Provoked: A True Story (~ Provoked) ' Filminin Konusu : Provoked: A True Story is a movie starring Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Miranda Richardson, and Naveen Andrews. It's the true story of a Punjabi woman named Kiranjit Ahluwalia who leaves India to marry a London-based guy, only to be...
Chokher Bali(2006)(6,9-1160)
Journey Across India(2007)(6,3-83)
Bride & Prejudice(2004)(6,2-18883)
The Mistress of Spices(2006)(5,5-4961)
Umrao Jaan(2006)(5,5-1731)
Action Replayy(2010)(4,2-4842)
(bkz: production of nature)
(ajax - 22 Ocak 2007 03:07)
(bkz: nurture)
(prospero - 22 Ocak 2007 03:13)
nature'da yayinlanan makaleler onemli bulu$larin abstract'lari $eklindedir. genelde bulu$un 2-3 sayfalik ozeti nature'da, ayrintili olarak incelendigi kismi baska dergilerde yayinlanir.
(seek and destroy - 8 Temmuz 2007 07:40)
(bkz: nature boy)
(zicarim bole ise - 28 Şubat 2008 16:22)
dünyanın en çok okunan bilim dergisinde türkiyedeki bilim hakkında çıkan haberler şunlar:- turkish scientists claim darwin censorship. science-funding agency accused of removing evolution article — and its editor — from mainstream magazine: the main turkish government agency responsible for funding science has provoked outrage by apparently censoring a magazine article on the life and work of charles darwin. 10 mart 2009 (bu haberin altındaki yorumlar olaydan bin kat kötüdür)- turkish politics blamed for board block. geologist claims personal views led to job denial: a prominent turkish geologist is being denied a top spot in the nation's higher-education system because, he says, his political views are out of step with those of the current government. 2 temmuz 2008- turkish physicists face accusations of plagiarism. scores of papers are removed from arxiv server: more than a dozen theoretical physicists at four universities in turkey seem to be involved in a massive plagiarism scandal.almost 70 papers by 15 authors have been removed from the popular preprint server arxiv, where many physicists post their work, by the server's moderators. 6 eylül 2007- turkish government accused of hijacking boosted science budget. research spending tripled as part of bid for eu membership: the government of turkey is wresting control of the country's main research council for political ends. that's the accusation of prominent turkish scientists who fear that recent appointments and legal changes are attempts to channel a growing science budget towards the government's supporters. 28 nisan 2005neden yüksek impactlı dergilerde türkiyeden makale olmuyor, neden yazıma sürekli red geliyor, neden türkiye'de bilim yapılmıyor, neden beyin göçü var diye yeni yeni sormaya başlamış genç bilim insancıklarına yeterli açıklama olduğunu umuyorum.
(selene - 14 Mart 2009 05:44)
sitesi, bilim ve teknik dergisinin darvin'li sayısına uygulanan sansürü gündeme getirmesiyle harun yahya'cıların akınına uğrayan dergi. orta karar bir ingilizce'yle yazılmış alt alta bir dolu "darvin'e değil gözlerimize inanıyoruz, evrim yok." tipinde yorum için buyurunuz:…0310/full/news.2009.150.html
(mugettin - 18 Mart 2009 21:43)
bu haftaki sayısında editör yazılarından birini tübitak'taki evrim sansürü konusuna ayırmış olan dergi. (bkz:…v458/n7236/full/458259a.html) aynı yazıda türkiye'de evrim gerçeğini kabul etmeyen insanların çokluğu ve akp hükümetinin dinci tutumu da vurgulanıyor.
(kavorka - 19 Mart 2009 04:14)
türkçeye benzer bir şekilde(doğa-doğurmak), "natus" doğurmak fiilinden türemiş ingilizce sözcük.(bkz:…h=nature&searchmode=none)
(manzikert - 17 Ağustos 2009 11:56)
bana gore science'dan daha ciddi bir bilim dergisidir. nature publishing group' (npg) un amiral gemisidir, londra merkezlidir. burda yayinlanan makaleler onemli calismalarin ozetidir diye bir kural yoktur. zaten iki tur bilimsel yayin icerir (haberler, yorumlar vs haricinde): 1-letter, 2-article. letter 3-4 sayfa arasinda olup basilan yayinlarin cogunlugunu olustururken, article'lar 5-6 sayfa olup fevkalade detay ve analiz icerir. her sayida sadece 2-3 article basilirken 10 kusur letter bulunur. ayrica haftaliktir. nedendir hala bilmiyorum, science da nature da agirlikli olarak biyolojik ve tibbi bilim yayini yaparlar. buyuk ihtimalle bu alanda calisan insan sayisi daha fazla oldugundandir. lakin npg bunyesinde tonla baska dergiler de bulundurur. nature cancer, nature genetics gibi. adinda nature olan dergiler sunlardir:naturenature biotechnologynature cell biologynature chemical biologynature chemistrynature climate changenature clinical practice journalsnature communicationsnature digestnature geneticsnature geosciencenature immunologynature materialsnature medicinenature methodsnature nanotechnologynature neurosciencenature photonicsnature physicsnature protocolsnature research journalsnature reviews journalsnature reviews cancernature reviews cardiology (formerly nature clinical practice cardiovascular medicine)nature reviews clinical oncology (formerly nature clinical practice oncology)nature reviews drug discoverynature reviews endocrinology (formerly nature clinical practice endocrinology & metabolism)nature reviews gastroenterology and hepatology (formerly nature clinical practice gastroenterology and hepatology)nature reviews geneticsnature reviews immunologynature reviews microbiologynature reviews molecular cell biologynature reviews nephrology (formerly nature clinical practice nephrology)nature reviews neurology (formerly nature clinical practice neurology)nature reviews neurosciencenature reviews rheumatology (formerly nature clinical practice rheumatology)nature reviews urology (formerly nature clinical practice urology)nature structural and molecular biologyve belki de bir o kadar daha npg'ye bagli adinda nature bulunmayan dergi vardir: yilda bir fontunu, dizgisini degistirerek surpriz yapar..
(felixis - 20 Aralık 2010 06:10)
şubat 2011 sayısında mehmet haberal ile ilgili yazı içeren bilimsel dergi. bu sayıda "bilim adamları birleşin" mesajı vermiş, tübitak'a inceden geçirmiş. bu da aziz nesin'den gelsin; (bkz: nah kalkınırız)bu da linki:…ral_nature24february.pdf
(lily cherrylace - 8 Mart 2011 15:23)
ozellikle yasam bilimleriyle ilgileniyorsaniz, olmayacagini bile bile, bir gun bu dergide yayinlanacak bir isi basarabilmek hayallerinizi susler..turkiye ise ancak yasanan skandallarla dergide yer bulabilmekte..son olarak ygs rezaletini "rezalet" oldugunu vurgulayarak yayinlamislardir..rte'nin pis pis uzaklara bakan fotografi da tam olmustur makale icin..…011/110531/full/474017a.html
(muamma - 2 Haziran 2011 21:15)
free registration diye kandirip, once insanin canini cektiren ondan sonrada ver parayi al karayi diyen dergi.
(sankaranarayanan - 7 Mayıs 2003 16:01)
"yaauv bu nature da bilimsel olarak pek matah bir dergi değil"turan güven biraz önce beyaz tv’de söyledi de.
(ventolin - 16 Mart 2012 00:17)
türkiye'yi (tekrar) bir editör yazısına konu etmiş, dünyanın en prestijli iki bilimsel dergisinden biridir*. önce referansını verelim: (nature 500, 253 (15 august 2013) doi:10.1038/500253a)yazının tamamı aşağıda, son cümlesi hükümete mesaj niteliğinde: bilim, tıpkı başörtüsü gibi, siyasi bir oyuncak değildir. beyond headscarf symbolism "turkey’s scientists show they no longer want to expend their energy on political confrontation, but political volatility is threatening their efforts to work in peace.""this spring in ıstanbul, a hundred or so faculty members and students held a lunch-time demonstration in one of koç university’s elegant courtyards. they were protesting against the administration’s failure to protect the jobs of the university’s service workers. ıt was peaceful. no one tried to stop them.this is one side of turkey. the other side is more visible — the violent response of police to the taksim square protests against unchecked city development a few weeks later, for example. and the long jail sentences dished out earlier this month to some former university rectors, dogmatic opponents of their country’s ban on headscarves in public institutions (see nature 500, 129–130; 2013). the headscarf ban, and the reaction to it, is a telling and useful guide to how turkish universities and turkish science could yet flourish amid such political volatility.koç university is private, so the ban does not apply. free to choose, only a single head was covered among the protestors. with reasonable budgets, reasonable student numbers and a reasonable absence of ideology, koç university has little to worry about. ıts three-year-old medical faculty has already attracted a european research council grant holder.a few kilometres farther south, the cash-starved, public boğaziçi university is required to apply the headscarf ban, but the occasional defiant student who chooses to cover her head tends to go unnoticed. as elsewhere in turkey, most academics and scientists just don’t want to expend energy on fights about headscarves any more.that is a u-turn in mentality, and an encouraging one. the headscarf ban has been the symbol of a decades-long struggle between secularists who see covering the hair as a slippery slope towards a breakdown of turkey’s constitutional separation of state and religion, and those who would like to see a greater presence of ıslam in daily life. scientists tend increasingly to see this stand-off for what it is — less about religion than about power, and they are worried more about the ascension of ignorance than of fundamentalism.turkey’s economic growth and expanding cities have created a powerful new middle class with strong religious roots. ten years ago they helped to elect prime minister recep tayyip erdoğan with his ‘mildly ıslamic’ government, and erdoğan supporters now hold key positions at institutions such as the turkish academy and tübitak, turkey’s research funding agency. critics say that these individuals are not always qualified for the posts, and that some may even have abused their positions to take revenge on those who stood in their way in the past.tübitak has made a series of poor decisions in recent years. most notorious was in 2009, when it demoted çiğdem atakuman, the editor of its magazine bilem ve teknik, after she objected to its censorship of an article celebrating charles darwin. she has since challenged tübitak’s investigations in three separate court cases, which she won. more recently, the organization declined to fund a workshop on evolutionary biology, saying that evolution is controversial. antievolutionism is a religious stance, and with this argument tübitak shows a failure to understand science and its processes.against this alarming backdrop, turkey’s small, mostly foreigntrained research community is trying to do science as it would be done in the countries where its members trained. they frequently succeed in small pockets, as at koç and boğaziçi. but even at koç, scientists complain about a lack of critical mass that threatens their long-term future. the current less-confrontational mood will help them to focus their energy. but they won’t be secure until the government acknowledges that science, just like a headscarf, is not a political toy. "
(jabberwocky - 16 Ağustos 2013 03:48)
ıslak rüyalarıma konu olan dergi. barbara*'yı rüyamda görmüşlüğüm yoktur, ama nature'da makale bastığımı gördüm, hayırlısı.*: barbara, manken olan
(aribeth de tylmarande - 23 Kasım 2013 08:10)
gastroenterology and hepatology review kismindan hepatit c'de yeni tedavi yontemleri ile ilgili bir makaleyi indirmek icin 8$ isteyen guzide bilim dergisi. uyeligi olan bi yesillendirirse mutlu olurum.(bkz: valla ogrenciyim abi)
(sicani deliginde vurdu bbm ben ordaydim - 4 Haziran 2014 19:46)
makalelerinde guzel uygulamalarindan biri contributions (katkilar) kisminin bulunmasi. bunun sinyallerini daha once $u yazida vermi$lerdi:…author-contributions-1.11475bu katkilar bolumu sayesinde makalede kim ne i$ yapmi$, makaleye nasil bir katkida bulunmu$ belli oluyor. bence cok mantikli ve diger bilimsel dergilerde de benzer $ekilde uygulansa super olur.
(max zorin - 14 Aralık 2014 09:49)
heroes of might and magic iv un en güçlü kalesi olarak tabir edilebilir.zira herkez en güçlü kalenin chaos olduğunu büyüler ve black dragon u dolayısıyla düşünebilir ancak nature kalesinin summonning özelliği sayesinde grand master summoner olununca önüne geçilmez bir ordu yaratabilme kapabilitesi vardır.mantis ve faerie dragon ikilisini savaş stiline uygun yerleştirdiğinizde çok güçlü oluyosunuz.ama dragona karşı da faerie dragon pek bişeye yaramıyo o da ayrı.. (bkz: magic resistance)
(malganis - 22 Mayıs 2004 10:42)
dr. mehmet mete altintas'in harvard medical school grubuyla beraber hazirlamis oldugu makaleyi yayinlamis olan dergi... science dergisi ile birlikte dunyanin en onemli bilim dergisi...…op/ncurrent/full/ng1592.html
(pele - 28 Mayıs 2005 20:44)
dave's true story grubunun 2005 yılında çıkardıkları albümleri. albümde şu şarkılar yer alır.01 the world in which we live02 dog's life03 i lost my nature04 chasing the white line down05 everlasting no06 who would guess?07 still she knows08 how do you break a heart09 cinder10 sandman 11 small black heart 12 kiss me 13 blue nile
(2tam1bolu2 - 18 Kasım 2005 15:31)
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