So Proudly We Hail! (~ A Legião Branca) ' Filminin Konusu : So Proudly We Hail! is a movie starring Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard, and Veronica Lake. A group of nurses returning from the war in the Phillippines recall their experiences in combat and in love.
The Women(1939)(7,8-12756)
Kings Row(1942)(7,6-3543)
People Will Talk(1951)(7,5-5054)
The Talk of the Town(1942)(7,5-6507)
Hold Back the Dawn(1941)(7,5-1580)
I Married a Witch(1942)(7,2-5991)
Madame Curie(1944)(7,2-2252)
Edge of Darkness(1943)(7,2-1713)
Reap the Wild Wind(1942)(6,8-2604)
Broadway Melody of 1936(1935)(6,8-1341)
Crash Dive(1943)(6,4-1214)
The Hour Before the Dawn(1944)(6,0-113)
modern times filmindeki haliyle şaftımı kaydıran güzel, çok güzel bir aktris teyze. 1910-1990 yılları arasında yaşamıştır.güzelliği bana ece uslu'yu hatırlatmıştır.
(tamburello - 21 Ocak 2009 01:33)
modern timesdaki haliyle ece usluyu andırmaktadır, birazcık daha güzeldir sadece.
(bachibouzouk - 23 Kasım 2009 19:05)
oyunculuğuyla büyülemiş, "ses mi o da ne" dedirtmiştir chaplin'le karşılıklı döktürdüğü filmlerde. bir insan bu kadar mı yakışır bir filme?--- spoiler ---bir de the great dictator filminde berber dükkanında, saçları tarandıktan sonra aynadaki tepkisi de ne masumdur, yirim.--- spoiler ---
(amelie poulain - 13 Şubat 2010 01:43)
modern zamanlar filmindeki siyah beyaz ama muazzam güzel kadındır. fakir ve çaresiz kız rolünü sesten yoksun olarak mükemmel bir biçimde canlandırmasıyla büyük saygımı kazanmıştır.
(mubuto87 - 13 Aralık 2010 04:33)
city lights'taki kör çiçekçi rolünü de o oynasaydı keşke...
(melankomik - 17 Şubat 2011 20:16)
siyah beyaz filmlerde bile gözlerinin mavisinin farkedilebildiğine inandığım, çok çok çok güzel bir kadın. hayatın zorlukları karşısında yılmamış, bütün zorlukların üstesinden tek başına gelebilen, tipinden beklenmeyecek derecede güçlü, tatlı kız tiplemesini çok güzel çizer modern zamanlar ve buyuk diktator filmlerinde
(clown - 27 Aralık 2000 02:13)
jean luc goddard'ın hiç bişeyi... (di mi?)
(clown - 27 Aralık 2000 02:14)
modern zamanlar'da o muzları çalarkenki bakışlarına galiba vuruldum.
(sanzelize canavari - 20 Mart 2013 10:35)
modern zamanlar'da rastlayıp, güzelliğine hayran kaldığım aktris.
(magracer - 10 Temmuz 2013 20:10)
ölümünde new york üniversitesine 20 milyon dolar bırakmış.söylediklerinden alıntılara bakılırısa şahane bir kişiymiş. --- spoiler ---actors and actresses who say they never go to see their own pictures are talking through their hats. you don't have to be a [sigmund freud] to know that the most fascinating person in the world - actors or anybody - is yourself.i lived in hollywood long enough to learn to play tennis and become a star, but i never felt it was my home. i was never looking for a home, as a matter of live in the present and you eliminate things that don't matter. you don't carry the burden of the past. i'm not impressed by the past very much. the past bores me, to tell you the truth; it really bores me. i don't remember many movies and certainly not my own.[referring first to jean renoir and obliquely to [charles chaplin) . . . an amazing man. he likes actors, and situations, and insists on telling a story. this is so unlike most directors who like only other directors . . . one director--you know who i mean."[referring to paintings and fine art) i don't like collecting anything i can't pack.{referring to husband erich maria remarque) we get along very well, i must say. i'm gregarious, and he's sedentary; it works out fine.leave yourself alone as much as possible. don't worry. i never do. i'm too busy remembering things.i was quite poor to begin with. but i think a background of poverty is good. you can always go back to living on $20 a week. you feel like a bandit when you take the good things in life.i love doing tv. it's such a breakneck pace you know. it's kiss and go with your leading man. you meet them in the morning and go right into a clinch. the filming is over before you know their last names.i think everybody at the studio thought i had a boy friend who owned a garage because i used to go to work every morning in such big cars. actually, you see, i was financially independent, and my passion was automobiles. i had three of them, all shiny and was easy as a blonde. i didn't have to think, i didn't have to talk. all i had to do was waltz around.i am not temperamental. i just know what i want and if i don't have it, i try to get it.[at the opening of carol channing's "lorelei"] men no longer prefer blondes; today, gentlemen seem to prefer gentlemen.i'm always slightly embarrassed to meet other actresses of my vintage. we have so little in common. they're all so dedicated. i find - so desperate.nobody onscreen fascinates me as much as paulette goddard. i'm probably her greatest fan , bar none. i see my own pictures six or seven times. i also take in my own pictures to see what i do wrong or what i do right.i am not tempermental. i just know what i want and if i don't have it, i try to get it.(bkz: spoiler ---
(17 panda gucu - 5 Ağustos 2013 22:45)
Yorum Kaynak Link : paulette goddard