The Smoking Room (~ Dohányzásra kijelölt hely) ' Dizisinin Konusu : The Smoking Room is a TV series starring Robert Webb, Jeremy Swift, and Nadine Marshall. A British comedy set in the smoking room of a workplace.
Ödüller :
The Day Today(1994)(8,6-4185)
Phoenix Nights(2001)(8,4-4696)
Look Around You(2002)(8,4-2301)
15 Storeys High(2002)(8,3-1353)
The Fast Show(1994)(8,2-3486)
People Like Us(1999)(8,1-463)
That Mitchell and Webb Look(2006)(8,0-7504)
Men Behaving Badly(1992)(7,7-6232)
The Mitchell and Webb Situation(2001)(7,7-1432)
Smoking Room(2002)(6,9-803)
BAFTA : "BAFTA TV Award-Best New Writer"
aynı zamanda csi ny dördüncü sezon dördüncü bölümünün adı.
(meth - 24 Ocak 2012 13:03)
buzzcocks'ın en guzel sarkı sıralamasında bir numara olan, hızlıca soylenmesi farz olan sarkıdır. pete shelley'in sesi sarkıyı tabiri caizse "yavşak" bi havaya sokar. bitince de o havadan cıkamazsınız, agzınızı egip bükmeye devam edersiniz. ya da soyle diyeyim, ben aynen oyle yapıyorum.i bin waiting in the supermarketstanding in line with the beans (cash up)i bin waiting at the post officefor sticky pictures of the queen (stick up)now i'm waiting for youto get yourself good 'n ready (make up)thinking to myself is this what they meanby going steady? (break up)i bin waiting in the waiting roomand i've bin sitting in the sitting roomand now i'm whining in the dining roomwaiting for you's like waiting for the man in the mooni was really smoulderingseen the back of forty king size cigarettes (stood up)this hanging on is murderbut if you'd just come along i'd have no regrets (give up)and so i'd phone your numberand your mother tells me you're still in bed (get up)when you come to the phone your voice is thick and sexygoes straight to my head (shut up)and i bin standing in the standing roomand i bin smoking in the smoking roomand now i'm dying in the living roomi'm gonna forget what 1 came for here real soonyour time's up and me tooi'm out on account of youi was really burned out and smoulderingseen the front and back of eighty king size cigarettes (stood up)this hanging on is killing meif you'd just creep along i'd have no regrets (give up)and so i phone your grandmothershe says you're still in bed (get up)when you get to the phone your voice is thick and sexyshoots through the top of my head (shut up)i bin standing in the standing roomi bin smoking in the smoking roomnow i'm dying in the living roomi'm gonna forget what i came for here real soonyour time's up ...
(uzuntu ve muz kabugu - 4 Mart 2006 02:06)
ingilizce vakit tamam, sure doldu, zaman bitti...- your time is up man (senin suyun kaynadi oglum. -boylede gicik bir tercume oldu iste)
(mistaken identity - 20 Temmuz 2006 17:15)
ayrica -ve de en onemlisi- living colour grubunun 1990 yilinda cikardiklari albumu. grubun ikinci albumu olmasina ragmen (ilk album vivid) kisa zamanda basari kazanmis ve grammy odulu almis bir albumdur. ilk albumlerindeki tarzi daha iyi oturtturup saglam bir album yapmalarina ragmen, nedense vivid gibi basarili bir album ertesi daha farkli beklentileri olanlar tarafindan ilk albumun golgesinde kaldigi soylenmistir. sahsen ben grubun kendini time s up'da asdigini dusunuyorum. ilk albumun golgesinde kalma sebebi de olsa olsa, grubun time s up'da ilk albumun basariya ulasmasini saglayan ozellikleri yinelemekten cok, hem muzikal hem de liriksel olarak dinleyicileri daha da kiskirtacak bir yol izlemis olmalari sanirim. gercektende hem soundlari daha sertlesmis (time's up, new jack theme, information overload), hem biraz(cik) daha deneysellik katmislar (information overload -sarkinin basi sadece-, oology, tag team partners) hem de daha oturakli sozler yazmislardir (our history lesson, pride). love rears its ugly head, elvis is dead, solace of you gibi hitleri de cikaran album bence grubun en iyi albumlerinden biridir (daha 3. albumleri stain var sirada!..) albumdeki sarkilar:1. time's up2. our history lesson3. pride4. love rears its ugly head5. new jack theme6. someone like you7. elvis is dead8. type9. information overload10. under cover of darkness11. ology12. fight the fight13. tag team partners14. solace of you15. this is the life16. final solution [live in chicago, nov. 90]17. middle man [live in chicago, nov. 90]18. love rears its ugly head (aka soul power mix) (bkz: living colour)
(mistaken identity - 20 Temmuz 2006 17:35)
Yorum Kaynak Link : time's up