Tiresia (~ Tiresias) ' Filminin Konusu : Tiresia is a movie starring Laurent Lucas, Clara Choveaux, and Thiago Telès. Tiresia is at the same time woman and man, according to Greek Mythology. Here, Tiresia is a Brazilian transexual living with her brother in the outskirts...
La vie de Jésus(1997)(7,0-2182)
L'Apollonide (Souvenirs de la maison close)(2011)(6,7-5410)
Son frère(2003)(6,7-1770)
De la guerre(2008)(6,2-326)
Les fantômes d'Ismaël(2017)(5,5-1682)
Le pornographe(2001)(5,3-2107)
bertrand bonello'nun yönettiği, 2003 cannes film festivali'nde altın palmiye için yarışan ve bir transseksüelin iki-parçalı öyküsünü anlatan film...
(max klein - 28 Haziran 2003 21:16)
(bkz: bertrand bonello)
(insidious - 18 Temmuz 2003 12:24)
Yorum Kaynak Link : tiresia