The Castle(1997)(7,7-13759)
Love the Beast(2009)(7,5-2122)
Romulus, My Father(2008)(6,6-4161)
terry pratchettin faust güzellemesidir. cehennem tasvirleri özellikle yarıcıdır. geçen şoktan alıp okuduğum faust çevirisi üzerine diyebilirim ki rincewindin daşşaklarını yesin çevirmenler.
(zbam - 9 Ağustos 2008 00:15)
benjamin adlı çizgi filmdeki as oyunculardan birinin adı. özel vuruşu da mirage vuruşu adındaydı.
(estranged - 25 Ağustos 2002 15:18)
anlayamadığım bir şekilde, türkçe'ye çevirilirken atlanmış kitap. kendisi 9. kitap olmasına rağmen, ithaki'nin çıkarttığı kitaplarda 9. kitap olarak aslında 10. kitap olan hareketli resimler (moving pictures) görünüyor.
(3 atli 7 katli - 26 Haziran 2009 18:52)
nihayet yıllar sonra ithaki yayınları'nın tenezzül edip çıkardığı, orijinalinde 9., türkçe'de 12. discworld kitabı. rincewind'i özlemiştik*
(kahlan amnell - 30 Eylül 2010 21:11)
hakkında hiç entry olmamasına şaşırdığım, muhteşem bir guthrie govan şarkısı. sonunda yaptığı hareketleri yapabilecek gitarist berigelsin.
(aic - 11 Ekim 2010 17:54)
terry pratchett'ın kitaptaki cehennem tasviri nefis:(...)there was worse, however. in the next pit several chained and groaning people were being shown a series of paintings. a demon in front of them was reading from a script."-this is when we were in the fifth circle, only you can't see where we stayed, it was just off to the left there, and this is that funny couple we met, you'd never believe it, they lived on the icy plains of doom just next door to-"(...)sakallarından çekinmesem yanağından öpeceğim.edit: yok be görsem her türlü öperim heralde.
(elephantine - 15 Ocak 2011 08:05)
mavi aslanı kullanan sven gibi gerektiği zaman kaptanlık pazubandını atarak benjamin'in önünü açmış olan, son derece delikanlı, tabiri caizse adam gibi adam bir ortasaha oyuncusu, bir playmaker idi. çok savunduğu, inandığı, güvendiği kadim dostu benjamin kız kardeşine asılmaya başladığında bile cıkar topumu oynarım diyebilmiş, mirage vuruşu ile nice kalecileri uzaktan avlamaya devam etmişti. liderlik vasfı ve kazanma hırsı olan bir oyuncuydu.
(ralphie - 4 Mayıs 2004 09:17)
dünyanın en komik kitabı, kendimi kötü hissettiğim zamanlarda açıp bundan okuyorum, şirkette okumak için word formatını bulup indirdim, yıkıla yıkıla okuyorum hala. biraz uzun ama sahne şu; kendilerine bir hayaletin dadandığını düşünen büyücüler, ölümü çağırmaya karar verirler ve olaylar gelişir; çünkü ölüm, terry pratchett kitaplarının neredeyse en komik ve ciddi karakteridir:magic flared, the chants were chanted, the invocations were truly invoked.the wizards stared into the magic octogram, which remained empty. after a while the circle of robed figures began to mutter amongst themselves. “we must have done something wrong.” “maybe he is out.” “or busy...” “do you think we could give up and go back to bed?”-who are we waıtıng for, exactly? the bursar turned slowly to the figure beside him. you could always tell a wizard's robe; it was bedecked with sequins, sigils, fur and lace, and there was usually a considerable amount of wizard inside it. this robe, however, was very black. the material looked as though it had been chosen for its hard-wearing qualities. so did its owner. he looked as though if he wrote a diet book it would be a bestseller.death was watching the octogram with an expression of polite interest.“er,” said the bursar. “the fact is, in fact, that, er, you should be on the inside.”death: ı'm so sorry. ( death stalked in a dignified way into the centre of the room and watched the bursarexpectantly.)death: i hope we are not going to have any of this “foul fiend” busıness agaın, he said. “i trust we are not interrupting any important enterprise?” said the bursar. death: to somebody.“er. er. the reason, o fou - sir, that we have called you here, is for the reason...death: ” it is rincewind. “what?” death: the reason you have summoned me. the answer iıs: it is rincewind. “but we haven't asked you the question yet!”death: nevertheless the answer is: it is rincewind.“look, what we want to know is, what is causing this outbreak of... oh.” death pointedly picked invisible particles off the edge of his scythe. the archchancellor cupped a gnarled hand over his ear. “what'd he say? who's the fella with the stick?” “it's death, sir. you know.”“tell him we don't want any,” said the old wizard, waving his stick.the bursar sighed. “we summoned him, archchancellor.”“ıs it? what'd we go and do that for? bloody silly thing to do.”the bursar gave death an embarrassed grin. he was on the point of asking him to excuse the archchancellor on account of his age, but realised that this would in the circumstances be a complete waste of breath.“are we talking about the wizard rincewind? the one with the -” the bursar gave a shudder - “horrible luggage on legs? but he got blown up when there was all that business with the sourcerer*, didn't he?” death: ... into the dungeon dimensions. and now he is trying to get back home.“can he do that?”death: there would need to be an unusual conjunctıon of circumstances. reality would need to be weakened in certain unexpected ways.“that isn't likely to happen, is it?” said the bursar anxiously. people who have it on record that they were visiting their aunt for two months are always nervous about people turning up who may have mistakenly thought that they weren't, and owing to some trick of the light might have believed they had seen them doing things that they couldn't have been doing owing to being at their aunt's.death: ,t would be a million to one chance, said death. exactly a million to one chance.“oh,” said the bursar, intensely relieved. “oh dear. what a shame.” he brightened up considerably. “of course, there's all the noise. but, unfortunately, i expect he won't survive for long.”death: this could be the case, said death blandly. i am sure, though, that you would not wish me to make a practıce of issuing defınıtıve statements in this field.“no! no, of course not,” said the bursar hurriedly. “right. well, many thanks. poor chap. what a great pity. still can't be helped. perhaps we should be philosophical about these things.”death: perhaps you should. “and we had better not keep you,” the bursar added politely. death: thank you. “goodbye.”death: be seeing you. there had probably been an unusual conjunction of circumstances. that was a far more likely explanation.there had been an unusual conjunction of circumstances. by exactly a million to one chance there had been someone watching, studying, looking for the right tools for a special job.and here was rincewind.
(bugun saat 6 gibi sarki soyluyodum - 20 Ekim 2015 17:00)
az once dünyaya gelen oğlumun ismi.
(dawnspiper - 4 Eylül 2017 22:58)
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