• "(bkz: el condor pasa)"
  • "sing, sparrow sing, sing away the painile buna en cok ihtiyacimiz olan gunlerde karsima cikip icimi birazcik isitan sarki. teselli olmasa sarkilar derken.."

"(bkz: el condor pasa)"


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    "sparrow yer misin?" diye sordular. sparrow neydi yaa diye düşünene kadar yerim lan getirin dedim. getirdiler karman çorman bişeyler. pek de lezzetli. kemikler çıtır çıtır. kendimi sylvester gibi hissediyorum.

    (xibillian - 16 Haziran 2011 13:51)

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    google tarafindan satin alinmistir. iphone ve ipad'deki gmail clientlarinin asiri boktan olmasi problemini çözecekler diye tahmin ediyorum zira sparrow for iphone, notificationlar olmamasına ve ucretli hatta pahali olmasina rağmen ezip geçiyordu gmail for iphone'u.

    yine bir design wins ornegi olarak anlatcaz bunu iste. ben os x'te kullaniyordum kendisini, kullanmaya da devam edeceğim.

    (prf quirrel - 20 Temmuz 2012 19:25)

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    tom odell'in şükela bir parçası.bu çocuk bu sözleri bu müzikleri nasıl bir kafada yapıyor-yazıyor merak etmekteyim.

    dinlemek isteyenler için

    sözlerini de yazayım da tam olsun:

    why sparrow why, won't you tell me why ı'm sad
    sing us both a melody, the best that you can
    fly sparrow fly, won't you sit on my hand
    sing it in that language we both can understand

    when you sit on that tree
    you look in my eyes
    ı wonder what goes on in your mind

    speak sparrow speak please won't you try
    tell me why you'd walk if you knew that you could fly
    speak sparrow speak oh please won't you try
    tell me all the answers to this meaningless life

    but you're up on that tree
    and you look in my eyes
    ı wonder what goes on in your mind

    stay, sparrow stay, won't you stay in my window
    ı've never been so close to anything so beautiful
    wait, sparrow wait, oh please don't you go
    ı love the way ı felt as the, vast the wind it blows

    but you're up on that tree
    and you look in my eyes
    ı wonder what goes on in your mind

    sing, sparrow sing, sing away the pain
    when you get to the bones of it, we are just the same
    ı said sing sparrow sing, sing away our pain
    ı'll never hear a melody as sweet as today

    cause you're up in that tree
    and you look in my eyes
    and ı wonder how, but you're saying goodbye

    (geyiklitayt - 30 Haziran 2016 13:27)

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    sadece piyanosuyla bile kahreden, mest eden tom odell şarkısı. bu yaşta bu zeka, yetenek muhabbetine hiç girmiyorum zira kendisinin bu dünya için fazla hassas ve fazla üretken olduğu malum yaşına göre. küçük bir kuştan ilham alıp, onunla konuşan ve hatta ona sembolik de olsa şarkı yazan adamda aynı zamanda bir tesla inceliği sezmek işten değil.

    (sticksandstones - 6 Eylül 2016 19:50)

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    sing, sparrow sing, sing away the pain

    ile buna en cok ihtiyacimiz olan gunlerde karsima cikip icimi birazcik isitan sarki. teselli olmasa sarkilar derken..

    (dimi ama - 20 Aralık 2016 23:35)

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    simon and garfunkelden acikli bi parca, ah gucuk serce, cog cagresizim cog...

    who will love a little sparrow?
    who's traveled far and cries for rest?
    "not i," said the oak tree,
    "i won't share my branches with
    no sparrow's nest,
    and my blanket of leaves won't warm
    her cold breast."

    who will love a little sparrow
    and who will speak a kindly word?
    "not i," said the swan,
    "the entire idea is utterly absurd,
    i'd be laughed at and scorned if the
    other swans heard."

    who will take pity in his heart,
    and who will feed a starving sparrow?
    "not i," said the golden wheat,
    "i would if i could but i cannot i know,
    i need all my grain to prosper and grow."

    who will love a little sparrow?
    will no one write her eulogy?
    "i will," said the earth,
    "for all i've created returns unto me,
    from dust were ye made and dust ye shall be."

    (oannes - 10 Mart 2005 00:58)