Dépression et des potes (~ Deppiga vänner) ' Filminin Konusu : Dépression et des potes is a movie starring Fred Testot, Jonathan Lambert, and Arié Elmaleh. When Frank is diagnosed with depression, his friends try to cheer him up but soon enough they all discover they are as depressed as him.
La cité de la peur(1994)(7,7-7112)
La cage aux folles(1978)(7,3-9677)
Papa ou maman 2(2016)(6,2-1034)
L'amour, c'est mieux à deux(2010)(5,8-1361)
harikulade bir uaral şarkısı.sözlerini yazayım da tam olsun diyecem ama brutal vokalden dolayı ben bir tek kelimesini dahi anlayamadım. belki siz anlarsınız.in depression downi'm fallingdown in the oblivion deepmy mind, my force, my powerseen to be unrealthe death like air i'm breathingwares my fearmy feardescends with the nightthe growing delusionof livei feel like be unworthof livingdepression shines on meas a childunder her guidei feel my bloodflowing out of my veinssister blade help me findthe right way to an higher sidefinally i've foundthe higher of sideas the bladeends this lifei feel a senseof satisfied thirsti'm freeis like flyingthis deathon my own
(somurcan reloaded - 3 Haziran 2009 23:59)
3 adet elemandan oluşan almanya'lı grind/grindcore grubu. diskografileri şöyledir;1990 - "tal der tränen" demo1992 - "vergessene welten"1993 - "...in verzweiflung." 1995 - "erinnerungen" 1996 - "ein hauch von moder"1997 - "böses blut" 1997 - "die zeiten ändern sich" 1998 - "enjoy or die!?" 1998 - "ein hauch von moder"1999 - "und keiner weint uns nach" 2000 - "chronische depression" 2001 - "zur stille finden" 2002 - "schatten" 2003 - "ein hauch von moder"2005 - "böses blut" 2005 - "der weg des wassers"2005 - "das relikt -erinnerungen-" 2006 - "böses blut" 2006 - "die toten tage kommen..." 2006 - "zur stille finden"2006 - "böses blut" 2007 - "ein kakophonischer lebenshauch" 2008 - "unglaube" 2008 - "hier liegen meine gebeine... (ich wollt es wären deine) 2008 - "das relikt" 2009 - "unglaube" 2009 - "eine rückbesinnung"
(geriyekaldi19karakter - 9 Mayıs 2010 20:32)
alm. depresyon
(autumns monologue - 16 Ekim 2010 01:20)
pennywise wildcard word from the wise albümü 3. parçasisözleri söyledir:when the world's coming down like an anvil on your head. you must make it, you can take it, if you just kick back. it's all part of living this surviving dread. but tell me when all's done and said. who needs depression. you can hit the bottle or hit something instead. you can take the bottle break it over someone's head. take your time, keep peace of mind, and smile big-time.
(blackflag - 20 Ocak 2003 00:41)
(bkz: depresyon)
(the 8th endless - 19 Şubat 2003 23:53)
içinde press kelimesinin geçmesi şaşırtıcı olmayan...
(thesaintofincipientinsanities - 2 Ağustos 2012 22:14)
ing. çöküntü, nisbeten daha düşük seviyede olan
(bwh - 9 Ocak 2004 10:27)
19 yaşında bir komedyen şöyle demişti:"my life is four simple words: i suffer from depression.
(bazi sesler mora benzer - 15 Eylül 2014 18:26)
kum ile su şiiriyle güzel kombine olan, uaral şarkısı
(ihtiyar hayvan - 22 Kasım 2016 14:32)
son yorum uaral ile ilgiliymiş. tesadüfün böylesi. melonkoli ile harmanlanmış dibe vurduran uaral şarkısıdır.
(ulftheodor - 9 Haziran 2017 22:37)
Yorum Kaynak Link : depression