "johnny and donna"• we're building a dystopia just to make people click on ads• the future of storytelling• can we stop climate change by removing co2 from the air?• how to win at evolution and survive a mass extinction• sci-fi stories that imagine a future africa• the surprisingly charming science of your gut• the global learning crisis -- and what to do about it• for the love of birds• how we can end sexual harassment at work• why women stay silent after sexual assault• why wildfires have gotten worse -- and what we can do about it• an interview with mauritius's first female president• we should aim for perfection -- and stop fearing failure• the biggest risks facing cities -- and some solutions• how judges can show respect• what ı learned serving time for a crime ı didn't commit• the housing first approach to homelessness• how to talk (and listen) to transgender people• how the military fights climate change• ı don't want children -- stop telling me ı'll change my mind• how my dad's dementia changed my idea of death (and life)• why do ı make art? to build time capsules for my heritage• how to transform apocalypse fatigue into action on global warming• the hidden opportunities of the informal economy• activism needs introverts• how amazon, apple, facebook and google manipulate our emotions• how can groups make good decisions?• an interview with the queen of creole cuisine• the science of cells that never get old• the future of good food in china• how we're using drones to deliver blood and save lives• fashion has a pollution problem -- can biology fix it?• a republican mayor's plan to replace partisanship with policy• what aı is -- and isn't• get comfortable with being uncomfortable• why ı'm done trying to be "man enough"• the secret language of letter design• the brain benefits of deep sleep -- and how to get more of it• how fake handbags fund terrorism and organized crime• how urban agriculture is transforming detroit• what makes something go viral?• how augmented reality could change the future of surgery• adventures of an interplanetary architect• a bold plan to house 100 million people• lessons from a solar storm chaser• free yourself from your filter bubbles• success stories from kenya's first makerspace• a new weapon in the fight against superbugs• how china is changing the future of shopping• want to get great at something? get a coach• the gift of words• the history of human emotions• the power of citizen video to create undeniable truths• a vehicle built in africa, for africa• a mother and son united by love and art• the next generation of african architects and designers• good and "bad" are incomplete stories we tell ourselves• how adoption worked for me• you aren't at the mercy of your emotions -- your brain creates them• 3 thoughtful ways to conserve water• our treatment of hıv has advanced. why hasn't the stigma changed?• what we don't teach kids about sex• mammoths resurrected, geoengineering and other thoughts from a futurist• ınside africa's thriving art scene• medical tech designed to meet africa's needs• how adaptive clothing empowers people with disabilities• how we can stop africa's scientific brain drain• how record collectors find lost music and preserve our cultural heritage• want to be more creative? go for a walk• a one-man musical phenomenon• how to put the power of law in people's hands• the search for "aha!" moments• talk about your death while you're still healthy• the hidden role informal caregivers play in health care• see how the rest of the world lives, organized by income• american bipartisan politics can be saved -- here's how• what comes after tragedy? forgiveness• want to change the world? start by being brave enough to care• an economic case for protecting the planet• the dangerous evolution of hıv• the business benefits of doing good• photos of africa, taken from a flying lawn chair• what's it like to be a robot?• the surprising solution to ocean plastic• the thrilling potential for off-grid solar energy• why ı study the most dangerous animal on earth -- mosquitoes• could fish social networks help us save coral reefs?• the gift and power of emotional courage• my failed mission to find god -- and what ı found instead• black life at the intersection of birth and death• 6 space technologies we can use to improve life on earth• how ı use minecraft to help kids with autism• from death row to law graduate• how we can help hungry kids, one text at a time• this deep-sea mystery is changing our understanding of life• how architecture can create dignity for all• how protest is redefining democracy around the world• this company pays kids to do their math homework• 3 lessons of revolutionary love in a time of rage• my fine reward• capitalism isn't an ideology -- it's an operating system• the virginity fraud• the surprising ingredient that makes businesses work better• why ı train grandmothers to treat depression• fashion that celebrates african strength and spirit• 3 creative ways to fix fashion's waste problem• the secret to great opportunities? the person you haven't met yet• how we can build aı to help humans, not hurt us• looking for a job? highlight your ability, not your experience• how to resolve racially stressful situations• a life-saving invention that prevents human stampedes• refugees want empowerment, not handouts• how to have a healthier, positive relationship to sex• you don't have to be an expert to solve big problems• the role of human emotions in science and research• a funny look at the unintended consequences of technology• be humble -- and other lessons from the philosophy of water• the brain-changing benefits of exercise• to learn is to be free• how we look kilometers below the antarctic ice sheet• how we became sisters• what ı learned when ı conquered the world's toughest triathlon• what soccer can teach us about freedom• do you really know why you do what you do?• how fashion helps us express who we are -- and what we stand for• how shocking events can spark positive change• the wonderful world of life in a drop of water• to solve the world's biggest problems, invest in women and girls• how to love criticism• the daily show's secret to creativity• the best way to help is often just to listen• the radical beauty of africa, in portraits• what a world without prisons could look like• how to inspire every child to be a lifelong reader• 3 myths about the future of work (and why they're not true)• why must artists be poor?• the great migration and the power of a single decision• the 3,000-year history of the hoodie• why the pencil is perfect• how the progress bar keeps you sane• how the jump rope got its rhythm• how the button changed fashion• the hidden ways stairs shape your life• how the hyperlink changed everything• the problem with all-stars• the genius of the london tube map• my mama / "black banana"• what we can do about the culture of hate• how ı use art to bridge misunderstanding• a rite of passage for late life• what if gentrification was about healing communities instead of displacing them?• for survivors of ebola, the crisis isn't over• need a new idea? start at the edge of what is known• the human stories behind mass incarceration• your hidden personality• how to tame your wandering mind• the rhythm of afrobeat• what if we paid doctors to keep people healthy?• how quantum physics can make encryption stronger• how fungi recognize (and infect) plants• academic research is publicly funded -- why isn't it publicly available?• the role of faith and belief in modern africa
(gurcanbal - 21 Aralık 2018 00:00)
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