Byron (~ Lordos Vyron) ' Filminin Konusu : Byron is a TV movie starring Stephen Campbell Moore, Oliver Milburn, and Michael Elwyn. Following the success of his poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", Byron becomes the toast of London.
The Way We Live Now(2001)(7,7-2534)
Desperate Romantics(2009)(7,6-1505)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall(1996)(7,4-2239)
Daniel Deronda(2002)(7,3-3904)
Northanger Abbey(2007)(7,3-12383)
Miss Austen Regrets(2008)(7,1-2742)
The Flying Scotsman(2007)(7,1-4817)
He Knew He Was Right(2004)(7,0-1457)
Plunkett & Macleane(1999)(6,4-9216)