Setoutsumi (~ Seto and Utsumi) ' Filminin Konusu : Setoutsumi is a movie starring Sôsuke Ikematsu, Motomi Makiguchi, and Takuya Matsumoto. In a series of segments two different and contrasting high school students share experiences in their young lives as they idle away the extra...
Yokomichi Yonosuke(2013)(7,7-1181)
Yu wo wakasuhodo no atsui ai(2016)(7,6-1068)
Xiang ai xiang qin(2017)(7,3-616)
Nagai iiwake(2016)(7,3-674)
Teiichi no kuni(2017)(7,0-319)
Fune wo amu(2013)(6,7-1837)
Disutorakushon beibîzu(2016)(5,0-572)