Goosed (~ Märchenprinz verzweifelt gesucht) ' Filminin Konusu : Goosed is a movie starring Jennifer Tilly, Danielle Harris, and Joan Rivers. Jennifer Tilly plays a woman who's told by her psychic that the man of her dreams is a doctor named Steve. Guess who the doctor is?
American Strays(1996)(5,4-576)
transkripti aşağıdaki gibi olan video. ilki gibi hayek taraftarı ekonomistler tarafından yapılmış, hayek iyi döktürüyor, ama keynes'e de çok haksızlık etmemişler. bu arada, videoda tanıması zor ama ringde hayek'in ekibindekiler ludwig von mises ve jean-baptiste say, keynes'inkiler ise thomas malthus ve john r. hicks'miş. bir de, şirketlere para dağıtan fed başkanını oynayan john s. papola, md, yapımcı john papola'nın babası filan mı merak içindeyim, ben ilk izlediğimde bernanke'ye benzeyen birini epey aramışlar herhalde diye düşünmüştüm.keyneshere we are... peace out! great recessionthanks to me, as you see, we’re not in a depressionrecovery, destiny if you follow my lessonlord keynes, here i come, line up for the processionhayekwe brought out the shovels and we’re still in a ditch...and still digging. don’t you think that it’s time for a switch...from that hair of the dog. friend, the party is over.the long run is here. it’s time to get sober!keynesare you kidding? my cure works perfectly fine...have a look, the great recession ended back in ’09.i deserve credit. things would have been worseall the estimates prove it—i’ll quote chapter and versehayekeconometricians, they’re ever so piousare they doing real science or confirming their bias?their “keynesian” models are tidy and neatbut that top down approach is a fatal conceitrefrainwhich way should we choose?more bottom up or more top down...the fight continues...keynes and hayek’s second roundit’s time to weigh in...more from the top or from the ground...lets listen to the greatskeynes and hayek throwing downkeyneswe could have done better, had we only spent moretoo bad that only happens when there’s a world waryou can carp all you want about stats and regressiondo you deny world war ii cut short the depression?hayekwow. one data point and you’re jumping for joythe last time i checked, wars only destroythere was no multiplier, consumption just shrankas we used scarce resources for every new tankpretty perverse to call that prosperityrationed meat, rationed butter... a life of austeritywhen that war spending ended your friends cried disasteryet the economy thrived and grew fasterkeynesyou too only see what you want to seethe spending on war clearly goosed gdpunemployment was over, almost down to zerothat’s why i’m the master, that’s why i’m the herohayekcreating employment’s a straightforward craftwhen the nation’s at war, and there’s a draftif every worker was staffed in the army and fleetwe’d have full employment and nothing to eatrefrain repeatshayekjobs are a means, not the ends in themselvespeople work to live better, to put food on the shelvesreal growth means production of what people demandthat’s entrepreneurship not your central plankeynesmy solution is simple and easy to handle..its spending that matters, why’s that such a scandal?the money sloshes through the pipes and the sluicesrevitalizing the economy’s juicesit’s just like an engine that’s stalled and gone darkto bring it to life, we need a quick sparkspending’s the life blood that gets the flow goingwhere it goes doesn’t matter, just get spending flowinghayekyou see slack in some sectors as a “general glut”but some sectors are healthy, only some in a rutso spending’s not free – that’s the heart of the mattertoo much is wasted as cronies get fatter.the economy’s not a car, there’s no engine to stallno expert can fix it, there’s no “it” at all.the economy’s us, we don’t need a mechanicput away the wrenches, the economy’s organicrefrain repeatskeynesso what would you do to help those unemployed?this is the question you seem to avoidwhen we’re in a mess, would you just have us wait?doing nothing until markets equilibrate?hayeki don’t want to do nothing, there’s plenty to dothe question i ponder is who plans for whom?do i plan for myself or leave it to you?i want plans by the many, not by the few.let’s not repeat what created our troublesi want real growth not a series of bubblesstop bailing out loser, let prices workif we don’t try to steer them they won’t go berserkkeynescome on, are you kidding? don’t wall street’s gyrationschallenge your world view of self-regulation?even you must admit that the lesson we’ve learnedis more oversight’s needed or else we’ll get burnedhayekoversight? the government’s long been in bedwith those wall street execs and the firms that they’ve bledcapitalism’s about profit and lossyou bail out the losers there’s no end to the costthe lesson i’ve learned? it’s how little we know,the world is complex, not some circular flowthe economy’s not a class you can master in collegeto think otherwise is the pretense of knowledgerefrain repeatskeynesyou get on your high horse and you’re off to the racesi look at the world on a case by case basiswhen people are suffering i roll up my sleevesand do what i can to cure our diseasethe future’s uncertain, our outlooks are frailthats why free markets are so prone to failin a volatile world we need more discretionso state intervention can counter depressionhayekpeople aren’t chessmen you move on a boardat your whim–their dreams and desires ignoredwith political incentives, discretion’s a jokethose dials you’re twisting... just mirrors and smokewe need stable rules and real market pricesso prosperity emerges and cuts short the crisisgive us a chance so we can discoverthe most valuable ways to serve one anotherfinal refrainwhich way should we choose?more bottom up or more top downthe fight continues...keynes and hayek’s second roundit’s time to weigh in...more from the top or from the ground...lets listen to the greatskeynes and hayek throwing down
(lnl - 29 Aralık 2013 01:32)
bu hafta the economist'e de konu olan kapismadir. ekonomist'teki makale hayek'in sonunda keynes'i dize getirdigini ima etse de 2008 krizi'nden sonra onumuzdeki 30-40 yilda keynezyen politikalarin bastaci edilecegi asikar.
(sakizliohannespasa - 17 Mart 2014 10:57)
bu meseleyle özel olarak ilgilenen biriyim. arada aklıma gelir durur, kütüphaneden kitaplar bulur okurum. keynes ve hayek'in özel hayatlarındaki ilişkilerinden tutun, keynes'in hayek'i london school'a çağırmasına kadar bir sürü güzel detay var bu ilişkide. mesele benim için biraz duygusal. duygusal olduğu kadar da rasyonel. ben başlarda hep keynes'in tarafını tuttum. hayek bana aşırı bir adam olarak görünürdü. sonra ben o aşırının da aşırısına gittim. ancap fikrini savundum uzun bir süre. gerçekten bu fikir retorik olarak yenilmez gibi duruyor. siyaset felsefesinin çoğu çıkmazını aydınlığa ulaştırmış ve meseleyi halletmiş gibi görünüyor. iktisadi olarak da öyle görünüyordu. serbest piyasanın işe koşulması, devletin ortadan kaldırılması ekonomideki çoğu sorunu çözecek diye düşündüm. hayatımda en uzun süre kaldığım fikir/ideoloji buydu sanırım. sonra olayın ekonomik veçhesi üzerine düşündükçe ve araştırdıkça hayek'in ne kadar da haklı olduğunu görüyorum. üç yıl sonra yeniden the road to serfdom okumaya karar verdim. ve gerçekten bu kitabı her okuduğumda bir şeyler öğreniyorum.kısa vadede keynes almıştı, uzun vadede hayek rakipsiz.
(kutat kubilik - 16 Aralık 2014 22:30)
Yorum Kaynak Link : fight of the century keynes vs hayek