Stewart Lee: Content Provider ' Filminin Konusu : Stewart Lee: Content Provider is a TV movie starring Stewart Lee and Alan Moore. Stewart Lee's 2017/18 touring stand-up show, recorded live at the Palace Theatre, Southend-on-Sea, in April 2018.
Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle(2009)(8,5-1238)
fielding, et al. standards track [page 151]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999the referer. even when the personal information has been removed, thereferer header might indicate a private document's uri whosepublication would be inappropriate.the information sent in the from field might conflict with the user'sprivacy interests or their site's security policy, and hence itshould not be transmitted without the user being able to disable,enable, and modify the contents of the field. the user must be ableto set the contents of this field within a user preference orapplication defaults configuration.we suggest, though do not require, that a convenient toggle interfacebe provided for the user to enable or disable the sending of from andreferer information.the user-agent (section 14.43) or server (section 14.38) headerfields can sometimes be used to determine that a specific client orserver have a particular security hole which might be exploited.unfortunately, this same information is often used for other valuablepurposes for which http currently has no better mechanism.15.1.3 encoding sensitive information in uri'sbecause the source of a link might be private information or mightreveal an otherwise private information source, it is stronglyrecommended that the user be able to select whether or not thereferer field is sent. for example, a browser client could have atoggle switch for browsing openly/anonymously, which wouldrespectively enable/disable the sending of referer and frominformation.clients should not include a referer header field in a (non-secure)http request if the referring page was transferred with a secureprotocol.authors of services which use the http protocol should not use getbased forms for the submission of sensitive data, because this willcause this data to be encoded in the request-uri. many existingservers, proxies, and user agents will log the request uri in someplace where it might be visible to third parties. servers can usepost-based form submission instead15.1.4 privacy issues connected to accept headersaccept request-headers can reveal information about the user to allservers which are accessed. the accept-language header in particularcan reveal information the user would consider to be of a privatenature, because the understanding of particular languages is oftenfielding, et al. standards track [page 152]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999strongly correlated to the membership of a particular ethnic group.user agents which offer the option to configure the contents of anaccept-language header to be sent in every request are stronglyencouraged to let the configuration process include a message whichmakes the user aware of the loss of privacy approach that limits the loss of privacy would be for a user agentto omit the sending of accept-language headers by default, and to askthe user whether or not to start sending accept-language headers to aserver if it detects, by looking for any vary response-header fieldsgenerated by the server, that such sending could improve the qualityof service.elaborate user-customized accept header fields sent in every request,in particular if these include quality values, can be used by serversas relatively reliable and long-lived user identifiers. such useridentifiers would allow content providers to do click-trail tracking,and would allow collaborating content providers to match cross-serverclick-trails or form submissions of individual users. note that formany users not behind a proxy, the network address of the hostrunning the user agent will also serve as a long-lived useridentifier. in environments where proxies are used to enhanceprivacy, user agents ought to be conservative in offering acceptheader configuration options to end users. as an extreme privacymeasure, proxies could filter the accept headers in relayed requests.general purpose user agents which provide a high degree of headerconfigurability should warn users about the loss of privacy which canbe involved.15.2 attacks based on file and path namesimplementations of http origin servers should be careful to restrictthe documents returned by http requests to be only those that wereintended by the server administrators. if an http server translateshttp uris directly into file system calls, the server must takespecial care not to serve files that were not intended to bedelivered to http clients. for example, unix, microsoft windows, andother operating systems use ".." as a path component to indicate adirectory level above the current one. on such a system, an httpserver must disallow any such construct in the request-uri if itwould otherwise allow access to a resource outside those intended tobe accessible via the http server. similarly, files intended forreference only internally to the server (such as access controlfiles, configuration files, and script code) must be protected frominappropriate retrieval, since they might contain sensitiveinformation. experience has shown that minor bugs in such http serverimplementations have turned into security risks.fielding, et al. standards track [page 153]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 199915.3 dns spoofingclients using http rely heavily on the domain name service, and arethus generally prone to security attacks based on the deliberatemis-association of ip addresses and dns names. clients need to becautious in assuming the continuing validity of an ip number/dns particular, http clients should rely on their name resolver forconfirmation of an ip number/dns name association, rather thancaching the result of previous host name lookups. many platformsalready can cache host name lookups locally when appropriate, andthey should be configured to do so. it is proper for these lookups tobe cached, however, only when the ttl (time to live) informationreported by the name server makes it likely that the cachedinformation will remain useful.if http clients cache the results of host name lookups in order toachieve a performance improvement, they must observe the ttlinformation reported by dns.if http clients do not observe this rule, they could be spoofed whena previously-accessed server's ip address changes. as networkrenumbering is expected to become increasingly common [24], thepossibility of this form of attack will grow. observing thisrequirement thus reduces this potential security vulnerability.this requirement also improves the load-balancing behavior of clientsfor replicated servers using the same dns name and reduces thelikelihood of a user's experiencing failure in accessing sites whichuse that strategy.15.4 location headers and spoofingif a single server supports multiple organizations that do not trustone another, then it must check the values of location and content-location headers in responses that are generated under control ofsaid organizations to make sure that they do not attempt toinvalidate resources over which they have no authority.15.5 content-disposition issuesrfc 1806 [35], from which the often implemented content-disposition(see section 19.5.1) header in http is derived, has a number of veryserious security considerations. content-disposition is not part ofthe http standard, but since it is widely implemented, we aredocumenting its use and risks for implementors. see rfc 2183 [49](which updates rfc 1806) for details.fielding, et al. standards track [page 154]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 199915.6 authentication credentials and idle clientsexisting http clients and user agents typically retain authenticationinformation indefinitely. http/1.1. does not provide a method for aserver to direct clients to discard these cached credentials. this isa significant defect that requires further extensions to http.circumstances under which credential caching can interfere with theapplication's security model include but are not limited to:- clients which have been idle for an extended period followingwhich the server might wish to cause the client to reprompt theuser for credentials.- applications which include a session termination indication(such as a logout' orcommit' button on a page) after whichthe server side of the application `knows' that there is nofurther reason for the client to retain the credentials.this is currently under separate study. there are a number of work-arounds to parts of this problem, and we encourage the use ofpassword protection in screen savers, idle time-outs, and othermethods which mitigate the security problems inherent in thisproblem. in particular, user agents which cache credentials areencouraged to provide a readily accessible mechanism for discardingcached credentials under user control.15.7 proxies and cachingby their very nature, http proxies are men-in-the-middle, andrepresent an opportunity for man-in-the-middle attacks. compromise ofthe systems on which the proxies run can result in serious securityand privacy problems. proxies have access to security-relatedinformation, personal information about individual users andorganizations, and proprietary information belonging to users andcontent providers. a compromised proxy, or a proxy implemented orconfigured without regard to security and privacy considerations,might be used in the commission of a wide range of potential attacks.proxy operators should protect the systems on which proxies run asthey would protect any system that contains or transports sensitiveinformation. in particular, log information gathered at proxies oftencontains highly sensitive personal information, and/or informationabout organizations. log information should be carefully guarded, andappropriate guidelines for use developed and followed. (section15.1.1).fielding, et al. standards track [page 155]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999caching proxies provide additional potential vulnerabilities, sincethe contents of the cache represent an attractive target formalicious exploitation. because cache contents persist after an httprequest is complete, an attack on the cache can reveal informationlong after a user believes that the information has been removed fromthe network. therefore, cache contents should be protected assensitive information.proxy implementors should consider the privacy and securityimplications of their design and coding decisions, and of theconfiguration options they provide to proxy operators (especially thedefault configuration).users of a proxy need to be aware that they are no trustworthier thanthe people who run the proxy; http itself cannot solve this problem.the judicious use of cryptography, when appropriate, may suffice toprotect against a broad range of security and privacy attacks. suchcryptography is beyond the scope of the http/1.1 specification.15.7.1 denial of service attacks on proxiesthey exist. they are hard to defend against. research continues.beware.16 acknowledgmentsthis specification makes heavy use of the augmented bnf and genericconstructs defined by david h. crocker for rfc 822 [9]. similarly, itreuses many of the definitions provided by nathaniel borenstein andned freed for mime [7]. we hope that their inclusion in thisspecification will help reduce past confusion over the relationshipbetween http and internet mail message formats.the http protocol has evolved considerably over the years. it hasbenefited from a large and active developer community--the manypeople who have participated on the www-talk mailing list--and it isthat community which has been most responsible for the success ofhttp and of the world-wide web in general. marc andreessen, robertcailliau, daniel w. connolly, bob denny, john franks, jean-francoisgroff, phillip m. hallam-baker, hakon w. lie, ari luotonen, robmccool, lou montulli, dave raggett, tony sanders, and marcvanheyningen deserve special recognition for their efforts indefining early aspects of the protocol.this document has benefited greatly from the comments of all thoseparticipating in the http-wg. in addition to those already mentioned,the following individuals have contributed to this specification:fielding, et al. standards track [page 156]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999gary adams ross pattersonharald tveit alvestrand albert lundekeith ball john c. mallerybrian behlendorf jean-philippe martin-flatinpaul burchard mitramaurizio codogno david morrismike cowlishaw gavin nicolroman czyborra bill perrymichael a. dolan jeffrey perrydavid j. fiander scott powersalan freier owen reesmarc hedlund luigi rizzogreg herlihy david robinsonkoen holtman marc salomonalex hopmann rich salzbob jernigan allan m. schiffmanshel kaphan jim seidmanrohit khare chuck shottonjohn klensin eric w. sinkmartijn koster simon e. speroalexei kosut richard n. taylordavid m. kristol robert s. thaudaniel laliberte bill (bearheart) weinmanben laurie francois yergeaupaul j. leach mary ellen zurkodaniel dubois josh cohenmuch of the content and presentation of the caching design is due tosuggestions and comments from individuals including: shel kaphan,paul leach, koen holtman, david morris, and larry masinter.most of the specification of ranges is based on work originally doneby ari luotonen and john franks, with additional input from stevezilles.thanks to the "cave men" of palo alto. you know who you are.jim gettys (the current editor of this document) wishes particularlyto thank roy fielding, the previous editor of this document, alongwith john klensin, jeff mogul, paul leach, dave kristol, koenholtman, john franks, josh cohen, alex hopmann, scott lawrence, andlarry masinter for their help. and thanks go particularly to jeffmogul and scott lawrence for performing the "must/may/should" audit.fielding, et al. standards track [page 157]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999the apache group, anselm baird-smith, author of jigsaw, and henrikfrystyk implemented rfc 2068 early, and we wish to thank them for thediscovery of many of the problems that this document attempts torectify.17 references[1] alvestrand, h., "tags for the identification of languages", rfc1766, march 1995.[2] anklesaria, f., mccahill, m., lindner, p., johnson, d., torrey,d. and b. alberti, "the internet gopher protocol (a distributeddocument search and retrieval protocol)", rfc 1436, march 1993.[3] berners-lee, t., "universal resource identifiers in www", rfc1630, june 1994.[4] berners-lee, t., masinter, l. and m. mccahill, "uniform resourcelocators (url)", rfc 1738, december 1994.[5] berners-lee, t. and d. connolly, "hypertext markup language -2.0", rfc 1866, november 1995.[6] berners-lee, t., fielding, r. and h. frystyk, "hypertext transferprotocol -- http/1.0", rfc 1945, may 1996.[7] freed, n. and n. borenstein, "multipurpose internet mailextensions (mime) part one: format of internet message bodies",rfc 2045, november 1996.[8] braden, r., "requirements for internet hosts -- communicationlayers", std 3, rfc 1123, october 1989.[9] crocker, d., "standard for the format of arpa internet textmessages", std 11, rfc 822, august 1982.[10] davis, f., kahle, b., morris, h., salem, j., shen, t., wang, r.,sui, j., and m. grinbaum, "wais interface protocol prototypefunctional specification," (v1.5), thinking machinescorporation, april 1990.[11] fielding, r., "relative uniform resource locators", rfc 1808,june 1995.[12] horton, m. and r. adams, "standard for interchange of usenetmessages", rfc 1036, december 1987.fielding, et al. standards track [page 158]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999[13] kantor, b. and p. lapsley, "network news transfer protocol", rfc977, february 1986.[14] moore, k., "mime (multipurpose internet mail extensions) partthree: message header extensions for non-ascii text", rfc 2047,november 1996.[15] nebel, e. and l. masinter, 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alphabet, iso-8859-6, 1987.part 7: latin/greek alphabet, iso-8859-7, 1987.part 8: latin/hebrew alphabet, iso-8859-8, 1988.part 9: latin alphabet no. 5, iso-8859-9, 1990.[23] meyers, j. and m. rose, "the content-md5 header field", rfc1864, october 1995.[24] carpenter, b. and y. rekhter, "renumbering needs work", rfc1900, february 1996.[25] deutsch, p., "gzip file format specification version 4.3", rfc1952, may 1996.fielding, et al. standards track [page 159]rfc 2616 http/1.1 june 1999[26] venkata n. padmanabhan, and jeffrey c. mogul. 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[jg646][44] luotonen, a., "tunneling tcp based protocols through web proxyservers," work in progress. [jg647][45] palme, j. and a. hopmann, "mime e-mail encapsulation ofaggregate documents, such as html (mhtml)", rfc 2110, march1997.[46] bradner, s., "the internet standards process -- revision 3", bcp9, rfc 2026, october 1996.[47] masinter, l., "hyper text coffee pot control protocol(htcpcp/1.0)", rfc 2324, 1 april 1998.[48] freed, n. and n. borenstein, "multipurpose internet mailextensions (mime) part five: conformance criteria and examples",rfc 2049, november 1996.[49] troost, r., dorner, s. and k. moore, "communicating presentationinformation in internet messages: the content-disposition headerfield", rfc 2183, august 1997.
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