Ash Wednesday (~ Unutulan hatiralar) ' Filminin Konusu : Ash Wednesday is a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Fonda, and Helmut Berger. Barbara gets secret plastic surgery in Switzerland in an attempt to save her marriage to Mark, but he doesn't seem interested in meeting her. She...
Father's Little Dividend(1951)(6,6-3043)
Raintree County(1957)(6,4-3444)
The V.I.P.s(1963)(6,3-3003)
The Last Time I Saw Paris(1955)(6,2-2969)
Hammersmith Is Out(1972)(5,9-331)
Zee and Co.(1972)(5,9-895)
mardi gras'dan sonra gelen carsamba, lent'in ilk gunu. 2007'de 21 subat'a denk gelmistir.
(muhendis - 23 Şubat 2007 00:06)
ethan hawke'un yeni romaninin adi. gecen haftalarda rolling stone dergisinde uzun bir bolum yayinlandi. ayrica edward burns de bu isimle bir film cekiyor.
(sleepwalker - 11 Ağustos 2002 00:07)
easter'dan onceki 7. car$ambadir. *
(huger - 15 Temmuz 2003 06:10)
(bkz: wishbone ash)
(neen - 26 Kasım 2003 16:57)
bu sene amerikada the passion of christın gösterime girdiği gün.
(tinuviel - 2 Mart 2004 12:32)
hani bazı şarkılar vardır, bestelerinin yanı sıra güfteleriyle de öyle melodiklerdir ki, dinlemeden edemezsin; dinleyemediğin vakitse, kafanın içinde tekrar tekrar döndürüp durursun kelimeleri.işte, t.s. eliot'ın "ash-wednesday"i de tam böyle bir şiir işte. yalnızca tek bir okuyuşta, «because i do not hope» mısrası öyle bir mıhlanır ki zihninine, artık ağa yakalanmış bir sinekten farksızsındır, ne kanatlarının bir değeri kalmıştır, ne de pençelerinin kudreti... hele bir de, eğer şiiri t.s. eliot'ın ya da seamus heaney'nin sesinden dinlemişsen, tamamdır: bu, yürüyen "ash-wednesday" oldun demektir!ben, misal, "ash-wednesday"i bir süredir cep saati gibi yanımda taşıyorum. ya da bırakalım şimdi metaforu; şiirin çıktısını alıp, dosyalayıp, gittiğim her yere yanımda taşıyacağım geliyor. hal böyleyken, dedim, madem şiiri beynimde taşıyacak kadar çok okudum, çok sevdim, neden anladığım kadarıyla çevirmeye koyulmuyorum? böyle konuştum kendimle, ve şiirin en sevdiğim kısmını, yani ilk bölümünü, dün gece türkçeye çevirdim. "ash-wednesday", (antolojiler ve t.s. eliot'ın toplu şiir kitapları her ne kadar şiirin 1930'da yazıldığını belirtse de) aslında 1928'den '30'a, yaklaşık 3 yıla yayılan bir zaman diliminde ve üç bağımsız parça olarak yazılmış. ki bunu salt şiiri okuyarak çıkarsamak mümkün. aşağıda çevirisini verdiğim ilk bölüm ise, ilk kez 1928'de, "perch' io non spero", yani "çünkü ben ummuyorum" adıyla yayınlanmış. t.s. eliot, 1927 yılında anglikanizm'e geçtikten sonra yazdığı şiirinin bu bölümünde, italyan ortaçağ şairi guido cavalcanti'nin buradan okunabilen "perch’i’ no spero di tornar giammai", yani "çünkü ben geri dönmeyi ummuyorum artık" adlı şiirinden beslenmiş. takip eden bölümlerde ise dante alighieri'nin "la divina commedia"sından ilham bulmuş kendine. ne var ki, t.s. eliot "ash-wednesday"i teolojik bir şiir olarak tasarlamasına karşın, özellikle ilk bölümü üzerinden, bunun aslında bir "aşk şiiri" olduğuna yönelik yorumlar almış ve bu yorumları bertaraf etmek için epeyce vakit harcamış zamanında."ash-wednesday", ister teolojik, ister seküler bir şiir olsun; kesin olan, bunun t.s. eliot'ın parmaklarından çıkan en yetkin şiirlerden biri olduğu ve modernist melodikliğinin şu post-modern çağımızda dahi yankılanabildiğidir. masalı daha fazla uzatmadan, okuyucuyu "kül çarşambası"nın ilk bölümünün çevirisiyle başbaşa bırakıp çekiliyorum. ~~"kül çarşambası, i"çünkü ben geri dönmeyi ummuyorum artıkçünkü ben geri dönmeyiçünkü ben geri dönmeyi ummuyorum.falancanın ihsanı, filancanın vesilesi...böyle şeylere yeltenmeye yeltenmeyeceğim artık(ihtiyar kartal ne diye açsın ki kanatlarını?)ben ne diyebu adi asrın yitik kudretinin yasını tutayım ki?çünkü ben bilmeyi ummuyorum artıkeski güzel günlerin hastalıklı görkeminiçünkü ben düşünmüyorumçünkü ben biliyorum ki bilemeyeceğimtek hakiki, fani kudretiçünkü ben içemeyeceğimoradan, ağaçların çiçeklendiği, pınarların gürlediği yerden, artık kuruyup bittiğinden.çünkü ben biliyorum ki vakit daima tam vaktidirve yer daima tam ve yegane yerdirve gerçek olan ne varsa sadece tek bir yer içinve sadece bir defalığına gerçektir.memnunum şeyler oldukları gibi olduklarındave feragat ediyorum bu kutsanmış çehredenve feragat ediyorum bu sestençünkü ben geri dönmeyi umamıyorum artıkdolayısıyla memnunum, memnun olduklarım üstüneinşa yakarıyorum tanrı'ya ki rahmetini esirgemesin bizdenve yakarıyorum ki unutabileyimher ne varsa kendimle uzun uzadıya tartıştığımuzun uzadıya açıkladığımçünkü ben geri dönmeyi ummuyorum artıkbu sözcükler yetsin yanıtlamayaher ne olduysa, olmayacak artıktanrı'nın rahmeti hesap günü geldiğinde esirgenmesin bizdençünkü bu kanatlar uçmak için kanatlanmayacaklar artıkama yalnızca havayı döveceklerhavayı, artık iyice azalan ve kuruyaniradeden dahi daha az ve daha kuru olanöğret bize umursamayı ve umursamazlığıöğret bize kıpırtısız kalmayı.yakarın biz günahkarlar için şimdi ve ölüm vakti geldiğindeyakarın bizler için şimdi ve ölüm vakti geldiğinde.
(siyah giysili adam - 24 Haziran 2014 17:07)
kısa shivaree şarkısı. "i oughta give you a shot in the head for making me live in this dump" albümünden 11. şarkı.goodnight goodnightleave all your toyscandles and catsa few stupid boysand a rock for good lucktwo different eyesleave your red birds to sing us lullabiesand some books and a babya ceiling of goldthe new york yankeesand a bottle of snow
(queasiness - 2 Ekim 2004 14:05)
1973 yapımı bir drama. larry peerce yönetmiştir. elizabeth taylor ve henry fonda gibi iki dev başrollerde yer almıştır. ilişkisini kurtarmak için estetik operasyon geçiriyo liz abla ama olaylar beklediği gibi gelişmiyor. biraz arabesk bir konu.
(esismen - 19 Ocak 2005 09:45)
(bkz: t. s. eliot)
(dutagaci - 6 Nisan 2005 03:10)
waste land ve four quartets ile birlikte bir butunun parcalarini olusturdugunu dusundugum t s eliot siiriash-wednesdayibecause i do not hope to turn again because i do not hope because i do not hope to turn desiring this man's gift and that man's scope i no longer strive to strive towards such things (why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?) why should i mourn the vanished power of the usual reign? because i do not hope to know again the infirm glory of the positive hour because i do not think because i know i shall not know the one veritable transitory power because i cannot drink there, where trees flower, and springs flow, for there is nothing again because i know that time is always time and place is always and only place and what is actual is actual only for one time and only for one place i rejoice that things are as they are and i renounce the blessed face and renounce the voice because i cannot hope to turn again consequently i rejoice, having to construct something upon which to rejoice and pray to god to have mercy upon us and pray that i may forget these matters that with myself i too much discuss too much explain because i do not hope to turn again let these words answer for what is done, not to be done again may the judgement not be too heavy upon us because these wings are no longer wings to fly but merely vans to beat the air the air which is now thoroughly small and dry smaller and dryer than the will teach us to care and not to care teach us to sit still. pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death pray for us now and at the hour of our death. iilady, three white leopards sat under a juniper-tree in the cool of the day, having fed to sateity on my legs my heart my liver and that which had been contained in the hollow round of my skull. and god said shall these bones live? shall these bones live? and that which had been contained in the bones (which were already dry) said chirping: because of the goodness of this lady and because of her loveliness, and because she honours the virgin in meditation, we shine with brightness. and i who am here dissembled proffer my deeds to oblivion, and my love to the posterity of the desert and the fruit of the gourd. it is this which recovers my guts the strings of my eyes and the indigestible portions which the leopards reject. the lady is withdrawn in a white gown, to contemplation, in a white gown. let the whiteness of bones atone to forgetfulness. there is no life in them. as i am forgotten and would be forgotten, so i would forget thus devoted, concentrated in purpose. and god said prophesy to the wind, to the wind only for only the wind will listen. and the bones sang chirping with the burden of the grasshopper, saying lady of silences calm and distressed torn and most whole rose of memory rose of forgetfulness exhausted and life-giving worried reposeful the single rose is now the garden where all loves end terminate torment of love unsatisfied the greater torment of love satisfied end of the endless journey to no end conclusion of all that is inconclusible speech without word and word of no speech grace to the mother for the garden where all love ends. under a juniper-tree the bones sang, scattered and shining we are glad to be scattered, we did little good to each other, under a tree in the cool of the day, with the blessing of sand, forgetting themselves and each other, united in the quiet of the desert. this is the land which ye shall divide by lot. and neither division nor unity matters. this is the land. we have our inheritance.iiiat the first turning of the second stair i turned and saw below the same shape twisted on the banister under the vapour in the fetid air struggling with the devil of the stairs who wears the deceitul face of hope and of despair. at the second turning of the second stair i left them twisting, turning below; there were no more faces and the stair was dark, damp, jagged, like an old man's mouth drivelling, beyond repair, or the toothed gullet of an aged shark. at the first turning of the third stair was a slotted window bellied like the figs's fruit and beyond the hawthorn blossom and a pasture scene the broadbacked figure drest in blue and green enchanted the maytime with an antique flute. blown hair is sweet, brown hair over the mouth blown, lilac and brown hair; distraction, music of the flute, stops and steps of the mind over the third stair, fading, fading; strength beyond hope and despair climbing the third stair. lord, i am not worthy lord, i am not worthy but speak the word only. ivwho walked between the violet and the violet who walked between the various ranks of varied green going in white and blue, in mary's colour, talking of trivial things in ignorance and knowledge of eternal dolour who moved among the others as they walked, who then made strong the fountains and made fresh the springs made cool the dry rock and made firm the sand in blue of larkspur, blue of mary's colour, sovegna vos here are the years that walk between, bearing away the fiddles and the flutes, restoring one who moves in the time between sleep and waking, wearing white light folded, sheathing about her, folded. the new years walk, restoring through a bright cloud of tears, the years, restoring with a new verse the ancient rhyme. redeem the time. redeem the unread vision in the higher dream while jewelled unicorns draw by the gilded hearse. the silent sister veiled in white and blue between the yews, behind the garden god, whose flute is breathless, bent her head and signed but spoke no word but the fountain sprang up and the bird sang down redeem the time, redeem the dream the token of the word unheard, unspoken till the wind shake a thousand whispers from the yew and after this our exilevif the lost word is lost, if the spent word is spent if the unheard, unspoken word is unspoken, unheard; still is the unspoken word, the word unheard, the word without a word, the word within the world and for the world; and the light shone in darkness and against the word the unstilled world still whirled about the centre of the silent word. o my people, what have i done unto thee. where shall the word be found, where will the word resound? not here, there is not enough silence not on the sea or on the islands, not on the mainland, in the desert or the rain land, for those who walk in darkness both in the day time and in the night time the right time and the right place are not here no place of grace for those who avoid the face no time to rejoice for those who walk among noise and deny the voice will the veiled sister pray for those who walk in darkness, who chose thee and oppose thee, those who are torn on the horn between season and season, time and time, between hour and hour, word and word, power and power, those who wait in darkness? will the veiled sister pray for children at the gate who will not go away and cannot pray: pray for those who chose and oppose o my people, what have i done unto thee. will the veiled sister between the slender yew trees pray for those who offend her and are terrified and cannot surrender and affirm before the world and deny between the rocks in the last desert before the last blue rocks the desert in the garden the garden in the desert of drouth, spitting from the mouth the withered apple-seed. o my people.vialthough i do not hope to turn again although i do not hope although i do not hope to turn wavering between the profit and the loss in this brief transit where the dreams cross the dreamcrossed twilight between birth and dying (bless me father) though i do not wish to wish these things from the wide window towards the granite shore the white sails still fly seaward, seaward flying unbroken wings and the lost heart stiffens and rejoices in the lost lilac and the lost sea voices and the weak spirit quickens to rebel for the bent golden-rod and the lost sea smell quickens to recover the cry of quail and the whirling plover and the blind eye creates the empty forms between the ivory gates and smell renews the salt savour of the sandy earth this is the time of tension between dying and birth the place of solitude where three dreams cross between blue rocks but when the voices shaken from the yew-tree drift away let the other yew be shaken and reply. blessed sister, holy mother, spirit of the fountain, spirit of the garden, suffer us not to mock ourselves with falsehood teach us to care and not to care teach us to sit still even among these rocks, our peace in his will and even among these rocks sister, mother and spirit of the river, spirit of the sea, suffer me not to be separated and let my cry come unto thee. (bkz: faber and faber)
(elf - 29 Nisan 2005 10:39)
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