The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals ' Filminin Konusu : The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is a movie starring Jon Matteson, Lauren Lopez, and Joey Richter. Paul is an average guy. He likes movies, and pizza, and average guy things. He does not like - musicals. But Paul's small world is...
A Very Potter Musical(2009)(8,9-2840)
A Very Potter Sequel(2010)(8,7-1461)
Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier(2013)(8,7-402)
Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party(2016)(8,6-210)
A Very Potter Senior Year(2013)(8,5-782)
Holy Musical B@man!(2012)(8,5-553)
The Trail to Oregon!(2015)(8,1-153)
"there is a fine fine line between love and waste of time" cümlesi gibi aforizmalarla dolu bir başyapıttır.türkçesi;"aşk ve vakit kaybı arasında ince/hassas (fine) bir çizgi vardır"
(nikdediginnedirki - 23 Nisan 2008 03:37)
internet is for porn'u ilk dinledigimde yerlere dusmeme neden olan, bu yil (2008) paris'te fransizca olarak oynayan muthis muzikal. fransizca cevirileri de gercekten cok basarili...
(il basso - 24 Nisan 2008 15:55)
(bkz: avenue q istanbul)
(sheen - 19 Mart 2009 22:18)
londra versiyonu, sadece kukla show ibaresine aldanıp çocuklarını getirmiş ebeveynlerin, kuklalar "internet is for porn" diye bağırıp şarkı söylerlerken, üç mum yakıp seyirlerine bakmak icin bile gitmeye değer. bunun dışında, şahane, tüyler ürpertici, inanılmaz komik bir müzikal. sevişiyo basbayağı kuklalar daha ne olsun.
(gumussuyu dansozu - 10 Haziran 2010 16:47)
henuz ufacikken, daha popomuzu tuvalette hala annemize sildirirken, hayatin o kademelerinde insana lazim olabilecek ve ogrenilmesi gereken en basit kavramlari bile bol sarki, sevgi ve sirinlik muskasi kuklalarlan ogrendik. susam sokagi izleyerek buyuduk, muptelasi olduk. hep herseyin ne kadar guzel oldugunu gorduk, rakamlarin konusabildigini sandik ve arada yayinlanan ufak videolar sayesinde ilk defa zenci bir cocuk gorup, "amerikali cocuklara bak!" dedik.o zamanlar o kadar safdik ki, edi ile budu'nun homoseksuel bir iliski icerisinde olma ihtimalini (ozellikle budu'nun) hic dusunmez, "acaba kuklalar sevisiyor mu, masturbasyon yapiyor mu" diye aklimizdan gecirmez ve dunyayi toz pembe, insanlari da pelus yaratiklar olarak gorurduk. ancak hayatin gerceklerini, iyi veya kotu, hicbir zaman ogrenemedik bu program sayesinde; yine de sevdik o pelus yaratiklari.buyudukce ise bize sacma gelmeye basladilar. sasirdiklarinda veya ofkelendiklerinde bile anlamsiz kalan surat ifadeleri, hoplayarak ve eller onde kavusturulmus bir sekilde ziplayarak yuruyen, bacaklari bile olmayan, ne idugu belirsiz, insan midir degil midir belli olmayan yaratiklarla dolu, olesiye sıkıcı bir program olduguna karar verdik.avenue q'nun, susam sokagi* konseptinin buyukler icin sekillendirilmis formati oldugunu soylemek kesinlikle hata olmaz. klasik broadway sovlarindan cok, ama cok uzak oldugu halde, inanilmaz basarili ve inanilmaz komik bir basyapit oldugu ise su goturmez bir gercek. gerek isledigi konular, gerekse susam sokagi'na paralel espriler ve lcd ekranlardan sunulan "konusan rakamlar, mutlu gulumseyen gunes" gibi zimbirtilar ile suslenmis bir muzikal, daha da komik olabilir miydi, bilemiyorum.inanilmaz buyuk bir keyifle, butun 2.5 saatlik performans boyunca agzim acik bir sekilde, gulmseyerek, yer yer nefessiz kalana kadar gulerek ve hic, ama hic sikilmayarak izledigim bir performansti. 2004'un en iyi muzikal tony award'ini da kapmis olan bu broadway sovu, kesinlikle onun icin odedigim paraya tamamiylen degdi dogrusu -ki orkestra koltuklari kalmisti sadece ve saniyesinde, hic tereddut etmeden parasini vererek aldim, hic pisman degilim.konu, princeton adinda, ingilizce'den ba diplomasi almis ve "what do you do with a b.a. in english?" diye etrafta dolasan, new york'da kalacak bir yer arayan bir kuklanin, avenue q adli bir apartman binasina yerlesmesi uzerine kurulu. daha sonralari hayatin anlamini (purpose in life) bulmaya calismasi, diger karakterler ile olan iliskileri ve benzeri seyler ile muthis dallanip budaklanan konu, tam yeri geldiginde giren muthis komik parodiler ve sarkilarlan suslenmis ve gercekten, gercekten inanilmaz bir yapit ortaya cikmis.sarkilarin konulari genellikle hep susam sokagi'nda soylenmekten kacinilan, ancak normal insanlarin hayatlarinda cok, ama cok onemli yerler kaplayan ve hakikaten de yeri geldiginde dogru olan seyler uzerine.irkcilik uzerine olan sarki, herhalde ilk soylenen geyik sarkilardan bir tanesiydi, acilis sarkisi ve princeton'un ingilizce diplomasi ile ne yapacagini sasirmasi ile ilgili sarkilardan sonra (everyone's a little bit racist). "herkes biraz irkcidir, irkci espriler her zaman komiktir, cunku hepsinin arkasinda biraz bir gerceklik vardir" diyerek ortami yerle bir eden bir sarkiydi.avenue q'da oturan karakterlerin her birinin kendilerini asagilamalari ile ilgili olan sarki da (it sucks to be me) inanilmaz komikti. hatta gary coleman karakteri (evet, var boyle bir karakter, ancak kendisi tarafindan canlandirilmiyor) ile ilgili, "hollywood'un gozunden dusen, simdi ise apartman yoneticiligi yapan zavalli zenci" temali "it sucks to be you" sarkisi gercekten dinlemeye deger.kate monster karakterinin, yuvadaki cocuklara internet ile ilgili bir sarki soyleme hevesi ve trekkie monster'in araya kaynamasi ile sarkinin aldigi bambaska boyut (the internet is for porn), dillere destan ve en unlu parcalardan bir tanesidir diyebilirim. internette sagda solda mp3lerini aratmanizi tavsiye ederim. ben sahsen bastan sona ezbere biliyorum bu parcayi artik, cunku zoparrat sagolsun, kendisi bana bu parcayi yollamis ve beni, bu parcanin kaynagini bulmaya itmis, boylece beni avenue q ile tanistirmis ve gitmeme vesile olmustur.baskalarinin uzuntusunden mutlu olmak ile ilgili olan sarki da (schadenfreude) hakikaten i-na-nil-maz komikti. hatta bu sarkidan bir replik vermem sart, kusura bakmayin:nicky: what's schadenfreude?gary coleman: it's german for being happy for someone else's misfortune!nicky: being happy for someone else's misfortune? that is german.simdi de biraz karakterleri tanitmak istiyorum:- princeton: ingilizce'den b.a. diplomasi almis, hayatin anlamini bulmaya calisan bir genc. pek parasi yok ve kolej gunlerini ozluyor. olayin bas kahramani.- kate monster: katolik, asil adi catherine. canavar, ancak mavi gozlu ve "guzel". tuylu. bir yuvada, ogretmen yardimciligi yapiyor ve amaci kariyerinde yukselmekten ziyade, sadece canavarlar (monster) icin olan bir okul insaa etmek.- rod: tam bir wasp isadami. borsada oynamayi seviyor. evini nicky ile paylasiyor. uzun dikdortgen kafali, gozluk takiyor. gay, ancak gay oldugunu uzun sure inkar ediyor, en sonunda kabulleniyor. edi ile budu'deki budu'nun avenue q'ya olan yansimasi. hepsinden ote, o bir republican, tabii gayligi kendine yediremiyor.- lucy the slut: kaltak. seksden baska birsey dusunmuyor. bir aralar porno yildizligi yapmis bir kukla. boynundaki altin "lucy" yazili kolyesi ile biliniyor. girls gone wild'da oynamisligi var.- trekkie monster: internet ve porno muptelasi bir canavar. tek bildigi sey porno, butun parasini ve zamanini harcadigi sey porno. cok mesgul, surekli mesgul cunku surekli masturbasyon yapiyor.- nicky: bu da edi ile budu'deki edi'nin avenue q'daki yansimasi. rod ile ev arkadasi, ancak cok kirli ve pasakli, ayriyeten rod'un gay oldugunu dusunuyor (ve bunu soyledigi icin evden atiliyor).- mrs. thistletwat: tam bir yasli yuva ogretmeni. soyadi inanilmaz aptal, ama bunun kendisine daha bir saygi kazandirdigina inaniyor. kate monster'in isvereni ayni zamanda.- brian: yahudi. issiz, gucsuz, surekli abidik gubidik kiyafetler ile dolasiyor. kukla degil, insan. sortunun icine don giymemeye bayiliyor.- christmas eve: japon, ancak bir kore dukkaninda calisiyor. ingilizcesi biraz yamuk, l ve r harflerini karisitiriyor. bu da kukla degil, insan, ve asil meslegi psikolog, fakat bu meslekte nedense basarisiz. brian ile nisanli.- gary coleman: avenue q'nun yoneticisi (superintendent). hollywood'da basarisiz oldugu icin new york'a gelip boyle bir is yapiyor, ancak parasini da kazaniyor. bu da insan ve zenci bir kadin(!) tarafindan canlandiriliyor.- bay ve bayan kotu niyet ayisi: bunlar birer ayicik cift. princeton'i surekli icki almaya ve icki icirmeye tesvik ediyorlar. hatta princeton ile kate monster'in sevismelerini sagliyorlar (evet, oyunda hakikaten team america tadinda bir sevisme sahnesi var ki, gozlerinizden yaslar gelebilir. "don't put your finger there! oooh! do, yes do put your finger there!"). hatta princeton'u intihara bile tesvik ettikleri biliniyor. en sonunda beraber scientology'i kuruyorlar.oyuncular ise soyle:- jennifer barnhart: sari sacli, iskandinav gorunuslu bir hatun. trekkie monster'in sag kolunu oynatiyor ve bayan kotu niyet ayisi'ni hem oynatip hem seslendiriyor. susam sokagi'nda gorev almis.- natalie venetia belcon: benim izledigim sovda understudy'si oynuyordu (ve gayet iyi idi) ancak gary coleman'i oynayan karakter bu.- stephanie d’abruzzo: sesine tapiyorum bu insanin ve sirinlik muskasindan baska birsey olmadigini dusunuyorum kendisinin. o kadar tatli bir insan, keske evlensem. kate monster ve lucy the slut'i oynatip seslendiriyor. susam sokagi'nda 9 sezon calismis ve daha bircok baska yerde seslendirmelerini duyabilirsiniz.- jordan gelber: brian'i canlandiriyor. law and order'in "special victims unit" serisinde oynamisligi var.- ann harada: aslinda christmas eve'i canlandiran kisi bu, ancak benim izledigim sovda onun da understudy'si vardi sanirim (veya cok kilo vermis).- rick lyon: cok, ama hakikaten cok unlu ve basarili bir kukla oynaticisi. dislerinin yamuklugu nedeniyle pek sahne adami degil, evet, hatta cok da guzel bir gorunusu oldugunu soyleyemem, ama trekkie monster, nicky, bay kotu niyet ayisi gibi karakterleri kendisi canlandiriyor. susam sokagi'ndan bircok kukla gerektiren filme (men in black ve ninja kaplumbagalar dahil) calismis.- john tartaglia: gay olsam verirdim diyebilecegim kadar sempatik bir insan. princeton ve rod'u canlandiriyor. hakikaten, hakikaten cok basarili. kendisi de sanirim susam sokagi'nda 8 sezon gorev almis.understudyler ise boyle:- barrett foa (princeton, rod, nicky, trekkie, bear) - carmen ruby floyd (gary coleman) - aymee garcia (kate monster, lucy, mrs. t., bear)- peter linz (princeton, rod, brian, nicky, trekkie, bear)- ann sanders (christmas eve)son olarak da, bu sovun diger broadway sovlari tarafindan inanilmaz elestirilmesine sebep olan ufak bir olay soyleyeyim: genellikle broadway sovlari, cok basarili olduktan ve tony award kazandiktan sonra, iki sene daha broadway'de oynadiktan sonra baska sehirlere giderler. ancak tutucu broadway yapimcilari, oyunculari ve izleyicilerini hic memnun etmeyecek bir sekilde, odulu kazandiktan hemen sonra avenue q ekibi, las vegas'da bir sov icin anlasmislar. tabii benim zerre umrumda olmadigi halde, yine de problem yaratmis.sahsen benim icin bu sovun anlami buyuk, cunku;1) cok guldum,2) bir ara sov maksatli izleyicilerden para toplamaya calistiklarinda icine kredi kartimi atip butun salonu guldurup, ustune de sov sonrasi sahne arkasina davet edildim (karti geri almak icin) ve john tartaglia, stephanie d’abruzzo ve rick lyon ile tanistim, el sikistim.3) cok, ama cok guldum,4) sov sonrasi babam yasinda bir adami, daha salon bosalmamisken nazi subayi gibi azarlayan ve salonda sessizlik yaratan, guzelim aksami az daha herkes icin berbat etmek uzere olan 24-25 yaslarinda kendini bilmez gorevli elemani, herkesin ortasinda "uyarmanin da bir adabi var, nazi misin?" diyerek azarladim ve butun salon tarafindan alkislandim.5) acaip guldugumu soylemis miydim?mutlaka, bir gun new york'a yolunuz duserse ve cok kaliteli bir eglence icin harcayacak paraniz varsa, bu sova gidin. emin olun, paraniza ve vaktinize degecek.unutmadan: edinmek icin izleyin:
(spincrus - 1 Ocak 2005 09:34)
2. it sucks to be me-princeton-what do you do with a b.a. in english,what is my life going to be?four years of college and plenty of knowledge,have earned me this useless degree.i can't pay the bills yet,'cause i have no skills yet,the world is a big scary place.but somehow i can't shake,the feeling i might make,a difference,to the human race.-kate monster-morning, brian.-brian-hi, kate monster.-kate monster-how's life?-brian-disappointing.-kate monster-what's the matter?-brian-the catering company laid me off.-kate monster-oh, i'm sorry!-brian-me too! i mean, look at me!i'm ten years out of college, and ialways thought --kate monster-what?-brian-no, it sounds stupid.-kate monster-aww, come on!-brian-when i was littlei thought i would be...-kate monster-what?-brian-a big comedianon late night tvbut now i'm thirty-twoand as you can seei'm not-kate monster-nope!-brian-oh well,it sucks to be me.-kate monster-nooo.-brian-it sucks to be me.-kate monster-no!-brian-it sucks to be brokeand unemployedand turning sucks to be me.-kate monster-oh, you think your life sucks?-brian-i think so.-kate monster-your problems aren't so bad!i'm kinda prettyand pretty damn smart.-brian-you are.-kate monster-thanks!i like romantic thingslike music and art.and as you knowi have a gigantic heartso why don't i havea boyfriend?fuck!it sucks to be me!-brian-me too.-kate monster-it sucks to be me.-brian-it sucks to be sucks to be brian...-kate monster-and kate...-brian-to not have a job!-kate monster-to not have a date!-both-it sucks to be me.-brian-hey, rod, nicky, can yousettle something for us?do you have a second?-rod-ah, certainly.-kate monster-whose life sucks more?brian's or mine?-nicky and rod-ours!-rod-we live together.-nicky-we're as closeas people can get.-rod-we've been the bestof buddies...-nicky-ever since theday we met.-rod-so he knows lotsof ways to make mereally upset.oh, every day isan aggravation.-nicky-come on, that'san exaggeration!-rod-you leave yourclothes put your feeton my chair.-nicky-oh yeah?you do such analthings like ironingyour underwear.-rod-you make that verysmall apartmentwe share a hell.-nicky-so do you,that's why i'm in hell too!-rod-it sucks to be me!-nicky-no, it sucks to be me!-kate monster-it sucks to be me!-brian-it sucks to be me!-all-is there anybody hereit doesn't suck to be?it sucks to be me!-christmas eve-why you all so happy?-nicky-becuase our lives suck!-christmas eve-your lives suck?i hearing you correctly? ha!i coming to this countryfor opportunities.tried to work inkorean delibut i am japanese.but with hard worki earn two master's degreesin social work!and now i a therapist!but i have no clientsand i have anunemployed fiance'!and we have lotsof bills to pay!it suck to be me!it suck to be me!i say itsucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-suck!it suck to be me!-princeton-excuse me?-brian-hey there.-princeton-sorry to bother you, but i'mlooking for a place to live.-christmas eve-why you looking allthe way out here?-princeton-well, i started at avenue a,but so far everything is outof my price range. but thisneighborhood looks a lot cheaper!oh, and look - a "for rent" sign!-brian-you need to talk tothe superintendent.let me get him.-princeton-great, thanks!-brian-yo, gary!-gary coleman-i'm comin'! i'm comin'!-princeton-oh my god!it's gary coleman!-gary coleman-yes i am!i'm gary colemanfrom tv'sdiff'rent strokesi made a lotta moneythat got stolenby my folks!now i'm broke andi'm the buttof everyone's jokes,but i'm here -the superintendent!on avenue q --all-it sucks to be you.-kate monster-you win!-all-it sucks to be you.-brian-i feel better now!-gary coleman-try having peoplestopping you to ask you"what you talkin' 'bout, willis?"it gets old.-all-it sucks to be youon avenue q(sucks to be me)on avenue q(sucks to be you)on avenue q(sucks to be us)but not whenwe're together.we're togetherhere on avenue q!we live on avenue q!our friends do too!'til our dreamscome true,we live on avenue q!-princeton-this is real life!-all-we live on avenue q!-nicky-you're gonna love it!-all-we live on avenue q!-gary coleman-here's your keys!-all-welcome to avenue q!
(spincrus - 3 Ocak 2005 09:52)
5. everyone's a little bit racist-princeton-say, kate, can i ask you a question?-kate monster-sure!-princeton-well, you know trekkie monster upstairs?-kate monster-uh huh.-princeton-well, he's trekkie monster, and you're kate monster.-kate monster-right.-princeton-you're both monsters.-kate monster-yeah.-princeton-are you two related?-kate monster-what?! princeton, i'm surprised at you! i find that racist!-princeton-oh, well, i'm sorry! i was just asking!-kate monster-well, it's a touchy subject. no, not all monsters are related. what are you trying say, huh? that we all look the same to you? huh, huh, huh?-princeton-no, no, no, not at all. i'm sorry, i guess that was a little racist.-kate monster-i should say so. you should be much more careful when you're talking about thesensitive subject of race.-princeton-well, look who's talking!-kate monster-what do you mean?-princeton-what about that special monster school you told me about?-kate monster-what about it?-princeton-could someone like me go there?-kate monster-no, we don't want people like you--princeton-you see?!you're a little bit racist.-kate monster-well, you're a little bit too.-princeton-i guess we're both a little bit racist.-kate monster-admitting it is not an easy thing to do...-princeton-but i guess it's true.-kate monster-between me and you, i think-both-everyone's a little bit racistsometimes.doesn't mean we go around committing hate crimes.look around and you will findno one's really color blind.maybe it's a factwe all should faceeveryone makes judgmentsbased on race.-princeton-now not big judgments, like who to hire or who to buy a newspaper from - -kate monster-no!-princeton-no, just little judgments like thinking that mexican busboys should learn to speak goddamn english!-kate monster-right!-both-everyone's a little bit, everyone's a little bit racistokay!ethinic jokes might be uncouth,but you laugh becausethey're based on truth.don't take them as personal attacks.everyone enjoys them - so relax!-princeton-all right, stop me if you've heard this one.-kate monster-okay!-princeton-there's a plan going down and there's only one paracute. and there's a rabbi, a priest...-kate monster-and a black guy!-gary coleman-whatchoo talkin' 'bout kate?-kate monster-uh...-gary coleman-you were telling a black joke!-princeton-well, sure, gary, but lots of people tell black jokes.-gary coleman-i don't.-princeton-well, of course you don't - you're black! but i bet you tell polack jokes, right?-gary coleman-well, sure i do. those stupid polacks!-princeton-now, don't you think that's a little racist?-gary coleman-well, damn, i guess you're right.-kate monster-you're a little bit racist.-gary coleman-well, you're a little bit too.-princeton-we're all a little bit racist.-gary coleman-i think that i wouldhave to agree with you.-princeton/kate monster-we're glad you do.-gary coleman-it's sad but true!everyone's a little bit racist -all right!-kate monster-all right!-princeton-all right!-gary colema-:all right!bigotry has never beenexclusively white-all-if we all could just admitthat we are racist a little bit,even though we all knowthat it's wrong,maybe it would help usget along.-princeton-oh, christ do i feel good.-gary coleman-now there was a fine upstanding black man!-princeton-who?-gary coleman-jesus christ.-kate monster-but, gary, jesus was white.-gary coleman-no, jesus was black.-kate monster-no, jesus was white.-gary coleman-no, i'm pretty sure that jesus was black--princeton-guys, guys...jesus was jewish!-brian-hey guys, what are you laughing about?-gary coleman-racism!-brian-cool.-christmas eve-brian! come back here! you take out lecycuraburs!-princeton-what's that mean?-brian-um, recyclables. hey, don't laugh at her! how many languages do you speak?-kate monster-oh, come off it, brian!everyone's a little bit racist.-brian-i'm not!-princeton-oh no?-brian-nope!how many oriental wiveshave you got?-christmas eve-what? brian!-princeton-brian, buddy, where you been?the term is asian-american!-christmas eve-i know you are nointending to bebut calling me oriental - offensive to me!-brian-i'm sorry, honey, i love you.-christmas eve-and i love you.-brian- but you're racist, too.-christmas eve-yes, i know.the jews have allthe moneyand the whites have allthe power.and i'm always in taxi-cabwith driver who no shower!-princeton-me too!-kate monster-me too!-gary coleman-i can't even get a taxi!-all-everyone's a little bit racistit's true.but everyone is just aboutas racist as you!if we all could just admitthat we are racist a little bit,and everyone stopped beingso pcmaybe we could live in harmony! -christmas eve-evlyone's a ritter bit lacist!
(spincrus - 3 Ocak 2005 09:53)
6. the internet is for porn-kate- the internet is really really great -trekkie monster-for porn-kate- i’ve got a fast connection so i don’t have to wait -trekkie- for porn-kate-huh? there's always some new site, -trekkie-for porn!i browse all day and night -trekkie-for porn!-kate-it's like i’m surfing at the speed of light-trekkie-for porn!-kate-trekkie!-trekkie-the internet is for porn -kate-trekkie!-trekkie-the internet is for porn, -kate-what are you doing!?-trekkie-why you think the net was born?porn porn porn-kate-treee—kkie!-trekkie-oh hello kate monster-kate-you are ruining my song-trekkie-oh me sorry, me no mean to-kate-well if you wouldnt mind please being quiet for a minute so i can finish?-trekkie-me no talkie-kate-goodi’m glad we have this new technology-trekkie-for porn-kate-which gives us untold opportunity-trekkie-for por—oops, sorry-kate-right from you own desktop-trekkie-for...-kate-you can research browse and shopuntil you’ve had enough and your ready to stop-trekkie-for porn!!-kate-trekkie!-trekkie-the internet is for porn!-kate-noooo-trekkie-the internet if for porn!-kate-trekkie-trekkie-me up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn!-kate-that’s gross you’re a pervert-trekkie-ah, sticks and stones kate monster-kate-no really, your a pervertnormal people don’t sit at home and look at porn on the internet-trekkie-ohhhh?-kate-what?!-trekkie-you have no ideaready normal people?-normal people-ready--- ready ----ready-trekkie-let me hear it!-trekkie and guys-the internet is for porn!-princeton- sorry kate-trekkie and guys- the internet is for porn!-princeton-i masturbate!-trekkie and guys-all these guys unzip their flies for porn, porn, porn!-kate-the internet is not for porn!! -trekkie and guys-porn!, porn, p----kate-hold on a second!now i know for a fact that you, rob, check your portfolio and trade stocks online-rob-that’s correct.-kate-and brian, you buy things on -brian-sure! -kate-and gary, you keep selling your possesions on ebay -gary-yes i do!-kate-and princeton, you sent me that sweet online birthday card -princeton-true!-trekkie-oh, but kate- what you think he do . . .after? hmm?-princeton- . .yeah-kate- eeewwwww! -trekkie and guys- the internet is for porn! -kate-gross!-trekkie and guys- the internet is for porn!-kate-i hate porn-trekkie and guys-grab your dick and double click-kate-i hate you men! -trekkie and guys- for porn, porn, porn!(harmonizing) porn, porn, porn, porn-kate-i’m leaving! -trekkie and guys- porn, porn, porn, pornporn, porn, porn, porn-kate-i hate the internet!-trekkie and guys- porn, porn, porn, porn-trekkie-the internet is for-trekkie and some- the internet is for -trekkie and all-the internet is for porn!-trekkie- yeah!
19. school for monsterschristmas eve:how much do we get?princeton:boy, it’s not very much at all, is it?brian:never say never, princeton, there’s still one more person we have to hit up!trekkie monster:no! no! no! go away. me eve:but it for good cause.trekkie monster:what in it for me? go away!princeton:i guess kate’ll never get her school for monsters.trekkie monster:what you say?brian:kate wants to open a school for monsters.trekkie monster:school for monsters?me never hear of for monsters!school for lonely little monsters!when me little,going to school,other childrenthink me not cool,poking and pullingat me me have therapist,and work on this with her.but me no need me therapyif monster school a reality!here!me give you $10,000,000!princeton:trekkie! where did you get all that money??trekkie monster:in volatile market, only stable investment is porn!all:when you help others,you can’t help helping yourself!when you help others,you can’t help helping yourself!every time you do good deedsyou’re also servingyour own needs.when you help others,you can’t help helping yourself!
(spincrus - 3 Ocak 2005 09:56)
amerikalıların genelde "politically correct" (hatta ellerimle tırnak işareti yapıyorum) olmak adına sözünü etmekten bile çekindikleri ırkçılık, homoseksüellik, seks, başarısızlık gibi bütün konulara böyle parmak, el, ayak basarak, fena halde yetenekli oyuncular ve çok başarılı yazılmış bir senaryoyla bunları anlatan müzikal. ilk cümlesinden itibaren insanı hem sarıp hem (gazete manşeti deyimiyle) kahkahaya boğan, müzikal olayına yeni bir çığır açtığını düşündüğüm, çoook iyi bir gösteri. hem de çooook doğru diyolar yaaaa diye çıkıyorsun dışarı.
(geyiketto - 30 Mayıs 2006 16:56)
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