Curse of the Nun (~ The Nun) ' Filminin Konusu : Curse of the Nun is a movie starring Lacy Hartselle, Kate Kilcoyne, and Aaron Mirtes. A damaged young woman is looking forward to moving to a beautiful new home, but the spirit of a deranged nun wants her to stay right where she is.
The Work Wife(2018)(5,5-50)
American Dresser(2018)(5,2-156)
Big Bear(2017)(5,0-977)
The Field Guide to Evil(2019)(4,9-721)
The Farm(2018)(3,9-837)
The Rake(2018)(3,5-472)
The Outer Wild(2018)(3,5-248)
Ouija House(2018)(3,1-427)
gectigimiz gunlerde manyak bir cubs taraftarinin wrigley field disindaki harry caray heykeline keciyi asarak aklinca*bozmaya calistigi lanet. ayrinti icin…109,cst-nws-goat06.article
(olmecca7 - 8 Ekim 2007 05:16)
chicago cubs'in 1908'den beri sampiyon olamamasinin sebebi olarak gosterilen lanet.
(vasishta - 20 Ekim 2004 09:58)
curse of the bambino'nun abisi.
bu sene son bulması beklenen lanet. kris bryant önderliğinde emin adımlarla yürüyor chicago cubs.
(roy halladay - 27 Ağustos 2016 12:37)
22 ekim 2016 tarihinde son bulmustur. chicago cubs serinin altinci karsilasmasinda los angeles dodgers'i 5-0 ile gecerek 71 yil sonra world series finaline yukselmistir.
(shadayim - 23 Ekim 2016 06:16)
Yorum Kaynak Link : curse of the goat