Süre                : 1 Saat 25 dakika
Çıkış Tarihi     : 22 Kasım 1995 Çarşamba, Yapım Yılı : 1995
Türü                : Drama
Ülke                : ABD
Yapımcı          :  Miramax , Arthur Cohn Productions , Capella Films
Yönetmen       : James Foley (IMDB)(ekşi)
Senarist          : Joseph Stefano (IMDB)(ekşi)
Oyuncular      : Jerry Barone (IMDB)(ekşi), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (IMDB)(ekşi), Al Pacino (IMDB)(ekşi), Patrick Borriello (IMDB)(ekşi), Andy Romano (IMDB), Donna Mitchell (IMDB)(ekşi), Mary Lou Rosato (IMDB), Joe Grifasi (IMDB)(ekşi), Rosemary De Angelis (IMDB), Ron McLarty (IMDB), Charley Scalies (IMDB), Joanna Merlin (IMDB), Geoff Pierson (IMDB), Karen Shallo (IMDB), Nick Discenza (IMDB), Rik Colitti (IMDB), Rose Arrick (IMDB), Joy Pinizzotto (IMDB), Louis Lippa (IMDB), John Cenatiempo (IMDB), Gene D'Allesandro (IMDB), Anthony DeSando (IMDB), Sheila Murphy (IMDB), Jayne Haynes (IMDB), Joe Fersedi (IMDB), Mikey Viso (IMDB), Rick Faugno (IMDB), Jon Napolitano (IMDB), Nicole Molina (IMDB), Mario D'Elia (IMDB), Mary Testa (IMDB), Ted Brunetti (IMDB), Tony Rossi (IMDB), Lynn Battaglia (IMDB), Joey Perillo (IMDB), Dominic Leporati (IMDB), Skip Rose (IMDB), Alec Baldwin (IMDB), Bobby Boriello (IMDB), Emmanuel Cohn (IMDB) >>devamı>>

Two Bits (~ A Day to Remember) ' Filminin Konusu :
Two Bits is a movie starring Al Pacino, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, and Jerry Barone. It's a hot summer day in 1933 in South Philly, where 12-year old Gennaro lives with his widowed mom and his ailing grandpa, who sits outside...

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    "ella fitzgerald yorumunu dinleyip maymun olmuş bir insanın resmiyim"
    bu cümleyi kullanmak istiyorsanız, hemen indirip dinleyiniz.
    puttin'on derken on'a yaptığı neşe/cilve ile ella yine ciğerimize dokunmuştur,
    "ulan insan otel reklamına heyecanlanır mı tööbe tööbe" diyip son noktayı koydurtmuştur.

    (sukedisisu - 2 Temmuz 2004 03:45)

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    ella fitzgerald'ın yorumladığı şarkı. *

    if you're blue and you don't know
    where to go to why don't you go
    where fashion sits
    puttin' on the ritz
    different types who wear a day
    coat pants with stripes and cutaway
    coat perfect fits
    puttin' on the ritz
    dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
    tryin' hard to look like gary cooper (super duper)
    come let's mix where rockefellers
    walk with sticks or um-ber-ellas
    in their mitts
    puttin' on the ritz

    have you seen the well-to-doup and down park avenueon that famous thoroughfarewith their noses in the airhigh hats, and arrow collarswhite spats, and lots of dollarsspending every dimefor a wonderful time

    if you're blue and you don't know
    where to go to why don't you go
    where fashion sits
    puttin' on the ritz
    different types who wear a day
    coat pants with stripes and cutaway
    coat perfect fits
    puttin' on the ritz
    dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
    tryin' hard to look like gary cooper (super duper)
    come let's mix where rockefellers
    walk with sticks or um-ber-ellas
    in their mitts
    puttin' on the ritz

    (tap dance break)

    dressed up like a million-dollar troopertryin' hard to look like gary cooper (super duper)
    if you're blue and you don't know
    where to go to why don't you go
    where fashion sits
    puttin' on the ritz
    puttin' on the ritz
    puttin' on the ritz
    puttin' on the ritz


    gotta dance
    gotta dance...

    if you're blue and you don't know
    where to go to why don't you go
    where fashion sits
    puttin' on the ritz...
    puttin' on the ritz...
    puttin' on the ritz...

    (almagest - 14 Ağustos 2006 13:31)

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