• "(bkz: blackphone)(bkz: silent circle)"
  • "(bkz: zrtp)"
  • "bir sonraki buyuk projesini bu sene defcon'da aciklayacagini duyurmustur kendileri."

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    1991 yılında, phil zimmermann pretty good privacy (pgp)nin ilk versiyonunu yayınlamıştır. bu yazılım şimdi dünyanın en popüler e-mail encrypt-şifreleme yazılımıdır.ancak bu başarı sıkıntısız elde edilmemiştir.zimmermann'ın ilk sürüm pgp-si freeware-di ve amerikan tüketici servisi tarafından 3 yıl suç boyunca suç duyurusunda bulundurularak araştırıldı.1996 yılında ise suçlamalar geri alınarak dosya kapatılmıştır.

    phil zimmermann kendi sitesini http://www.pgp.com/phil/ adresinde yayınlamaktadır.

    (yasam atesi - 26 Nisan 2003 19:09)

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    1994'te soyle yazmistir:

    "when i was in college in the early seventies, i devised what i believed was a brilliant encryption scheme. a simple pseudorandom number stream was added to the plaintext stream to create ciphertext. this would seemingly thwart any frequency analysis of the ciphertext, and would be uncrackable even to the most resourceful government intelligence agencies. i felt so smug about my achievement. so cock-sure.

    years later, i discovered this same scheme in several introductory cryptography texts and tutorial papers. how nice. other cryptographers had thought of the same scheme. unfortunately, the scheme was presented as a simple homework assignment on how to use elementary cryptanalytic techniques to trivially crack it. so much for my brilliant scheme."

    biz bunu kisaca don't roll your own crypto olarak ozetleyebiliriz.

    (malmoth - 23 Şubat 2016 12:45)

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    2013'te kendisiyle yapilan bir soyleside soyle demistir:

    "i have spoken about this in the years before 9/11 that the biggest threat to privacy was moore’s law. the human population may not be doubling every eighteen months, but the ability of computers to track us doubles every eighteen months. moore’s law is almost like a blind force of nature. after 9/11, you have got blind forces of moore’s law hooked up to a focused policy of surveillance and that is a terrible combination."

    yine ayni soyleside bunu soyle guzel bir cumleyle ozetlemistir:

    "the natural flow of technology tends to move in the direction of making surveillance easier."

    buradan yola cikarak su iki cumleyi kurabiliriz sanki:
    don't roll your own crypto
    trust no one

    bir de tabi:
    the truth is out there

    (malmoth - 23 Şubat 2016 12:51)

Yorum Kaynak Link : phil zimmermann