Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 (~ Gordo, Doente e Quase Morto 2) ' Filminin Konusu : Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 is a movie starring Joe Cross, Bjarke de Koning, and Carrie Diulus. Joe Cross examines how to make healthy habits last. Joe meets with experts who present realistic solutions to make long-term sustainable...
Vegan: Everyday Stories(2016)(8,2-250)
Food, Inc.(2009)(7,8-47714)
Forks Over Knives(2013)(7,8-10502)
Food Matters(2008)(7,7-4449)
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead(2014)(7,6-8143)
Live and Let Live(2013)(7,6-660)
Hungry for Change(2012)(7,5-2966)
What the Health(2017)(7,5-24253)
Food Choices(2016)(7,3-2673)