Masterpiece Theatre (~ ExxonMobil Masterpiece Theatre) ' Dizisinin Konusu : Masterpiece Theatre is a TV series starring Alistair Cooke, John Neville, and Robert Robinson. An anthology drama series featuring primarily British productions.
Ödüller :
Nova ScienceNow(2005)(8,5-469)
American Experience(1988)(8,5-1305)
Death Comes to Pemberley(2013)(7,1-5644)
The Ruby in the Smoke(2006)(6,7-639)
The Poison Tree(2012)(5,6-274)
Governor's Award
amerikan pbs kanalında pazar günleri yayımlanan, genelde klasik eserlerin yorumlaması olan dizileri falan ekrana getiren bir kuşak imiş anladığım kadarıyla...…h/masterpiece/series/index.html
(auroriel - 17 Eylül 2007 10:19)
Yorum Kaynak Link : masterpiece theatre