Bellas mariposas (~ Pretty Butterflies) ' Filminin Konusu : Bellas mariposas is a movie starring Sara Podda, Maya Mulas, and Davide Todde. A day in Cagliari narrated by the young Caterina.
Ödüller :
La tenerezza(2017)(6,5-583)
Una famiglia(2017)(5,4-126)
Venedik Film Festivali : "FEDIC Award - Honorable Mention"
2006 yapımı çok tatlı bir film ismi (bkz: çok hoş.. gerçek hayata dair, sadece bir pencereden herhangi birimizin başına gelebilecek üzücü bi olaya oldukça casual bi bakış.. çok doğal geldi bana film.. güzel tavırları ve göndermeleri olan hoş bi film.. boş aksiyon ve romantizm islemeden de iyi vakit geçirilebilecek haywan gibi beyninizi şişirmeyen casual bi film işte..
(cryosync - 18 Haziran 2008 21:38)
isp., it. güzel (dişil)
(mi nombre es mayo - 30 Ağustos 2008 15:39)
yönetmenliğini alejandro g. monteverde'nin yaptığı insana hem hüzün hem neşe verebilen güzel bir filmdir..
(paloma - 2 Şubat 2011 02:31)
maitre gims'in bu aralar radyolarda sıkça dinlediğimiz şarkısı.ızca ------------bella, bella ouhouuuuuuuuubella ouhouuuubellla oouhhhhhhooooubellaelle répondait au nom de bellales gens du coin ne voulaient pas la cher-lâelle faisait trembler tous les villagesles gens me disaient : "méfie toi de cette fille là"c'était un phénomène, elle n'était pas humainele genre de femme qui change le plus grand délinquant en gentlemanune beauté sans pareille, tout le monde veut s'en emparersans savoir qu'elle les mène en bateauhypnotisés, on pouvait tout donnerelle n'avait qu'à demander puis aussitôt on démarraiton cherchait à l'impressionner, à devenir son préférésans savoir qu'elle les mène en bateaumais quand je la vois danser le soirj'aimerais devenir la chaise sur laquelle elle s'assoitpour moins que ça, un moins que rienjuste une pierre sur son cheminelle répondait au nom de bellales gens du coin ne voulaient pas la cher-lâelle faisait trembler tous les villagesles gens me disaient : "méfie toi de cette fille là"oui, c'est un phénomène qui aime hanter nos rêvescette femme était nommée, bella la peau doréeles femmes la haïssaient, d'autres la jalousaientmais les hommes ne pouvaient que l'aimerelle n'était pas d'ici, ni facile, ni difficilesynonyme de "magnifique", à ses pieds : que des disciplesqui devenaient vite indécis, tremblants comme les feuilleselle te caressait sans même te touchermais quand je la vois danser le soirj'aimerai devenir la chaise sur laquelle elle s'assoitpour moins que ça, un moins que rienjuste une pierre sur son cheminelle répondait au nom de bellales gens du coin ne voulaient pas la cher-lâelle faisait trembler tous les villagesles gens me disaient : "méfie toi de cette fille là"allez, fais moi tourner la tête (hé-hé)tourner la tête (héhé)rend moi bête comme mes ieds-p (hé-hé)bête comme mes ieds-p (héhé)j'suis l'ombre de ton ien-ch (hé-hé)l'ombre de ton ien-ch (héhé)fais moi tourner la tête (hé-hé)tourner la tête (héhé)fais moi tourner la tête (hé-hé)tourner la tête (héhé)rend moi bête comme mes ieds-p (hé-hé)bête comme mes ieds-p (héhé)j'suis l'ombre de ton ien-ch (hé-hé)l'ombre de ton ien-ch (héhé)fais moi tourner la tête (hé-hé)tourner la tête (héhé)elle répondait au nom de bellales gens du coin ne voulaient pas la cher-lâelle faisait trembler tous les villagesles gens me disaient : "méfie toi de cette fille là"ingilizce------------bella, bella ouhouuuuuuuuubella ouhouuuubellla oouhhhhhhooooubellashe answered to the name of bellathe local people didn't want to let her goshe captivated all the villagespeople was saying to me : "be careful about that girl"she was a phenomenon, she wasn't humanthe kind of girl who can changes the biggest delinquent into a great gentlemana beauty unequalled, everybody wanted to grab herwithout knowing she was taking them for a ridehypnotised, you can give her allshe just had to ask then we started up straight awaywe wanted to impress her; to become her favouritewithout knowing she was taking them for a ridebut when ı see her dancing the eveningı'd like to be that chair on which she sitsor less than that, a loserjust a stone on her wayshe answered to the name of bellathe local people didn't want to let her goshe captivated all the villagespeople was saying to me : "be careful about that girl"yes,it's a phenomenon who likes to haunt our dreamsthat woman was called, bella the golden-skinnedwomen hated her, and others envied herbut men could only love hershe wasn't a homegirl, neither easy nor difficultsynonymous of "gorgeous" to her feet : only discipleswhom quickly became undecided, trembling like leavesshe caressed you without even touching youbut when ı see her dancing the eveningı'd like to be that chair on which she sitsor less than that, a loserjust a stone on her wayshe answered to the name of bellathe local people didn't want to let her goshe captivated all the villagespeople was saying to me : "be careful about that girl"come on, blow my mind (hé-hé)blow my mind (héhé)make me as thick as a brick (hé-hé)as thick as a brick (héhé)ı am your dog's shadow (hé-hé)your dog's shadow(héhé)blow my mind (hé-hé)blow my mind (héhé)blow my mind (hé-hé)blow my mind (héhé)make me as thick as a brick (hé-hé)as thick as a brick (héhé)ı am your dog's shadow (hé-hé)your dog's shadow(héhé)blow my mind (hé-hé)blow my mind (héhé)she answered to the name of bellathe local people didn't want to let her goshe captivated all the villagespeople was saying to me : "be careful about that girl"
(safcocuk - 21 Temmuz 2013 14:17)
çok hüzünlü bir girişi olan bir şarkıdır. severiz kendisini. şimdiden (1 aydır) 13 milyon kez izlenmiştir youtube'da.
(charlesbovary - 23 Temmuz 2013 04:29)
maitre gims adli sarkicinin muhtesem sarkisi. cok hareketli ve gaz bir parca. patlamasi an meselesi diye dusunuyorum.
(eindaclub - 5 Ağustos 2013 02:06)
insanın dinledikçe dinleyesi gelen şarkılardan ayrıca klibide patlamış mısırla izlenicek cinsten.
(unsuz bir turk dusunuru - 15 Eylül 2013 10:23)
fransızcayı sevdiren şarkılardan.
(en arka koltuktaki gozluklu cocuk - 5 Aralık 2013 14:19)
(bkz: girişi mükemmel parçalar)
(tatli biber - 9 Nisan 2014 18:05)
maitre gims'in söylediğinden bahsediyorum şarkı çok güzel klibi çok güzel ama klipte oynayan sarışın abla aşmış bak bak doyamıyorsun kim ki acep ismini cismini bilen varsa buraya ilan etsin ya da yeşillendirsin *
(sog88 - 20 Haziran 2014 18:38)
Yorum Kaynak Link : bella