The Chamber (~ Dava) ' Filminin Konusu : Hukuk fakültesinden yeni mezun olan Adam Hall’ı (Chris O’Donnell) Mississipi’de zorlayıcı bir dava beklemektedir. Bundan tam otuz yıl önce iki küçük çocuğu öldürmek suçundan hüküm giymiş olan Sam (Gene Hackman) isimli mahkûm, 28 gün sonra idam edilecektir. Günleri sayılı Sam’in sürpriz ziyaretçisi Adam, bu davayı temyize götürmek ister çünkü yıllardır yüzünü görmediği Sam, onun büyükbabasıdır. Adam, bu dava ile ailesinin karanlık geçmişine bir yolculuk edecektir.
The Street Lawyer(0)(7,4-61)
Runaway Jury(2003)(7,1-84698)
The Firm(1993)(6,8-105628)
The Client(1994)(6,7-53588)
Absolute Power(1997)(6,7-45415)
The Pelican Brief(1993)(6,6-68734)
Narrow Margin(1990)(6,6-6969)
Under Suspicion(2000)(6,5-23820)
Class Action(1991)(6,4-6148)
Extreme Measures(1996)(6,1-15804)
The Gingerbread Man(1998)(5,7-9935)
genesis'in 1974 the lamb lies down on broadway başyapıtının bir parçası.at the top of the stairs he finds a chamber. ıt is almost a hemisphere with a great many doors all the way round its circumference. there is a large crowd, huddled in various groups. from the shouting, rael learns that there are 32 doors, but only one that leads out. their voices get louder and louder until rael screams "shut up!" there is a momentary silence and then rael finds himself the focus as they direct their advice and commands to their new found recruit. bred on trash, fed on ash the jigsaw master has got to move faster. rael sees a quiet corner and rushes to the top of the stairs, there's hundreds of people,running around to all the doors.they try to find, find themselves an audience;their deductions need applause.the rich man stands in front of me,the poor man behind my back.they believe they can control the game,but the juggler holds another pack.ı need someone to believe in, someone to trust.ı need someone to believe in, someone to trust.ı'd rather trust a countryman than a townman,you can judge by his eyes, take a look if you can,he'll smile through his guard,survival trains hard.ı'd rather trust a man who works with his hands,he looks at you once, you know he understands,don't need any shield,when you're out in the field.but down here,ı'm so alone with my fear,with everything that ı hear.and every single door, that ı've walked throughbrings me back here again,ı've got to find my own way.the priest and the magician,singing all the chants that they have ever heard;and they're all calling out my name,even academics, searching printed father to the left of me,my mother to the right,like everyone else they're pointingbut nowhere feels quite right.and ı need someone to believe in, someone to trust.ı need someone to believe in, someone to trust.ı'd rather trust a man who doesn't shout what he's found,there's no need to sell if you're homeward bound.ıf ı choose a side,he won't take me for a ride.back insidethis chamber of so many doors;ı've nowhere, nowhere to hide.ı'd give you all of my dreams, if you'd help me,find a doorthat doesn't lead me back againtake me away.
(ch32vs1 - 3 Temmuz 2013 00:44)
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